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File 132130267671.jpg - (759.60KB , 1024x768 , Penguins.jpg )
7191 No. 7191 [Edit]
The last one died, and I felt like making a new one. Go for it.

pic ~somewhat~ related?
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>> No. 7192 [Edit]
An anime about 3 cute penguins day to day shenanigans and middle school adventures.
>> No. 7199 [Edit]
anyone remember the person who talked about the idea of a genetically-engineered supersoldier who post-war tries to live in a civilian society? I remember it posted on the past thread.
>> No. 7317 [Edit]
Sounds like the prequel to Mawaru Penguindrum
>> No. 7320 [Edit]
File 132163432381.jpg - (52.00KB , 500x375 , Penguins.jpg )
>> No. 8151 [Edit]
File 132659902137.jpg - (15.98KB , 248x336 , 250px-Pygoscelis_papua.jpg )
a penguin who travels the world to become king of the penguins

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