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File 129185091971.png - (376.98KB , 640x480 , 1291263241639.png )
640 No. 640
/an/ tell what anime you think fits into the category of "shows or movies that makes the standard media reviewer cum in their pants". This isn't the normal list of shows that anime enthusiasts go for, although I think a lot of them are popular, but I mean shows that would fit in with the film festival crowd.

Spirited Away obviously makes the list and I would add
Lain, Bartender & House of Five Leaves as well.
Any others?
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>> No. 641
File 129185251338.jpg - (455.06KB , 850x2002 , 1272747369782.jpg )
>> No. 642
Obvious stuff like Satoshi Kon and Miyazaki works. Probably Masaaki Yuasa's stuff, too.
>> No. 645
File 129186258378.jpg - (289.74KB , 2560x1585 , akira_10011.jpg )
Akira I guess. Evangelion is also appreciated at film festivals.

Otherwise, stuff like Ergo Proxy or Shigurui.
>> No. 646
File 129186621046.jpg - (163.92KB , 806x600 , 1220840364393.jpg )
Yeah, all their stuff are great.

My pick would be Dennou Coil. Fantastic animation, fantastic... everything, really, I'd say.
>> No. 839
Why did House of Five Leaves have such amazingly bad and incongruous and anachronistic music? It was a great show, but that music popping up that the end of each episode really broke the mood.
>> No. 840
Manglobe likes to do that with their shows from time to time, throw a modern twist into a series with a more classic theme. Samurai Champloo, for example. I enjoyed the music in Five Leaves myself.
>> No. 842
Lain because no one really "gets" it aside from the blatantly obvious face value stuff.
>> No. 844
Oh yeah, I like the music in the show itself a lot, just the opening and ending themes were really off.
>> No. 846
I was also put off by the opening at first, when I first saw the preview and heard the music I didn't really get it. The song really grew on me though. As for the ED, I didn't like it either and skipped it every time, so I do agree with you there.

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