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File 132026331044.jpg - (331.36KB , 1024x739 , fruits-basket-lovely-girl-31000.jpg )
6984 No. 6984 [Edit]
Fruits Basket general discussion
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>> No. 6985 [Edit]
Very nice show.

Tohru soooo should have gone with yuki in the end.

I freaking hated Sohma so darn much! he's such a dick!
>> No. 6987 [Edit]
I got the box for two bucks, have not watched that far yet but that crazy wharthog that was after Sohma clearly wanted to fuck him.
>> No. 6990 [Edit]
File 132027770351.png - (252.60KB , 398x702 , NO.png )
A simply outstanding series, without no waste, from the days when I still thought anime could turn me into a better person (I mean: if Toru could take all that shit with a sincere smile...) and one of the few that ever made me really burst in tears -or, what is even stronger, to laugh (sardonically) into tears.

I once read that Nagisa, from Clannad, was arguably the ultimate model for what would make the perfect wife. For me, and following the presumable criteria, Nagisa is amazing indeed but Toru still beats her for the title, any day and hands down; without spoiling much about her, I'll just say that so much goodness together should be able to break even the ice in the hearths of the most rotten scum within us: that if she can't make us open up, as we fall for her, maybe nothing will.

Anyway! a trully great old-school show, like they aren't made anymore. Also a reverse harem, so little frequent, and an example of a good timing ending (since the further manga developing wasn't just as good, IMO). I still hope for a decent figure of Toru to be released someday (garage kit or whatever)... I guess I still love her.

>Tohru soooo should have gone with yuki in the end.

Post edited on 2nd Nov 2011, 4:56pm
>> No. 6995 [Edit]
Tohru was such a nice girl.

I loved that scene
>> No. 7022 [Edit]
I'll just leave this here...


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