No. 9173
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Their version of time travel in this show is makes no sense to me.
Where is the causality, why do they ignore the idea of physical paradox?
There just so happens to be a therory on time travel that suggests the possibility of Alternate time lines, with the idea that that all the outcomes already exist and all time travel does is change which already existing branch you will experience, it's more parallel universes, but the way they explain it in this shown is as only time travel with one single path that branched out as a result of their time traveling into the past and fucking with things.
but they have also already established many times now that these are different worlds, with in events happen slightly differently, and killing your other self has no effect on you.
I may be mistaken, but it really sounds like they're mixing up the different theories and rules on time travel, almost like the creators couldn't decide which version of time travel to settle on, so they just took convenient parts from all of them and mixed it up.
and here's a silly question, but wouldin't yuno run into her god self who also went back in time to kill her first self? Am I to assume that, if the oldest yuno killed the second yuno who just became a god, that it would also not affect her?
They say in one theory, the grandfather paradox can be avoided since even if the time traveler's grandfather is killed at a young age in the new timeline, he still survived to have children in the original timeline, so there is still a causal explanation for the traveler's existence, but I don't think that applies when it's your past self that you're killing.
Maybe I'm just to stupid, but I can't understand how killing your past self would have no effect on you unless there are parallel universes created for every instance of medaling in the past, but if that was the case, why aren't there more parallel relativity depicted here? why do they call them the first second and third world? wouldn't there be infinite worlds? or is the death of yuno the only event capable of creating an alternate universe?
I'm so confused...
Post edited on 2nd Apr 2012, 7:40pm