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File 131788729478.jpg - (83.04KB , 600x600 , 15347922_m.jpg )
6427 No. 6427 [Edit]
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>> No. 6428 [Edit]
why is ritsu..... oh, that's right... token black person for politically correct racial diversity...
>> No. 6429 [Edit]
Mugi as a crossdresser man
Ritsu as blackface
Yui as Woody the Woodpecker
Mio as cooky chinese restaurant owner
>> No. 6432 [Edit]
File 131792773628.jpg - (44.47KB , 615x346 , thankyouamerica.jpg )
Is this somehow in the trend of the american -Miku, as an ironic way of calling against pop-occidental parameters and standards polluting vocaloid, anime or anything within otaku culture?

If it is, I support it completely (I can't even stand dubs).
>> No. 6433 [Edit]
>> No. 6434 [Edit]
which one is going to be the one in a wheelchair
>> No. 6437 [Edit]
Probably Yui
>> No. 6438 [Edit]
Is yui supposed to be Hispanic?
>> No. 6442 [Edit]
Eso parece.
>> No. 6446 [Edit]
>> No. 6485 [Edit]
>> No. 6527 [Edit]
God, the fucking blackface racism. It BURRRRNS.

Shit, they can still be black/hispanic/etc just make them look cute.
>> No. 6535 [Edit]
It's like someone took over this post halfway through.

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