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File 129162048585.jpg - (67.22KB , 1280x720 , snapshot20101206082454.jpg )
580 No. 580
Wow, I totally forgot! Hinako will be back this month! The third OVA will be released (quite amusingly so) on 24th of December. That's less than thre weeks from now on. Can't wait.
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>> No. 581
It'll be interesting

What is this bathing supposed to help with anyway? Even someone who only bathes once a week knows how to do it
>> No. 582
You're not suggesting that these videos are actually supposed to be educational, are you? I mean, the last one was about sleeping for god's sake.
>> No. 583
File 129162141936.jpg - (17.78KB , 244x320 , manly_tears.jpg )
But Hinako is my friend and she loves me.

She even sang me a lullaby when I couldn't sleep
>> No. 584
Yeah, bathing seems like a somehwat stupid theme. How am I supposed to watch it in my bathroom? Laptop would work fine I guess but I'd prefer to watch it on a bigger screen. Oh well.

I thought they would go down the 'Cooking with Hinako' route first.
>> No. 585
File 129162155842.jpg - (54.41KB , 425x300 , bathing01.jpg )
bathing with hinako? really?
and I thought sleeping with Hinako was a bit shandy..
I'd love to see how they pull this one off, without nudity that is.
And this really makes me wonder what they might do next, swimming with hinako? cooking with hinako? finding a job with hinako? watching anime with hinako?
whatever it might be next, I hope they keep making more.

With training with Hinako, I had it playing on my tv as I (tried for a short time to) exercise alone with the video
With sleeping with Hinako, I had it playing on my psp next to me as I went to bed.
but I'm not going to drag my pc or anything electronic with me into the bathtub, that's for sure.
Does anyone here have a tv in their bathroom for that matter?
>> No. 586

Actually judging by this pic I'll be more interested in her Hinako's delicious pettanko friend than Hinako herself.

And they should totally do 'Cleaning house with Hinako'. And maybe 'Watching grass grow with Hinako'.
>> No. 587
>I'd love to see how they pull this one off
Steam and soap bubbles everywhere, obviously.

But yeah, this Hinako series is strangely amusing. I do hope they make more.
>> No. 588

>finding a job with hinako
that could someday be their ultimate hiden card, to try pulling us out from our Hiki/NEET ways...

>watching anime with hinako
if that ever transforms into watching "watching hinako with hinako" with hinako, and its sequels, that might lead to infinite recursive paradoxes and threaten our hipermodern/technological civilization. maybe metajokes, like those from Oreimo, are just preparing the way for the next revolution.
>> No. 589
File 129162350786.gif - (912.39KB , 500x396 , POWAH.gif )
>the next revolution.

Fighting the devil of capitalism with Hinako. Fund it.
>> No. 591
>You're not suggesting that these videos are actually supposed to be educational, are you? I mean, the last one was about sleeping for god's sake.

It was used as an alarm clock to help people get a normal sleep cycle.

First one was used to attempt a regular workout cycle
>> No. 592
File 129162562675.jpg - (71.61KB , 1280x720 , Isshoni Sleeping.jpg )
>help people get a normal sleep cycle
lol: remember the joke that was told, once, about this OVA?

What's the difference between light and hard?
that a man can actually sleep with a light on.

>> No. 593
File 12916260066.jpg - (30.48KB , 434x600 , shion.jpg )
>> No. 594
File 129162746339.jpg - (18.21KB , 500x412 , FIG-100917-0955O-4.jpg )
these are good news...

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