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File 131464781143.jpg - (152.46KB , 616x1240 , mikuru.jpg )
5964 No. 5964 [Edit]
I found this note I made in an old text file about something mentioned in the panty thief arc of GTO, a seemingly obscure character archetype I haven't seen mentioned elsewhere called yogore which is short for yoh, go rippa redi (and if someone could translate yoh, go rippa redi to engrish then that person would be awesome). Apparently Tomoko was the yogore in GTO (if anyone doesn't remember, Tomoko was the large breasted, slow witted, loser girl who Onizuka help to blossom into an idol☆superstar) and thats my only real clue so far as to what an yogore exactly is.
Who else was yogore?
How do you feel about yogores?
Would you have one as a waifu?
Also yogore general…

Pic is Tomoko in GTO cosplaying Asahina Mikuru

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