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File 131987676081.jpg - (616.12KB , 1912x1076 , Untitled-1.jpg )
6909 No. 6909 [Edit]
Does anyone else feel bad about an anime they watch and like, even though they know it's crap? What are your guilty pleasures /an/? Pic related. I can't get enough Wendy/Levy/Happy.
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>> No. 6910 [Edit]
When I was Still kind of new to anime I liked a lot of crap.
Kind of hard to say though, I mean, if I thought it was crap, chances are I wouldn't say I liked it.

I really liked Ai Yori Aoshi, although people hate on that a lot, so I guess one could call that crap.
At the time, I thought Soul Link was pretty cool, but I probably wont be watching that one any time soon, and word is from many that it was awful.
Found Izumo: Takeki Tsurugi no Senki rather interesting and it's also what many would probably call crap.

But as for shows I knew were bad as I was watching them.. hmm...
Didn't think Rosario + Vampire was half bad at all, although I can't say the same for the second season...
I honestly found MM! amusing and dare I say enjoyable.
and I thought Grenadier was pretty darn nice, but I'm sure many would not like it.
maybe, queen's blade, liked it enough to watch both seasons anyway, found the setting and concept kind of interesting is all, Watched for Nanael, but stayed for Airi.
>> No. 6911 [Edit]
File 131987963626.jpg - (238.85KB , 1280x1273 , 1319855324132.jpg )
Would you lick Wendy's armpits /an/?
>> No. 6912 [Edit]
I've got a lot of guilty pleasures, come to think of it...

The one that springs immediately to mind (other than the most obvious choice) is Rosario + Vampire. I dunno, maybe crap is a harsh word - I can say that I ended up genuinely liking the alternate Moka (the more...vampire-y one) and Mizore. But those are like, the two reasons I bothered with finishing the first season. Didn't even bother with Capu2. Watched the first three episodes and gave up. I liked the manga, though, thought it was paced way better. Oh, the OP's were catchy as all hell, too. I've got a lot of attachment towards this series, I guess.

It reminded me of that old Scooby Doo movie. The one where they go to the school full of the girl monsters, just...moe~

Now I might waste today away by watching Rosario + Vampire again...Probably not, though - I'd like to get caught up with the more recent shows I'm interested in.
>> No. 6913 [Edit]

White haired Moka I liked more than Pink. The protag should've been arrested for trying to make her disappear. What a fag.
>> No. 6915 [Edit]
I liked oreimo, and kirino was my favorite character
>> No. 6918 [Edit]
Another for R+V, I guess. I never really liked it, though, I just watched it for the fanservice and then went back to the manga which I did legitimately enjoy.

OreImo wasn't crap. Kirino was my favorite character, too.
>> No. 6920 [Edit]
No, it was, you're clearly being blinded by your interest in tsundere.
Once you look past the blatant tsundere and incest pandering, you can see the show for how shallow and lowbrow it truly is.
>> No. 6923 [Edit]
I liked all the characters, I just liked Kirino the most. I knew there wasn't going to be any incest, so I wasn't watching for that. I just thought it was a fun show with surprisingly high production values.
>> No. 6924 [Edit]
I liked kuroneko and kirino on about the same level. The ovas might have put kuroneko ahead though
>> No. 6927 [Edit]

I have no interest in tsundere. I'm more of a genki man. Nonetheless, Kirino ended up as my favourite. Your assertions do not encompass everybody.
>> No. 6929 [Edit]
Make a thread about shamelessly enjoying crappy anime.
Call a popular anime crap.
Get a derailed thread filled with buttrage about said anime.

Cool story Brohnos.

Seriously, who didn't see this coming when this thread was made?

Post edited on 29th Oct 2011, 9:44pm
>> No. 6930 [Edit]
No one is raging.
>> No. 6931 [Edit]
I'd have said butthurt, but people tend to look down on that term around here.
>> No. 6932 [Edit]
I can name plenty of characters I liked from shows I'd call crap without second thought.
Doesn't mean the show wasn't crap, it only means I liked a character from a crappy show.
Example; raildex.
There's more to a show/story then just the characters.
Look at the typical harem anime, most people will agree standard harem anime is crap, yet they're built around the idea of trotting out likable mary-sue characters.

Post edited on 29th Oct 2011, 10:38pm
>> No. 6956 [Edit]
File 13200994687.jpg - (1.00MB , 3400x2914 , KoihimeMusou_DeliciousCandy.jpg )
Koihime Musou

I eat up every season they pump out... like candy.
>> No. 6959 [Edit]
Koihime Musou wasn't crap.
>> No. 6961 [Edit]
File 132010202860.jpg - (38.55KB , 480x272 , KoihimeMusou19.jpg )

Completely didn't read that part.
All I read was "What are your guilty pleasures?"

However, if I had to pick something on topic from the series, it would be the dick swans. I shouldn't enjoy it... but I do.

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