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File 131450863644.jpg - (232.34KB , 905x676 , Hetalia-group-hetalia-6593501-905-676.jpg )
5929 No. 5929 [Edit]
Anime you enjoyed the concept of but could not stand the execution, or vice-versa.

Hetalia for me. Five minute episodes of three different storylines split evenly into ten episodes is quite possibly the worst way of going about things. Also the author made the series in good fun but ended up just pandering to the fujoshi audience, and this is terrible.
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>> No. 5931 [Edit]
There are so many I lost count. I thought everybody realized that almost all anime (and manga even more so, it's ten times as bad) sound fun until you actually watch the series. People working in the industry are very apt at creating interesting premise and cool settings but they have no idea what to do with the actual story. They just make things up as story progresses, without much plan in mind (or so it seems).

Capital offenders (i.e. great anime which could've been even better):

- Kaiba - if it would stick to episodic format or actually tried to go deeper into the question of human identity. Dennou Coil had similar problems in deciding whether it should go full plot or episodic (and in the end eps 13 and 14 were the best in the series in my opinion) and then there was this trainwreck of a series called Angel Beats...
- Katanagatari - Actually same offense. Just stick with the episodic formula goddammit. Why didn't I drop it after 10th ep again?
- NHK - an anime about life of a paranoidal, delusional hikki. Sounds great except Satou isn't a hikki and his delusions/paranoia didn't even last two eps.

As for Hetalia I've never seen it as I heard too many complaints similar to yours but yeah, the concept sounds cool, shame about the execution.
>> No. 5937 [Edit]
I think it's funny you mention those because I didn't pick those shows up for their premises, and enjoyed their later parts. The story segments make the characters what they are and they are beatiful to me.
(only read the NHK manga, not sure about the anime)
>> No. 5938 [Edit]
The most fitting example would have to be MM!. Someone trying to overcome his warped sexuality and relate to normal interaction -- I'm not a masochist, but I can get behind the general idea.

Even for a non-serious take, comedy involving fetishes and perversion? That could work.

Instead, I got a season's worth of fetish fuel for masochists with a couple jokes here and there.
>> No. 5940 [Edit]
how wasn't he a hikki?
>> No. 5941 [Edit]
He left his home many many times in the series.
>> No. 5942 [Edit]
During the show, he isn't (I mean, the show is precisely about him changing his life so that he stops being a hikkikomori), but he says in the beginning that he has been a hikki for 5 years or something, I think. And I think they still appeared around the 15 episode mark, but I might be wrong.
>> No. 5943 [Edit]
File 131457153535.jpg - (266.86KB , 850x1240 , DogDays17.jpg )
I'll go with something recent.

Dog Days
This show could have been a LOT better than it was. It had a load of awesome VA's, some cool characters, but fell flat for some reason.

I think the main character could have been much better. If you're going to lead a bunch of badass girls, you have to be at least "Adam Blade" tier (or some kind of vigor/energy) or it just won't work. Shinku looked like he just walked out of Hot Topic... and didn't have much of a personality either.

Princess Leonmichelle, on the other hand, was awesome.
>> No. 5957 [Edit]

Someone who goes out to a local park isn't a hikki in my book, and if memory serves he has been doing it for quite a while (i.e. it's not just something that happened in the series, after all Misaki noticed him precisely because of this habit... although again, I might be wrong, I don't remember the show that well - all I know is it didn't deliver but the music was awesome).
>> No. 5968 [Edit]
To his defense he does do it at night to avoid any and all social interaction.
>> No. 7297 [Edit]
I think the Takeshi Castle explanation of the war sucked all the drama out of it...
>> No. 7318 [Edit]

Should read the novel instead
>> No. 7322 [Edit]

Actually, he said every Sunday night at 9PM he goes down to that park where he goes for some alone time. I guess it really depends what your definition of a hikikomori is. IMO you can be a hiki and still venture outdoors. It's the aspect of shutting yourself away from society in all regards - economically and socially - that defines you as such. A hiki still needs to go buy food and such sometimes, right? Unless you're one of those crazy ones that have parents who bring food to your room.

On topic: I wanted to like The Tatami Galaxy but the dialogue was just too fast.

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