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File 131406444320.jpg - (13.75KB , 300x300 , 220500-kazari_uiharu_large.jpg )
5864 No. 5864 [Edit]
I'm kind of slowpoking here, but I just started watching To Aru Majutsu no Index and like it so far. I don't know if anyone here watched it, but I want to talk about it. Did any of you watch it and if so, what was your thoughts on it?

Index and Last Order tying for the cutest characters in the loli catagory along with Uiharu and the others.
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>> No. 5865 [Edit]
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I forgot to mention that I am watching the second season of Index, but this thread can be for the first one too.
>> No. 5867 [Edit]
I've watched and liked it, both seasons. It's not the best anime ever, but it's enjoyable and fun. One thing I liked about it is that, while most focus either on plot or on characters, this one anime here has a fair share of both. Accelerator and Last Order had pretty awesome interactions, but I didn't like Index. The redhead nun was pretty nice, though a bit clichéd. And the big breasted class rep (or was she? I can't really remember it...) was also funny.
>> No. 5868 [Edit]
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I think it has a good setting and some good characters, but the plot is abysmal
>> No. 5869 [Edit]

But anime is almost always about the setting and characters, rather than the plot.
>> No. 5870 [Edit]
the plot is so bad it gets in the way of your enjoyment of the characters. They also introduce way too many characters instead of focusing on the decent ones. I liked Railgun better because it focused on fewer, decent characters and didnt delve into the author's grade-school understanding of religon
>> No. 5871 [Edit]
Japanese are notorious for their lack of real knowledge of Christianity. It's not a big deal, since most of the churches they depict are cranked up to badass anyway. It's a nice bit of eyecandy and wank for all it's worth.
>> No. 5874 [Edit]
It's just another generic shonen thats not liked even by people who like generic shonen because entire episodes are just spent talking about shit during a fight. I found no reason to watch it other than the girls. Railgun is much, much better.

I hear S2 got even worse, thankfully I never started it.
>> No. 5878 [Edit]
Never watched index, but I watched the first half of railgun and sort of lost interest and never finished
>> No. 5883 [Edit]
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I watched the first season of Index S1, some of Railgun past the Level-Upper arc, and the first 5 or so episodes of Index S2. I just couldn't bring myself to care about any of the main characters. Usually there should be at least one character that clicks... but they were just... meh. Naturally, any of the characters that actually seemed interesting never got enough screen time or were basically arc-exclusive.

Do any of them even have a goal?
If they did, I don't remember it being stated. For having two seasons and a spin-off, it didn't feel like there was anywhere near enough development from any of the main cast.

The show just felt like a SoL with some powers thrown in... with the occasional, sub-par villain of the week. That said, it never felt like any of the main cast was being challenged at all.

Perhaps I've been spoiled by too many other series to enjoy this as I should, because this series seems incredibly popular in other parts of the internet.
>> No. 5890 [Edit]

>The show just felt like a SoL with some powers thrown in

That's what I hoped Railgun will be but it failed to deliver even in that area. If the show wouldn't try to focus on the retarded plot so much I would probably enjoy it a lot more.

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