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File 131422392583.jpg - (63.67KB , 700x397 , SK.jpg )
5897 No. 5897 [Edit]
Recently I've been watching a yuri show, which I have been quite enjoying, its a good anime, but there is a bittersweetness about it because I know that none of these girls could ever be mai waifu.
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>> No. 5898 [Edit]
First off, isn't that kind of selfish reason to condemn yuri?

Second, why just yuri? why do people use this logic with yuri buy not anime in which the girl is in love or heavily involved with a guy already?
>> No. 5899 [Edit]
No fictional character can be your waifu anyway
>> No. 5903 [Edit]
I like yuri for that reason. I could never imagine a cute 2D girl wanting to be nor would I want one to be with someone as disgusting as me.
>> No. 5904 [Edit]
So, it's okay to have a waifu who's married, maybe one who's already got a family with kids, one who's not of legal age of consent, one that's not human, a god, a monster, someone not interested in relationships one way or the other, even one that might have died in the show they're from.
But if she likes girls, then all bets are off?
Where's the logic behind this?
>> No. 5911 [Edit]
You must be new to anime OP! Every veteran knows that all characters ever are bi.
>> No. 6935 [Edit]
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>> No. 6938 [Edit]

I like that you posted the trap who seems to be stuck in the same situation as you.
>> No. 6942 [Edit]
Except for Tenshi?
>> No. 6943 [Edit]
Even her. If you're applying the real-world logic that a girl who only likes girls can't love you, you have to also apply the real-world logic that a fictional character can't love you.
>> No. 6946 [Edit]
>applying the real-world logic

gtfo troll
i love my waifu and if you're just some ford piloting poser then you don't belong here.
>> No. 6952 [Edit]

Yet the vast majority of posters in this thread do not appear to agree with the OP's point, so the second assertion does not necessarily follow.
>> No. 6964 [Edit]
Apparently you haven't been here very long.
>> No. 6965 [Edit]
Maybe you've been here to long.
>> No. 6969 [Edit]
This attitude makes me sad. Instead of resigning yourself, why not make yourself into the kind of man she'd want to be with? And don't just say it's pointless.

I agree.
>> No. 6970 [Edit]
we have a misunderstanding here.
OP is not applying real world logic, but the rules of his delusions.

Like a basic concept of gravity, eating, sex, pleasure, lesbians never being attracted to males, OP being a male, etc. etc.
None of those rules are real in any way, they just resemble some real world rules (but certainly are not real world rules) or don't exist at all in reality.

This is how fiction rolls often for many of reasons..
(would be funny to see a 4D setting perhaps?
or one with people who dont have our color/sound/taste/smell perception;
or with an imagined real world logic causal flow of time and causality, like a documentary you cant pause)

>applying the real-world logic that a girl who only likes girls can't love you
op did not do that. he applied delusional logic of "lesbian at time A is lesbian at every other time; lesbian is absolute in its meaning"

even if he changed the rule to be fully realistic, it'd still be a rule of an imaginary setting in which he is free to encorporate any kind of realistic or not rule.

Also I think you understood all of that beforehand (at least instinctively) and just like to troll.
>> No. 6971 [Edit]
Female sexuality is not set in stone.
even if it was, this >>5904
>> No. 6972 [Edit]
>Also I think you understood all of that beforehand (at least instinctively) and just like to troll.

Well you were doing ok for a while.
>> No. 6973 [Edit]
In the fourth dimension
>> No. 6982 [Edit]
I just tried to give you some credit~

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