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File 131346190084.jpg - (121.44KB , 1280x720 , [Redline][Movie][BDRip][720P][X264_AAC]_mp4_snapsh.jpg )
5717 No. 5717 [Edit]
BSS finally released the 1080p bluray rip of Redline. I would feel a little guilty about breaking down and watching the chinese 720p version 2 nights ago if it weren't for the fact that this move is FUCKING GORGEOUS regardless of 720p, youtube quality, or whatnot. Probably going to rewatch this movie every night of this week.

Oh, and in case you don't know, Redline's a spinoff made from the universe of Trava Fist Planet, Koike's earlier work. There are 2 recurring characters from that so watch that as well if you haven't yet (before or after, viewing order doesn't matter).
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>> No. 5718 [Edit]
Saw it when it aired in Melbourne, great movie. Can't wait to watch it again.
>> No. 5719 [Edit]
What I'd give to watch this in theaters. My forty-something inch tv will have to do for now, I guess.
>> No. 5720 [Edit]
Yeah laugh it up, I'm happy watching it on my 7-inch laptop screen.
>> No. 5721 [Edit]
Same, sadly I only have a 55"
>> No. 5722 [Edit]
And here's the youtube link (since TC keeps telling me that I have an invalid ID though I'm sure I do not) to the Redline Pilot.


Apparently, this was made in 2004. It's been a long wait indeed.
>> No. 5723 [Edit]
Possibly a bug with unlisted videos?
>> No. 5725 [Edit]
Anyone got a link to a working Trava Fist Planet torrent?
I picked up a few but none have seeds, one is stuck endlessly at 75%
>> No. 5726 [Edit]
File 131348151443.png - (38.04KB , 809x284 , AAHHHH.png )
oh shit its finally done oh fuck

>> No. 5729 [Edit]
In case the above torrent isn't working for you, here's a ddl: http://omarroms.homeip.net/M/Anime/Complete%20[Watched]/TRAVA%20-%20FIST%20PLANET%20episode1%20[V-A]
>> No. 5731 [Edit]
Awesome, thanks dude!
I'd say watching this before redline makes redline a little more enjoyable.
>> No. 5734 [Edit]

And in case people weren't aware, the above is the torrent for the special extras dvd which not only includes the pilot but a Redline Day music video and a 60minute "making-of" video with interviews and all that jazz. Still in the middle of downloading it but I just hope the interview and behind the scene footage stuff is focused on the animators and not the voice actors.
>> No. 5735 [Edit]
Most excellent!
>> No. 5736 [Edit]
hell yeah, thanks.
and yeah I hope the same, since redline is clearly all about the animation, the beautiful beautiful animation.
>> No. 5742 [Edit]

I liked it.
>> No. 5748 [Edit]
File 131358467475.jpg - (377.44KB , 1864x1048 , [BSS]_REDLINE_[1080p][207485B6]_mkv_snapshot_00_49.jpg )
A day when Imaishi tires of drills will be a sad day indeed.
>> No. 5751 [Edit]
It might not have had much in terms of plot, but god damn was this magnificent to watch.
>> No. 5758 [Edit]
>> No. 5780 [Edit]
I went to see this when they were doing a screening of it in a cinema near me. Fuck, I was glued to the seat when watching it; amazing movie. I just need to go and download Trava Fist Planet now.
>> No. 5866 [Edit]
I bought the collectors edition Blu-ray of this two weeks ago when it came out. Fuck I was blown away. I might try to write a review later,but for now I have two things to say:
1.If you don't buy this movie when it comes out in America ,you do us all a disservice. I only get money on my birthday and christmas and it sure isn't christmas.

2. The fact that Trava Fist Planet was an OVA means we probably won't get a super high quality ova series involving the Super Boin sisters. ;_;

Oh, And the reason I'm just writing this now is that it just arrived.

Post edited on 22nd Aug 2011, 8:15pm
>> No. 5873 [Edit]
>> No. 5900 [Edit]

Of what? the movie?
I don't have a camera,but I'll try to find some on the internet later.
>> No. 7476 [Edit]
Saw it yesterday, have mixed feelings about it. Sure looked good and initially it actually was good (reminded me of Wacky Races) but sometime after the first race it took a nosedive in quality. The final race was shittastic and the romantic subplot was absolutely retarded. The OST was great, though.

Reminded me of No More Heroes in many ways. Very flawed and thus it left me with ambivalent feelings.

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