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File 132064602157.jpg - (70.62KB , 550x472 , 1233769883207.jpg )
7052 No. 7052 [Edit]
Tomoe wins saimoe
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>> No. 7053 [Edit]
wow, what a surprise.....
I knew this saimoe was going to be a enormous pile of crap, more so then before.
For the past few years they've been completely disregarding moe and just selecting the most people characters from the most popular shows.
>> No. 7054 [Edit]
Bots ruined it.
>> No. 7055 [Edit]
Saimoe is just general proof how shit taste people have.
>> No. 7056 [Edit]
I blame casuals that took it over once information about it really got out to the public.
each character from that crappy show having 200+ votes over their competition reeks of casual anime viewers voting for the only anime they've seen in the past year.
having the top 3 characters all from the same show is all the proof anyone should need of how bs this has gotten.

I bet things would have turned out very differently if they had a rule requiring that you know who the characters are that are facing off before you can vote for one of them.
>> No. 7059 [Edit]
I am disappointed but not surprised.
>> No. 7064 [Edit]

You don't seem to realise how popular Madoka is in Japan.

It's not "casual anime viewers".
>> No. 7066 [Edit]
I stand by my statement.
>> No. 7067 [Edit]
Damn it, for a second I thought Tomoe Kashiwaba from RM had miraculously won it.
>> No. 7068 [Edit]
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Your statement was pretty ignorant.

>I blame casuals that took it over once information about it really got out to the public.
>having the top 3 characters all from the same show is all the proof anyone should need of how bs this has gotten.

Really? Madoka is the most popular show of the milennium among the otaku on 2ch. I think it already has more art on Pixiv than Haruhi and K-ON combined. The Madoka characters were the clear favourites before the competition even began and a dedicated effort had to be made to eliminate Akemi Homura who probably would have gone on to win the whole thing.
>> No. 7069 [Edit]
regardless of what you think of madoka, i dont think mami is a particularly moe character
>> No. 7070 [Edit]

>For the past few years they've been completely disregarding moe and just selecting the most people characters from the most popular shows.

Actually it has always been that way. Saimoe is a popularity contest.


>Akemi Homura who probably would have gone on to win the whole thing

Yup, like >>7054 said, Biribiri bots kinda ruined it. Homura would have won if not for them. Not like I really care that much, though.

And yeah Tohno, you don't seem to realize just how huge Madoka is in Japan.
>> No. 7071 [Edit]
There was a ton of /ns/ material being made of Tomoe, so I guess that I could sort of have seen it coming.
>> No. 7075 [Edit]
popular does not mean good, and I didin't say it wasin't popular, I said the oposite in fact, that this saimoe was ruined becuase of that show and it's popularity with people outside of the normal anime fandom, not that it was a whole lot better the years before.
and there is nothing moe about that pile of shit anime, it only pretends to be for irony.

the top 3 spaces going to characters from the same grim dark peace of crap anime in a saimoe with 4 in the over all top ten, that's complete horse shit, and if this was any other contest, people would call it rigged.

Post edited on 7th Nov 2011, 11:06am
>> No. 7076 [Edit]
I've never watched that show but from what I've seen none of the characters are particularly moe. Can't say I'm really disappointed because internet polls are worthless anyway and I expected nothing else
>> No. 7077 [Edit]
> popular does not mean good.
I'm trying really hard, but I can't find something that implicates that in his reply.

And you probably know this already, but moe is not a very well, universally defined term.

And Madoka actually was one of the best shows of that year.
>> No. 7078 [Edit]
sorry, I guess what I should have said was 'popular does not mean moe '
You must be out of your mind if you're trying to imply the characters from that show are moe, if anything the whole damn thing was anti-moe.

also, this

Post edited on 7th Nov 2011, 11:23am
>> No. 7079 [Edit]

>if this was any other contest, people would call it rigged.

It's a 2ch contest and Madoka is really, really popular on 2ch, so yeah.

Like you said it's a popularity contest and Madoka is really in a league of its own in terms of popularity.
>> No. 7081 [Edit]

'People outside of the normal anime fandom' don't vote in Saimoe.


>regardless of what you think of madoka, i dont think mami is a particularly moe character


>and there is nothing moe about that pile of shit anime, it only pretends to be for irony.


>I've never watched that show but from what I've seen none of the characters are particularly moe.

You do realize it doesn't get much more subjective than moe, right? We could discuss if some characters are cute because even though different people find different things cute most ideas about what's cute and what's not kinda overlap at least. I'm not sure if we could reach any consensus but it's not impossible. It definitely is impossible when it comes to moe.

Hell, I know a guy who's obssesed with Tachikomas and probably own every piece of official Tachikoma-related merchandise ever made. He says just looking at them is enough to destroy his nutbladder and nothing ever came close to Tachikoma's moeness. He even made a spoiler pic with a Tachikoma that was the thing that showed up when you spoilered pics back in the day on /m/.
I don't see it but hey, if he thinks they're moe then I'm fine with it.

And again, Saimoe is not about moe. It's a popularity contest.
>> No. 7082 [Edit]
No, I don't think it's particularity moe myself. Except maybe Charlotte(doll version), but that's probably just me.

Also, I was saying that he was saying that it's not just because of casuals that Madoka was winning, but that is is very popular with non-casuals too. Not that it should have won or anything like that.
>> No. 7084 [Edit]

>Except maybe Charlotte

If we're talking about the design only then I agree, it is kinda moe.

As for other chracters from the show... Well, Madoka, maybe. Not sure about Homura. Can't see any moe-ness in Mami, Kyouko or Sayaka. I was rooting for Kyouko from the beginning because of Nonaka Ai.Not like I thought Kyouko could actually win.
>> No. 7098 [Edit]
File 13207111133.jpg - (126.11KB , 960x720 , d41bc5029dc2019065659c6797fefc50.jpg )
I thought Madoka was brilliant and even I am perplexed by this result.

Post edited on 7th Nov 2011, 4:13pm
>> No. 7101 [Edit]
File 132071422629.jpg - (24.06KB , 492x388 , Saturn_3.jpg )
I always knew Tomoe would win saimoe one day.
>> No. 7103 [Edit]
And not a single fuck was given.

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