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File 132169380422.jpg - (39.97KB , 675x351 , Minami Chiaki from Toradora.jpg )
7336 No. 7336 [Edit]

when is still up in the air, though…
>> No. 7338 [Edit]
Very nice, you made my day. I love this show.

More Kana is always welcome.
>> No. 7340 [Edit]
This confirms it! The teaser months ago was true! You just made my day, brother.

Oh man, more screentime for my long time waifu. The series is great even if she weren't my waifu anyway.

I've watched that rock kicking part countless times, by the way.
>> No. 7345 [Edit]
I guess the important question is, which of the two studios will be doing it?

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