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File 131712380514.jpg - (3.09MB , 1787x3800 , 20110910b_fall_guide.jpg )
6309 No. 6309 [Edit]
Autumn anime season is now underway!

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>> No. 6310 [Edit]
Whoa, what is cross fight B? Better check that out. Didn't see it on the first chart a few weeks ago.
>> No. 6311 [Edit]
Ad lib sounds interesting, though it may just be a podcast with static images in the end.
>> No. 6313 [Edit]
Why create another thread?
>> No. 6329 [Edit]
Personally I'm interested in Ad Lib, assuming they don't fail at the part of moving pictures.
>> No. 6339 [Edit]
Mirai Nikki is airing on Nico? Is it not getting any TV time then?
>> No. 6352 [Edit]
Is Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai any good? It looks cute, but I want some opinions before I try watching
>> No. 6353 [Edit]
File 131742271765.png - (59.76KB , 455x301 , ForlornFrog.png )
Still no subs for Fujilog S.1 and season 2 is about to start (((
>> No. 6377 [Edit]
I think the manga is hilarious. Not sure that I'd call it cute, though.
>> No. 6379 [Edit]
File 131761410170.png - (770.25KB , 869x477 , boku.png )
Well I tried watching the ova for it that Doki has and the first half didn't really wow me. I didn't watch the second half because I saw this and stopped watching it
>> No. 6381 [Edit]
So you missed the fact that none of it was real?
>> No. 6382 [Edit]
I skipped around after that and I understood that much. That translation left such a bad taste in my mouth that I wanted to hurry and finish it.
>> No. 6383 [Edit]
Well, that's generally what you get with Doki.
>> No. 6384 [Edit]
I wouldn't say that. I haven't noticed anything terrible in IM@S. Yet, anyway
>> No. 6391 [Edit]
I'm watching Working!! s2, Senjou no Horizon, HUNTERxHUNTER, Tamayura, Persona 4, Last Exile, Mirai Nikki, UN-GO.

Also, why isn't Lupin III on this new chart? Did it get cancelled?
>> No. 6392 [Edit]
I want to know that as well. If Lupin III got cancelling I might jump off a bridge. Been my most anticipated show ever since it was announced.
will it ever get subbed?
>> No. 6393 [Edit]

I'm not an expert (and I'd appreciate it if nobody says anything like "That's obvious" or suchlike) but it seems like everybody hates Doki. Now, I don't follow much of this kind of discussion - I just want to watch anime - so all I have to go by is one person I know who always talks about how bad Doki are, and then he will watch things subbed by Commie and gg. So this leaves me in doubt. Are Doki really bad, or is this just because of the squid tentacle thing?
>> No. 6394 [Edit]
I used them for Achannel and im@s and a few other things and that thing I posted is the first problem I have ever had with them.
>> No. 6395 [Edit]
I got no problem with em.
>> No. 6396 [Edit]
I've looked through some various tl comparison screenshots for Nichijou and Doki subs were pretty bad. That being said, for idol, they haven't made any errors worth noting so I just alternate between them and Chibiki.

Also, I would usually not trust what your average "anime-watcher" says about the tl quality between the various groups because they judge subs by how well it sounds in English and not by how accurate they actually are since they don't understand Japanese.

If it's encoding/video quality you're talking about, I'm frankly quite clueless in that department.
>> No. 6400 [Edit]
Their main problem is their translators. Before Spring season, Holo done a mass recruiting of random J>E translators, which is why they done a shitload of shows that season. I guess he never checked to see if they were actually good, hence the colossal fuckups on Nichijou and Hanasaku Iroha's first few episodes. They've done the same sort of thing not long after they started with C>E translators. Their encoding is also not the best (their Hanasaku Iroha regularly had less detail than HorribleSubs' CR rip, plus extra blue bars that they never bothered to crop and rezise out.)

A lot of other fansub groups caused the wide hate of Doki; mainly Ryuumaru, Underwater and Commie. They made a lot of troll posts about Doki's shitty translating and encoding, so I guess it rubbed off on the community. There's also the ElitistFags transport stream drama that was entirely Doki's fault, which fucked a whole load of fansub groups into using shitty Share raws.

The general understanding is that they pick up a million shows each season and rush every one of them solely for Fileserve premium money and donations, the same can be said about their many random Bluray projects that are conveniently popular shows. Four different versions of Madoka for maximum downloads, for example.

If you look past all the fansub drama and general dickery, they're a totally average group nowadays, but still one of the latter choices. Better than really shit groups like Ayako and Hadena, worse than really good groups like UTW and IB.

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