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File 129168532752.jpg - (198.96KB , 623x573 , ShinkuStrikesBack.jpg )
606 No. 606 [Edit]
>A small doll-like girl with an eccentric attitude, she solves mysteries, using her detective abilities.

>doll-like girl

Jun, tea.
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>> No. 607 [Edit]
  It looks somewhat interesting to me. First time bones has done a moe heroine in a while.
>> No. 608 [Edit]
File 129168576556.jpg - (125.09KB , 1280x720 , Heroman3.jpg )
Unless you include Joey.
>> No. 610 [Edit]
File 129168981944.gif - (478.14KB , 240x240 , Shinku_door.gif )
We got the real thing now.
Alice project ABORTED.
>> No. 1077 [Edit]
Looks cool. It looks like Sawashiro Miyuki plays one of the roles, but she isn't the main girl.
>> No. 1246 [Edit]
Bones finally did something I'm interested in again! First episode was great.
>> No. 1247 [Edit]
Brilliant first episode. I hope they keep it up.
>> No. 1248 [Edit]
File 12944418655.jpg - (141.23KB , 820x350 , ohmy.jpg )
Shinku + Murasaki = Victorique.
>> No. 1249 [Edit]
>> No. 1251 [Edit]
Her smoking that pipe sold this show for me. That's all I need from this show.
>> No. 1261 [Edit]
File 129451965820.jpg - (74.09KB , 600x448 , detectiveshinku.jpg )
Is this the closest thing I'll ever get to Rozen Maiden season three? Probably. Watching it.
>> No. 1262 [Edit]
I'm pleased by this show so far, and I really like how the OP is animated.
>> No. 1268 [Edit]
My sentiments exactly about the OP. I love the setting and the premise, and Victorique has clinched my nutbladder. My favorite show so far.
>> No. 1275 [Edit]
I thoroughly enjoyed the first episode of this. Downloaded the 480p CR rip when it was released and was impressed. The mux with CR subs on 720p raws also showed off some very nice art and animation too. Think i'll wait for 720p next time.
>> No. 1282 [Edit]
I either spaced out and missed something or the plot was weird
>> No. 2053 [Edit]
File 129780010958.jpg - (120.66KB , 1440x810 , 1297788273081.jpg )
>> No. 2066 [Edit]
File 129782626152.jpg - (140.18KB , 1440x810 , 1297788735174.jpg )
What do you guys think of her mom?
>> No. 2087 [Edit]
File 129787585591.jpg - (14.29KB , 400x300 , 610926164_small.jpg )
Uh, sure.

Where'd you come from?
>> No. 2234 [Edit]
File 12985357387.jpg - (58.72KB , 1280x720 , -Victorique-_Gosick_-_07_-h264-720p--6B9E844E-_mkv.jpg )
Kind of mysterious and kind of bland, but Victorica seems to care about her enough so it's enough to make me care.

I'm more interested in the creepy town surrounding this whole arc, though. Also, more crazybitch meido is a good thing.
>> No. 2235 [Edit]

Kujou's VA bugs me so much.
>> No. 2245 [Edit]
I agree, he's my least favorite part of this show. It wouldn't be so bad if he didn't constantly shout her name, I think the fact that his annoying lively voice contrasts completely to Victorica's make it all the more annoying.
>> No. 2283 [Edit]
File 129883667643.jpg - (183.15KB , 1280x720 , [Derp]_Gosick_-_08_(1280x720_x264_AAC)[99CF59ED]_m.jpg )
Next episode: The series takes a short departure from seriousness and it results in Victorica acting all moe.
>> No. 2284 [Edit]
Damnit Victorica, learn how to pronounce chaos.
>> No. 2285 [Edit]

She is pronouncing it right in my language.

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