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File 13145794652.jpg - (61.64KB , 640x345 , 19152_Angel-Beats.jpg )
5947 No. 5947 [Edit]
Hey there /an/. I don't want to sound like an idiot, but I don't think I understood this series. I think it was pretty good, and in fact was enjoying it very much up until the last three episodes. Maybe I'm just stupid and can't follow plot with too many random twists, but I feel like I either missed something or the series itself is missing something.

I was good with the whole "we don't want to do things right or we'll disappear" concept, in fact, it seemed logical to me how they didn't want to simply disintegrate, as anyone else would. It is precisely because of that that I am so skeptical about how in the end everyone is so free willed and happy to move in, after who knows how much time of trying not to do so. It seems as if the writers changed their mind or something right at the end. It's also illogical to me how Yuri didn't use the computers she found underground to "create and eden" and let everyone, including herself, live happily ever after in the afterlife.

And then Kanade's and Otonashi's relationship is never really made concrete, and Yuri's whole personality and attitude changing into an embarrassed Tsundere at the end also killed it for me.

Am I wrong or stupid or something? or does this series really have a fatal flaw? Can you help me out /an/?

TL;DR: Last 3 episodes seem like a completely twisted, unrealistic mindfuck. Is it just me?
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>> No. 5948 [Edit]
It's not just you, the show wasn't all that well written and many people dislike it.
>> No. 5949 [Edit]
What were the limits of the programming again? could they have made it so they all stayed and could still have come to terms with their fates?

Anyways I remember thinking the samething, but this is what happens when one person convinces everyone else a bad idea is a good one. It happens all the time IRL and fiction and I wouldn't be surprised if someone would try and preach the same thing if it did actually happen.

I liked the show though. I should watch it again.
also great sound track eh? Girls Dead Monster is the bees knees.
>> No. 5952 [Edit]
File 131458492415.jpg - (130.55KB , 1280x720 , AngelBeats91.jpg )
From what I understand, the guy that made the series wanted to do a full season but had to settle with a half-season. That's why we got so much unfinished shit.

Either way, it could have been handled better.
I just hope more AB stuff comes out in the future, because I want more Yurippe. She's the best female character (that isn't Balalaika, Balsa, Lina Inverse, Naomi Armitage or Iria) in anime.

The series should have focused more on her, Hinata and the other characters, instead of Otonashi and Kanade. No offense, but they were boring... oh so boring.
>> No. 5955 [Edit]
Yes, at the end the random boy who we never knew where the fuck he came from or why said that using the computers, she could make it so they could live there forever without worries, while doing anything they wanted to without worry of disintegration. No logical person would refuse that for some weirdly made morality. I actually thought at that moment that Yuri was going to agree to that and that Otonashi and Kanade would develop their relationship, even if in a second series, and maybe the same with Yuri and Hinata, and that we would get a chance at more character's stories.
i have to agree. I'm a bit torn between Kanade and Yuri. Kanade is very nice and simply beautiful in many perspectives, but Yuri's personality and attitude is very attractive as well. Maybe if there was more backstory i could decide.

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