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File 131648536871.jpg - (180.12KB , 900x650 , alice.jpg )
6231 No. 6231 [Edit]
Tell us the anime that you watched and enjoyed, but would never admit to having watch and/or enjoyed, not even anonymously on the internet. If you are thoroughly embarrassed about the show you are posting, I suggest that do like me and used someone else's name#trip and possibly a proxy or chain thereof.

I am currently downloading Okusama wa Joshikousei which I expect will fall into this category, pic unrelated.
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>> No. 6232 [Edit]
>If you are thoroughly embarrassed about the show you are posting, I suggest that do like me and used someone else's name#trip and possibly a proxy or chain thereof.

hahaha what
>> No. 6233 [Edit]
Pretty much any of the magical girl series I've watched, though Heartcatch Precure takes the cake so far as enjoyment and embarrassment go, as I loved it to death but wouldn't dare tell my friends.
>> No. 6235 [Edit]
I'm better off than everyone else I know, so they can't really look down on me.
>> No. 6236 [Edit]
Well I've watched Boku No Pico and I enjoyed it.
>> No. 6237 [Edit]
I didn't, and I actually like traps
>> No. 6238 [Edit]
I enjoyed reading Naruto and Bleach.
I didn't stop reading them because I thought they were stupid, but because waiting an entire week to read 10 pages was too frustrating.

I don't like One Piece for a reason I still can't figure out.
>> No. 6239 [Edit]
>> No. 6241 [Edit]
File 131653671614.jpg - (847.00KB , 1600x1200 , one piece spread.jpg )
I read and enjoy One Piece.

The manga is pretty good... not sure why everyone hates it so much... or compares it to Naruto and Bleach. It is different, from those two, in pretty much every way possible. Not to mention, One Piece started before the both of them.

Not a big fan of the anime though.
They change too many things.
Also, I enjoyed Minette's CG Bath scene from "Shukufuku no Campanella." It took effort to confess to that one.
>> No. 6244 [Edit]
I have never seen something so embarrassing I won't admit to watching it.
>> No. 6245 [Edit]
There's a trip I haven't seen in years.
>> No. 7685 [Edit]
I think Boku no Pico is highly overrated compared to the next two OVAs~

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