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File 131759709062.jpg - (136.38KB , 512x384 , 1229665148827.jpg )
6369 No. 6369 [Edit]
In this thread, we challenge ourselves to find the worst possible recommendations on Mal.

If you liked Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei, you might like Lucky_☆_Star
>"Both Includes a lot of references of greats animes..So Funny "

If you liked Galaxy_Angel, you might like Kiddy_Grade, why?
>"Both are based on a scince fiction story."
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>> No. 6370 [Edit]
If you liked Neon Genesis Evangelion, you might like Mars of Destruction.
>Similar themes. Classical music used during fight sequences. A dad forcing his troubled son to wear a suit that he created in order to fight off an alien race.
>> No. 6371 [Edit]
Actually here's a worse one for Eva.

>♫same genres (Action, Sci-Fi, Mecha)♫

>♫i think Full Metal Panic! is a parody of Neon Genesis Evangelion♫
>♫iIf you ever wondered where the author of FMP! took his ideas from, then Neon Genesis Evangelion might be the answer♫

>♫Neon Genesis Evangelion is quite close to Full Metal panic because of the fighting scenes and the main charcters being male nearly children (Sousuke Sagara and Shinji Ikari have some things in common too, both are very obidient and extremely good at what they are doing)♫
>♫Neon Genesis Evangelion is a lot more serious though while Full Metal Panic has much comedy in it♫

>♫iif you liked Full Metal Panic! you should watch Neon Genesis Evangelion because it will help you understand more of the jokes in Full Metal Panic♫

Because Gundam didn't happen hurr

Post edited on 2nd Oct 2011, 4:31pm
>> No. 6372 [Edit]
If you liked Legend of the Galactic Heroes, you might like Hetalia Axis Powers.
>Anime for history buffs.

>> No. 6373 [Edit]
If you liked Boku no Pico, you might like Hetalia Axis Powers

>Boku no Pico is a heartwarming and hilarious coming-of-age story, with plenty of bishonen fanservice for the fangirls. Instead of personifying countries, it personifies aspects of the human psyche.

OK then
>> No. 6375 [Edit]
File 131760767639.jpg - (30.53KB , 438x463 , DoNotNormally.jpg )
I've never really used MAL.
Though, looking at it kind of reminds me of anime-planet.
>> No. 6389 [Edit]
It would be much easier and less time consuming to find all good ones, honestly. Not like there are many of them.
>> No. 6439 [Edit]
If you liked Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuuutsu, you might like Steins;Gate.

>If you wanted to sound smart you can always take the line from these shows and try saying it wearing a lab coat.

The only thing that makes sense with their recommendations, is that popular shows have tons of recommendations for other popular shows for not good reason other then them being popular and being the only shows the people giving the recommendations have seen.

After reading a bunch of these, I realised something.
these people aren't recommending similar shows, or shows that people might like if they liked the other, they're just recommending what they themselves like, regardless of it having anything to do with the attached show without care if it might be right for someone else.
basically it's all: "I like this, you should go watch it"

If you liked Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuuutsu, you might like Fruits Basket.
>Both are very popular titles. Furuba has some serious moments and comedy.

Post edited on 6th Oct 2011, 6:11pm
>> No. 6440 [Edit]
I actually couldn't find a bad rec at all when looking at the manga I've added in my list.
>> No. 6447 [Edit]

Might be true if you like rather obscure manga but I'm gonna have to call you on that otherwise. It's MAL we're talking about here. I like the whole system and use it on daily basis but the community just as bada as gaia's.
>> No. 6460 [Edit]
If you liked Kaiji, you might like C.
>"both talk a bout money"
>> No. 6631 [Edit]
If you liked Azumanga Daioh,you might like Soul Eater.

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