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File 131838455911.png - (677.49KB , 640x360 , shot0004.png )
6578 No. 6578 [Edit]
I set myself up so I can watch anime in the bath.
Never in my life have I taken it so easy.
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>> No. 6579 [Edit]
Please tell me you didn't just put your laptop on the edge of the tub
>> No. 6581 [Edit]
File 131838567037.png - (827.99KB , 704x400 , shot0006.png )
>> No. 6593 [Edit]
File 131845030611.png - (106.88KB , 1349x575 , -an- - Anime_1318461048833.png )
Capped so you guys don't forget.
>> No. 6604 [Edit]
I am spoilering this for the sake of 6597-kun, but its not really a spoiler

the scene near the end of Melancholy part 6 (last ep of the first season in original broadcast order) when Kyon falls out of bed (the source of OP pic). He is shown in his bed clothes full body length shot right after waking up and should have been tented like three ring circus, but instead wasn't. I've had similar dreams and I found this very unrealistic. Anyone else noticed this?

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