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File 132164110717.png - (1.45MB , 1920x1080 , snow.png )
7321 No. 7321 [Edit]
It's winter, what are some snowy anime?
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>> No. 7323 [Edit]
File 132164153269.jpg - (92.45KB , 580x764 , mushishisnowsolo.jpg )
>> No. 7327 [Edit]
Disappearance of Haruhi comes to mind
>> No. 7328 [Edit]
File 132166045319.jpg - (127.19KB , 400x400 , Kanon-2006.jpg )
Here's a painfully obvious one.
>> No. 7334 [Edit]
File 132168320370.jpg - (38.38KB , 870x364 , winter-sonata.jpg )
Winter Sonata (korean production).
>> No. 7339 [Edit]
Minami-ke: Okawari, the whole season takes place in the winter if I remember correctly.
>> No. 7341 [Edit]
Not really I think. I remember alot more fall than winter but I guess it can count since it's a cold season too.
>> No. 7482 [Edit]
File 132265484810.jpg - (159.39KB , 1280x960 , zero_4.jpg )
>> No. 7483 [Edit]

>> No. 7489 [Edit]
I loved the snowy eps of MuShiShi
>> No. 7493 [Edit]
Uhh...First Squad: The Moment of Truth? It's set in the eastern front during winter. I've actually yet to watch it myself (had it in my HD forever). I heard the story was crap but the animation itself was good so it sounds worth-watching.

And speaking of snowy anime, it's a real shame Japan has never bothered to make an anime of Snow Country (Yukiguni). I suppose such works are more inclined towards live action, but if there were a good director, an anime adaptation of it would be quite fantastic.

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