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File 131571530889.png - (225.81KB , 982x654 , fags.png )
6096 No. 6096 [Edit]
Sup /an/,
I screencapped this thread from a different anime board because I was wondering what you all might think about it.
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>> No. 6097 [Edit]
I think those guys were just playing around to be funny.
>> No. 6098 [Edit]
I've read the original manga, and it was a fantastic read. You should definitely give it a read if you haven't yet. As for the movies or the recent '07 anime, I don't know what to say as I haven't watched it and I don't plan to watch it since I love the 70s shoujo art and the fact that adaptations are usually inferior to the original.
>> No. 6099 [Edit]
they sound like some valid opinions to me
>> No. 6100 [Edit]
Yeah, really valid. MAH NIGGA!
>> No. 6101 [Edit]
Oh woops, did you mean to ask what we think of their reactions? If so, it sounds like harmless joking to me.
>> No. 6102 [Edit]
File 131571988670.jpg - (108.08KB , 500x505 , 131571891843.jpg )
which one of you did this?
>> No. 6117 [Edit]
File 131577586047.jpg - (142.35KB , 500x500 , imad.jpg )
>> No. 6132 [Edit]
Funny, but unfortunately it is almost true.

added to my queue

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