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6764 No. 6764 [Edit]
I recently downloaded the Record of Lodoss War OVA, and it's very good. After I watched it I started thinking about fantasy anime and realized that there's a surprising lack of it. Why is there so little fantasy anime? Does Japan just not like fantasy or what? It's frustrating for me as fantasy is one of my favorite genres. Do any of you have suggestions as to good fantasy animes?

Pic related, Berserk's a good example of fantasy done well.
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>> No. 6765 [Edit]
Fantasy used to be kind of big in the late 80's with stuff like Dragon Quest and Final Fantasy, and actually spawned quite a few mangas and anime (Dragon Half, Guin Saga, Slayers.

It just isn't popular now, it was a short boom like mecha but hasn't really had the same level of constant small series like mecha did.
>> No. 6766 [Edit]
Which series from the boom would you suggest? I'm downloading one of the Slayers OVAs right now, I've heard it's pretty good. Fantasy as a genre has so much potential, it's sad that it rarely is used.
>> No. 6767 [Edit]
Hmm, try the aforementioned Dragon Half if you don't mind some great comedy, but for more story oriented fantasy I suppose I can think of a few. Also keep in mind that not all that was produced was very good, just like most mecha, harem, SoL and whatever else is the trend at the time isn't very good.

Vinland Saga
Guin Saga (again)
Nausicaa and Howl's Moving Castle and Princess Mononoke if you want some Ghibli.
Princess Tutu (although more Germanic fairytale than gritty fantasy)

And those are just a few I recalled off the top of my head, if you really want more just look around but I doubt you will find much outside the realm of untranslated manga. Stuff like Lodoss War and Berserk are pretty rare, so I guess you just have to deal with it.
>> No. 6768 [Edit]
Download the slayers series, the OVA's are fun but have nothing to do with the "main" story.
Don't bother with Slayers Revolution or Evolution-R unless you need a slayers fix.

The Weathering Continent was a fun movie but it's really short.
Heroic Legend of Arslan is also a fun series.
I never really liked El Hazard but it might be what you are looking for.
If you don't mind asian fantasy you should definitely watch the 12 kingdoms.

And before I forget Mahou Senshi Louie, it's part of the Lodoss world but it takes place on a different continent and unlike Lodoss it's a comedy show.
>> No. 6770 [Edit]

Where do you see fantasy elements in Vinland Saga (aside from superhuman strength of course)?

Level E's Color Rangers arc was brilliant in my opinion. If it would get a spin-off seris I would totally watch it.

Gintama also has two fantasy/RPG arcs: Monster
Hunter arc and DQ arc. The Monster Hunter arc was subpar, the DQ one was great.

And like >>6768 said, you should definitely watch Juuni Kokuki/Twelve Kingdoms. My favorite fantasy series (Slayers is a close second).

Aside from that there's Seirei no Moribito (not a fan) and tons of others that are supposedly good but I can't comment on that as I haven't seen them: Druaga, Basilisk, Scrapped Princess... Escaflowne was decent but it was more of a mecha series than fantasy.
>> No. 6776 [Edit]
There was Kemono no Souja Erin (written by the same author as seirei no moribito) that aired a couple years ago. Most people found it slow/boring but I loved the shit out of it.
>> No. 6779 [Edit]
Thanks for all the recommendations, brohnos. I'll try to check out all of them (although that will take me quite a while). What do you guys think of fantasy as a whole? Not just in anime, mind you, but also in books and movies and whatnot. I think it's underdeveloped, most works just coast on what Tolkien wrote.
>> No. 6782 [Edit]
I adored Moribito but part of why it got so much praise was that it was non-typical for fantasy; that said I haven't watched or read fantasy in a long time so I can't agree or disagree.

Part of what I liked was the artwork/scenery, like the grand Asian-style palaces in episode 5.
>> No. 6783 [Edit]
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Cant recommend 12 Kingdoms enough. IMHO, its not only one of the best fantasy, but one of the best anime that has been made in the last 20 years. It takes place in a unique, medieval China based world, and has great character cast.
Seirei no Moribito is simmilar, it had better fightsm but the whole series didnt feel as good, the ending was, frankly, disappointing.

>most works just coast on what Tolkien wrote.
If only. Most fantasy anime are more like DND abortions. Serious fantasy anime with at least somewhat logical world? Screw that, here, have some magical explosions, pantyshots and cute elves doing cute elfy fanservice things.
>> No. 6785 [Edit]
True. When I said based off Tolkien, I meant they had Tolkienesque races and worlds. D&D was based heavily on Tolkiens' work. But I do agree with you in that they're often atrocious. Like you said, no real logic, if there's anything that doesn't make sense they just say "it's magic" or try to retcon their way out of it.
I watched part of Seirei no Moribito and it interested me, but midway through I began to suspect the show would have a dry, boring stretch it would never break out of. Was I right?
>> No. 6786 [Edit]
Not a big fan of it, to be honest. I just personally prefer SCIENCE over MAGIC most of the time.
>> No. 6788 [Edit]
>but midway through I began to suspect the show would have a dry, boring stretch
It had a SOL part in the middle. I wouldnt call it dry, it was... relaxing, and the characters had a chance to form some bobding between each other.
But the end is more action-packed.
>> No. 6800 [Edit]

>And before I forget Mahou Senshi Louie, it's part of the Lodoss world but it takes place on a different continent and unlike Lodoss it's a comedy show.

I need to rewatch this.
Had no idea it was connected to Record of Lodoss.

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