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File 132070578552.jpg - (100.61KB , 1280x720 , grab03157.jpg )
7088 No. 7088 [Edit]
If you have not seen this OVA/film yet, check it out. The animation and art is absolutely amazing in it. Reminds me a lot of Bladerunner/Deus Ex in a way. It's a 3 part film but only part 1 has been subbed so far, but it still reveals quite a bit of the story.

'The story is about a girl named Rune Ballot who was taken in by a man named Shell who later killed her and left her for dead. She is saved and turned into a cyborg. It is up to her to stop Shell and his evil gang.'
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>> No. 7089 [Edit]
File 132070605419.jpg - (103.85KB , 1280x720 , grab02520.jpg )
>> No. 7090 [Edit]
First time hearing of it. Will check it out.
>> No. 7091 [Edit]
File 132070615976.jpg - (80.83KB , 1280x720 , grab04337.jpg )
>> No. 7092 [Edit]
It was somewhat interesting but I didn't like any of the characters at all
>> No. 7093 [Edit]
File 132070672577.jpg - (132.70KB , 1280x720 , [QTS] Mardock Scramble The First Compression -Comp.jpg )
It was alright, but it's no Ghost in the Shell or anything.
>> No. 7094 [Edit]
I've had it on my HD for awhile but refused to watch it until all 3 parts are out. Do you think each part can stand alone well enough to not warrant waiting or no?
>> No. 7095 [Edit]
I'd wait, personally. I watched it ahead of time since I'm inpatient. But the Blu-ray for part 2 is not due to come out for at least 3 more months, then we still have to wait on 3.

If you don't mind waiting I'd hold off.
>> No. 7096 [Edit]
>She is saved and turned into a cyborg. It is up to her to stop Shell and his evil gang.
Sounds very cliche. Probably another anime where they scribbled the script during a washroom break in 5 minutes before starting the filming. The director and screenplay writer names dont sound too promising either. If someone like Oshii was involved, I would be all over it, but this... I'll wait untill all movies are out.
>> No. 7099 [Edit]
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>> No. 7100 [Edit]
>> No. 7122 [Edit]
File 132079145725.jpg - (267.66KB , 1000x871 , woohoo.jpg )
Watched part one it's pretty good. They only had one cliche in there waiting for part two.
>> No. 7123 [Edit]
I guess the story might be a bit cliche; but then again nearly every anime produce these days is one itself.

What this reminds me of is the golden days of the 1980s OVA market. They churned them out all the time, and they had great animation, sound and characters, but the stories tended to be pretty dull. This is such the case in some aspects, but the story actually is quite complex and deep (going by the light novels and manga, anyway) once you get past the fact it's a story of revenge. I assume this OVA will follow suit and be worth the watch either way.

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