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File 13210938946.jpg - (106.31KB , 720x480 , shot0004.jpg )
7146 No. 7146 [Edit]
/an/, who would win in a fight between onizuka and golden boy?
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>> No. 7165 [Edit]
I'd have to say Golden Boy. He's just more well traveled and experienced and could dish out quite the whoppin', being a nomad and all.
>> No. 7175 [Edit]
Onizuka has the power of immunity through misfortune, the most powerful immunity of all.
>> No. 7180 [Edit]
I was about to type Onizuka but I forgot that Kintaro knows kenpo...
>> No. 7210 [Edit]
File 132134125895.png - (594.77KB , 720x480 , grab15940.png )
>> No. 7218 [Edit]
That's actually kind of hard to answer.

I think no one would win. If anyone had an advantage it would be Kintaro though.

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