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File 13136854289.jpg - (258.55KB , 1280x720 , tv1313683990553.jpg )
5759 No. 5759 [Edit]
A television ad has announced that a Black Rock Shooter anime will run in Fuji TV's Noitamina timeslot in January. Noitamina producer Kōji Yamamoto confirmed the news on his Twitter account.

Source: http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2011-08-18/black-rock-shooter-gets-tv-anime-in-january
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>> No. 5761 [Edit]
cool, I hope the quality is better then that ova.
>> No. 5763 [Edit]
>Black Rock Shooter

... What.
>> No. 5764 [Edit]
I don't get everyone's problem with the OVA.
>> No. 5771 [Edit]
File 131371441283.png - (538.50KB , 699x890 , black_rock_shooter_in_a_nutshell.png )
>> No. 5773 [Edit]
File 131371832962.png - (635.28KB , 1008x453 , black_rock.png )
I wanted black rock shooter, and got a SoL.

burgers are nice, but when I go to a pizza shop, I go there becuase I want a pizza, not a burger.
after ordering a pizza, if I got a burger, of course I'd say "wtf? where's my damn pizza?! this isn't what I ordered!"
>> No. 5774 [Edit]
They didn't even use the song, aside from a brief instrumental piece at the very end. You'd think that would be a given.
>> No. 5775 [Edit]
It's better that way. Everyone knew they were going to use the Black Sabbath song in Iron Man, but thankfully they were smart enough to save it until the end credits. It would have been incredibly cheesy to actually use it in the movie.
>> No. 5777 [Edit]

I always get a good laugh whenever I read this.
"Bff's 4ever place" gets me every time.

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