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6411 No. 6411 [Edit]
Does anyone else get the impression that in the last year or so there has been a steep decline in the production of quality ecchi shows (not including OVAe of course)?
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>> No. 6412 [Edit]
There's such a thing as quality ecchi shows?
>> No. 6414 [Edit]
I guess there is if you like ecchi. Seitokai Yakuindomo is often listed as ecchi and I enjoyed it quite a bit.
>> No. 6415 [Edit]
Do you mean like animation/production value quality or just general enjoyability-factor wise?
>> No. 6431 [Edit]
The Tokyo Youth Protection and Nurturing Ordinance restricts a tremendous amount of what can be shown in broadcast shows for the roughly 1/3 of Japan that lives in the Tokyo region. When Tokyo governor for life Ishihara drops dead (he turns 80 next year) anime might be able to return to it's fanservice traditions, but until then you'll have to fap to older material.
>> No. 6609 [Edit]
>The Tokyo Youth Protection and Nurturing Ordinance

wow, that sounds orwellian as fuck. its the find of term that seems like it belongs in a neo-toyko anime with an authoritarian military government, or maybe like something from modern china. i guess tokyo and beijing aren't actually all that different anymore.
>> No. 6676 [Edit]
Well, let's hope Gokujou will be good.
>> No. 6704 [Edit]
God damn, I miss pantsu in anime so fucking much.
Its not even really anime without pantsu.
Since when did Tokyo become more conservative than the bible belt?
>> No. 6892 [Edit]
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