No. 6970
we have a misunderstanding here.
OP is not applying real world logic, but the rules of his delusions.
Like a basic concept of gravity, eating, sex, pleasure, lesbians never being attracted to males, OP being a male, etc. etc.
None of those rules are real in any way, they just resemble some real world rules (but certainly are not real world rules) or don't exist at all in reality.
This is how fiction rolls often for many of reasons..
(would be funny to see a 4D setting perhaps?
or one with people who dont have our color/sound/taste/smell perception;
or with an imagined real world logic causal flow of time and causality, like a documentary you cant pause)
>applying the real-world logic that a girl who only likes girls can't love you
op did not do that. he applied delusional logic of "lesbian at time A is lesbian at every other time; lesbian is absolute in its meaning"
even if he changed the rule to be fully realistic, it'd still be a rule of an imaginary setting in which he is free to encorporate any kind of realistic or not rule.
Also I think you understood all of that beforehand (at least instinctively) and just like to troll.