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File 129176233712.png - (670.41KB , 853x480 , waifus.png )
619 No. 619
cross dresser
Even a 2D lover.

this show is awesome.
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>> No. 621
File 12917680983.jpg - (33.91KB , 704x398 , 1zlanif.jpg )
Crossdresser is my favourite. Best looking and that spoiled ojou-sama persona he puts on is delicious.
>> No. 658
File 129188365013.jpg - (241.21KB , 1440x900 , 534221.jpg )
It's a decent show, in its own way. I was expecting more, though. At least everyone has decent reaction faces.
>> No. 664
Mio's dere side is a miracle of the universe.
>> No. 665
that's not how it works
>> No. 666

Harems aren't exactly new, where have you been all these years?
>> No. 667
To some, there is a clear difference between a waifu and a harem. And some would take offense to the idea of 'all mai waifus in my harem' rather than 'all my favorites in my harem'.
>> No. 668

It's not a real harem if you're not married.
And hey, I'm not really defending harems.
>> No. 724
>Plural form in Japanese

Nope. It was meant to sound like a joke by the subber. Japanese doesn't have Plural form.
>> No. 728
Wow, they put me into another anime this season, I'm flattered.
>> No. 730
I am one of them, I can't help but automatically think anyone that says they have waifus are just full of it.
>> No. 740
File 12921425543.jpg - (115.76KB , 1280x720 , [Zero-Raws]_MM!_-_11_(ATX_1280x720_x264_AAC)_mp4_s.jpg )
>> No. 807
So does it resemble working Working! atmosphere-wise? The theme seems to be somewhat similar in many ways, a big chunk of voice cast is also same.

Working! gave of that Minami-ke like lighthearted comedy feel. I wonder if MM! is anything like that because I really liked Working! and I'd like to watch something similar.
>> No. 808
Well, imagine working except the main character likes being hit by inami and begs for it. And everyone is crazy. Everyone.

I personally like the character design in MM! more but it's much much more silly than working.
>> No. 886
Oh man, why did nobody tell me that MM! is a great show when it first aired? It's a show just catering to my interests!
>> No. 887
File 129255956129.jpg - (53.96KB , 848x480 , [Ryuumaru] MM! - 09 [4C9DF5B6]_mkv_snapshot_06_36_.jpg )
I could have told you that much.
>> No. 888

Man I hated working.

I'm not sure why I'm enjoying MM! now though.
>> No. 889
Same here. Not really seeing many similarities between the two, either.
>> No. 893

I'm the guy who asked the question and yep, I've got to agree, there are pretty much no similarities. We've got voice cast and androphobic girl but other then that they're totally different (for some reason I though MM! takes place at a restaurant, too). I loved Working!!'s slice of life-ish atmosphere. MM! is decent and I'll probably watch all of it but I wouldn't watch second season.
>> No. 991
File 129299483334.jpg - (73.92KB , 848x480 , [Ryuumaru] MM! - 12 [603F489D]_mkv_snapshot_06_36_.jpg )
>Mio in a santa outfit
>megane Mio in a cute dress
>Mio eating sweets
>Mio deredere
>store manager on a date with a figure dressed in a santa outfit
>Mio failing at cooking
>Noa (and i guess Yuuno...) doing a good luck chant
>trap-kun and Tarou in meido outfits
>Yuuno falcon punching 20 men at once
>Surprise Christmas birthday
>dat ending
Damn it, i'm sad now cause it's over ;_;
And damn you Mio for plucking at my heartstrings so hard ;_;
>> No. 992
I wish the store manager got more screen time, the fact alone that he's a 2D lover, makes him the most awesome character in the show.
>> No. 993
I'm starting to like Noa a lot. Mostly because of her speech and attitude towards Himura, who has that obsessive lolicon fetish towards Noa.

Crossdresser and 2D lover are fine too.

His mother and sister are hilarious as fuck, especially when they pretend to carry his baby.

But Mio is still the best. Makes me crack open into a bright smile.

Since it's an ongoing LN series, they're probably going to make a season 2... or not.
>> No. 994
There's an OVA starting soon at least. Hopefully there's more Mio deredere.

