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File 131330297950.jpg - (34.97KB , 704x396 , sensei&niyomiya-kun.jpg )
5683 No. 5683 [Edit]
I just watched the last ep of Goshusho-sama Ninomiya-kun and wow it sucked. I knew it sucked a long ago and no idea why I watched it to the end, but whatever.

Tell me about the worst show you ever the whole thing
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>> No. 5684 [Edit]
File 131330437584.png - (570.02KB , 1008x403 , Yumeria.png )
I guess I'll go with Yumeria, There were worse, but I'm not sure if they'd count since I barely paid any attention to em at all, mostly just left playing in the background.

Can't say that I remember much about it, aside from a slightly creepy op (song is nice at least) and a whole lot of stupid and wtf.
The anime mostly dealt with.. something, trying to come out of the protag's dreams into the real world, and them fighting it.
a lot of it didn't make a lot of sense.

Mone was pretty cool at least, she might have been the only reason why I saw it to the end, even if that's all she could say.
>> No. 5685 [Edit]
I might have seen worse, but Chaos;HEAd immediately comes to mind. So much potential, right down the drain.
>> No. 5686 [Edit]
File 131330505524.jpg - (187.20KB , 1280x720 , Campanella1.jpg )
Shukufuku no Campanella

One of the very few anime where the entire main cast is composed of Mary Sues.

That wasn't the only problem though. It was just all around terrible, and the only likeable characters never got any decent screen time.
>> No. 5689 [Edit]
Nogizaka Haruka no Himitsu. Probably.
>> No. 5691 [Edit]
girls bravo
>> No. 5694 [Edit]
shuffle! english dub.
also I've never not finished a series.
>> No. 5695 [Edit]
File 131332709438.jpg - (43.32KB , 640x480 , [ass] gun frontier - 02[7848af5a]_ogm_snapshot_07_.jpg )
Gun Frontier.
>> No. 5696 [Edit]
I guess it'd have to be MM!.

I didn't realize until after I sat through it that it was just fap material trying to pass itself off as comedy. (I'm dumb.)
>> No. 5697 [Edit]

>fap material

Really? It took them 12 episodes to actually show a pantyshot.

But yeah I sort of agree, it was pretty bad. Noa was cute, though.


Shuffle! was pretty bad, too. At least it had Primula and box cutter Kaede but I'd probably place it among 10 worst shows I've seen.
>> No. 5698 [Edit]
I usually don't finish very bad shows. I quess the worst is Devil May Cry. I didnt't like it at all while game series is awesome.
>> No. 5710 [Edit]
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I'm assuming you're talking about TV shows only, no OVAs and such. In that case, it'd be Queen's Blade, for, well, everything besides the seiyuu. Excessive fanservice, acid boob milk being used as a weapon, I could go on forever on how ridiculous this is. I can't even fap to this. I've only watched this until the end because I was helping an internet friend with something related to it. My time, it can never be recovered.
>> No. 5767 [Edit]
OreImo. Was that show made specifically for trolling people or something?
>> No. 5768 [Edit]
I don't watch shows I don't like
>> No. 5770 [Edit]
A little, I think.
Sometimes I would think, maybe they made that just to make fun of people with with sister/tsundear fetishes, by going really overboard with the tsundere to the point no one in their right mind can possibly like the character, only for it to turn out tsundere fans are more fucked up then they expected and ended up still loving the show/character.
Or maybe they did that intentionally to cash in on people that happily give them money even as they're being made fun of, a crazy bunch they are, the worse they're treated, the more they love it.
Shows like that make me wonder how long it'll be until they stop beating around the bush, and just shove full on sadomasochism incest lolicon into every single anime.
>> No. 5782 [Edit]

Well to be fair I enjoyed the specials immensely more due to lack of Kirino and Kuroneko nearly putting me into cardiac arrest.
>> No. 5783 [Edit]
I liked Kirino because she's really cute, and I found her psychopathic behavior funny most of the time. Maybe if I was capable of feeling sympathy for male characters I'd feel bad for her brother, but I don't really give a shit.
>> No. 5825 [Edit]
Love Love?

No real plot, fan service throughout the entire series. That's all it was, really. Just fan service. I have no idea why I watched all of it.
>> No. 7294 [Edit]
File 132152573441.jpg - (188.66KB , 698x1000 , kamichu.jpg )

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