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File 129194155578.jpg - (76.48KB , 1024x576 , minami-ke-okaeri-12.jpg )
688 No. 688
My opinion is that shows that are drawn with pointy chins are bad shows.
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>> No. 689
>Minami-ke: Okaeri

That's the problem there. It's a pretty bad show compared to the first season.
>> No. 691
File 129194318291.jpg - (240.95KB , 500x500 , gyakkyoburaikaijiorigin.jpg )
Take that back you motherfucker.

...Actually, I can't remember how many people had pointy chins other than Kaiji himself in the show.
>> No. 692
Yes, the first season was wonderful, a tremendous accomplishment, however that image is just there to serve as an example of pointy chins.
>> No. 693
File 129194340989.jpg - (59.70KB , 1280x720 , azusa.jpg )
Did you just call all of anime bad?
>> No. 695
He certainly did. We must hang him!
>> No. 710
File 129203167963.png - (903.31KB , 640x480 , shot0001.png )
here is an example of a kawaii, non-pointy chin for all you people who can't tell the difference between quality chins and chins that were salvaged from a saitama landfill.
>> No. 711
I see a point.
>> No. 714
File 12920431996.jpg - (24.60KB , 704x400 , sola1.jpg )
You really should reconsider, OP.
>> No. 715
Oh dammit, is that what they really look like in S3?

Fuck that shit. I could barely handle the sudden art shift in S2.
>> No. 716
File 129204777580.jpg - (283.21KB , 1280x720 , [Ayu]_Minami-ke_Okawari_13_[720p_H264_AAC][3A32261.jpg )
I think they were going for a mix of the art from season 1&2, but just gave birth to an abomination.
As bad as season 2's art was, I did get used to it after some time.
>> No. 723
Like I said, only the first season of Minami-ke was good. The other seasons were complete shit, I didn't enjoy them as much as the first. And the art of season 3 was a complete abomination. I still couldn't get used to the art of season 2.
>> No. 734
I've enjoyed S2 after getting used to the art style, but it's not even close to S1.

Is the manga worth picking up? What with S3's terrible art, and how I'd like to keep going with this series.

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