Also, did they ever say it was Christmas or just Christmas eve?
>> No. 996
He's basically an exact replica of the senpai from the VN Yume Miru Kusuri.

In Japan, Christmas Eve seems to be the more important day over Christmas itself.
>> No. 997
I'm talking about what day the episode took place on.
>> No. 998
I know, and that's why I think it was Christmas Eve. I just watched it, and I don't think it was ever explicitly mentioned that it was Christmas.
>> No. 999

So he's gay?
>> No. 1072
This is the most underrated anime this season, the animation is great and it's more fun than PSG or Milky homes.
>> No. 1074
most of the hate was from two things

people calling 'loltypicaltsunderebitch#r235092'
people still asspained about the guy hater from Working

Disliked Yuuno myself, but i'll be damned if Mio isn't special
>> No. 1094

Fucking THIS.
>> No. 1111
Wow, it took the entire season but the finale actually had a panty shot. I wonder how much restraint XEBEC had to exert to wait that long?
>> No. 1188
Took me a bit due to personal circumstances, but I finally got to watch the last episode and finish the series. I'm really sad that it's only 12 episodes long; I'd enjoy a 24 episode series immensely, though, knowing anime, that would probably mean we wouldn't have Mio Christmas until episode 24...

But that aside, overall, I found the anime pretty enjoyable. In fact, the only parts I didn't like were the episodes regarding the loli Noa. That was less because I dislike her (though I do think she's a bitch for leading the other guy on so much), but more because the Super Saiyan maso&pedo bits were boring and trite, in my opinion.

My favorite character, by far, is Mio. I can't even pinpoint it exactly, but something about her just plays me perfectly. The beating up on the MC, which I typically do not like as a comedic effect, felt more natural when she did it. Probably due to her being a blatant sadist, and thus it fitting her character, rather than a normal highschool girl who beats up the MC but is not regarded as violent in the least bit by anyone in the anime...
But I digress.

Regarding Yuuno, I'm of the group that hates her. To me, her entire background exposé felt melodramatic, cliche, and served no real purpose in the plot other than to rack empathy points in the viewers. Personally, I saw no improvement in Yuuno's 'condition' whatsoever, nor any hint in the later episodes that it would really improve. Maybe I missed some subtext in the episodes, but I doubt it.

I kind of wish Yuuno's pink-haired friend got more screentime, especially with the crossdresser, as, despite being hinted at it in the OP, the slight interest shown in the last episode felt too sudden to me.

The OPs and EDs were great: catchy tune, nice vocals, no Engrish that felt horribly wrong (See:Amagami), and I loved the dancing parts; they weren't over the top with animated choreography that no high schooler could possibly do, but were still entertaining to view.

Overall, I really enjoyed this anime, and hope it gets another season. My main complaints are that I felt Yuuno got a disproportionately large amount of screentime to detail her background compared to Mio, and also that some other characters, namely the 2D lover and pink-haired masseuse, weren't given nearly enough screentime as I felt they deserved.
>> No. 1189
You pretty much typed out my feelings exactly. Good thing too, now I don't have to.

One difference though, I liked Noa.
>> No. 1190

Really? I found the super saiyan part the funniest thing in the entire anime.

Before that, I considered it a bit cliche and boring.
>> No. 1191
This was a rather humerus and entertaining show.
I had little interest in it from the descriptions and talk I heard about it, but still ended up checking it out, mostly drawn by the cute character designs.. but I'm kind of glad I did, it might indeed had a lot of stuff I dislike in anime, but it worked well and was entertaining to say the least.

I'm inclined to agree, it was a nice change of pace, it seemed kind of, really, out of place and over the top, but it was suposed to be.
But I didn't care much for it the second time they did it, I couldn't help but think "oh, their doing that thing again"
>> No. 1193
Noa, to me, felt just like another bland girl who served no purpose but to be an addition to a harem. Maybe that's why I liked the masseuse so much; she wasn't, and would never, be interested in the MC.

Plus, like I said, her age aside, Noa was a real heartless bitch to the lolicon.
>> No. 1194

I was thinking the opposite.

I liked Noa, but didn't find the masseuse to be that interesting at all. Partly because she's associated with Yuno.

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