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File 131612871960.jpg - (157.80KB , 692x1153 , Shadowy_Shinigami__Ryuk_by_TheBlackWolf000.jpg )
6158 No. 6158 [Edit]
Sup /an/,
Its almost October, the month when I try to watch the spookiest animes available. Last year I went with Shiki (the episodes that were available by then), Mononoke and Hellsing (the original, which I'd never seen due to being an ulitmatefag). So now I'm trying to track down appropriate titles for this year. So far I've added Kurozuka to my list of candidates.
Previous years have included Death Note, Vampire Hunter D, Higurashi No Naku Koro Ni and a lot of other shows that don't spring to mind at the moment.
What are your nominations for spookiest/gloomiest/most frightening anime?
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>> No. 6163 [Edit]
File 131617660874.jpg - (52.35KB , 400x306 , 1234567.jpg )
I don't know about "frightening," but the anime(s) that had a decent impact on me were as follows...

Ninja Scroll Resurrection
This is among the craziest things you will watch animated. There is no justice... no good guys win. Just messed up... plain and simple.
Wicked City
Another delightfully twisted series involving demons and sexual themes.
Apocalypse Zero
Another messes up series.
Pretty immature... but will leave an unpleasant memory I'm sure.
There are many more (the names escape me atm) but most of the real twisted stuff you'll find in the 90's era. Believe me when I say today's stuff pales in comparison.

The plural is "anime" btw.
>> No. 6164 [Edit]
File 131617690518.jpg - (115.14KB , 600x600 , Eureka!.jpg )
Oh yeah... and "Nightmare" from Robot Carnival.
This kind of bothered me as a kid. I was able to find it on youtube... which is kind of awesome.


Also, does anyone remember that "Alien" wannabee series? The one where that girl's cat gets mutilated? That one was pretty messed up too. I still haven't forgotten it to this day.
>> No. 6177 [Edit]
File 131622781819.jpg - (176.34KB , 1280x720 , umezu cordelia.jpg )
Kazuo Umezu's a guy whose works are a great blend of weird/creepy/gory/hilarious, not to mention an eccentric personality to match it. Whether you've heard of him or not, I'm sure you've come across at least one "Umezu-Face" (pic related) if you've seen enough anime.

Sadly, there's only one animated and english-subtitled work of his and that's The Curse of Kazuo Umezu (http://www.bakabt.com/details.php?id=144283&page=0#comments). It's decent enough (I suppose I would've been scared by it if I were younger) but really, it's a much better use of your time if you read one of his manga instead (Left Hand of God Right Hand of Devil for something short, Drifting Classroom for something longer).
>> No. 6181 [Edit]
Not anime, but anything by Junji Ito.
>> No. 6905 [Edit]
…OP here, just a suggestion: don't waste your time watching Kurozuka.
>> No. 7359 [Edit]
I know how you feel. I watched Shiki believing that I would get a good horror anime, but got homolust, plotholes, and bad forced drama.

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