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File 129198701330.jpg - (69.15KB , 1280x720 , fuuga.jpg )
701 No. 701
Good animation, but the story is very very skimmed. It seems to be a total reboot, as to which I'm not sure why they would do so. Still fun to watch if one is already familiar with the series. It's much more graphic than the original madhouse adaptation.

Also, huga.
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>> No. 703
File 129198714094.jpg - (51.29KB , 720x480 , Kaibutsu_Oujo-Huga.jpg )
I just hope it has driving flan like in the original madhouse animation.
>> No. 704
File 129198719050.jpg - (59.50KB , 720x480 , Kaibutsu_Oujo-Hugar.jpg )

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