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File 131774988870.jpg - (358.23KB , 1280x720 , [Ahodomo] Maji de Watashi ni Koi Shinasai! - 01 [7.jpg )
6403 No. 6403 [Edit]
I think you guys should check this out.

The first episode was not bad.
>> No. 6404 [Edit]
How is it compared to the VN? Was anything changed?
>> No. 6410 [Edit]

I wish I could tell you, but I am currently downloading it. Many say that the intro was more action based, and didn't focus enough on character introduction... but I say they had to do something in order to break from the SoL mold people are used to in order to hook in viewers.

I think they did a good job of doing so.
>> No. 6416 [Edit]
Apparently the first episode had the climax of Momoyo's route.
>> No. 6420 [Edit]

You mean the MC doesn't even get to be with her at the end?

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