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File 131290079362.jpg - (106.94KB , 1440x801 , yes.jpg )
5590 No. 5590 [Edit]
Anyone watching?

Personally, I feel a little disappointed so far compared to how much I liked Season 1. It's still entertaining and gets a good laugh out of me, but it seems to focus a bit too much on all the girls being all crazy-possessive yandere. I think I liked it better when it was just Shouko's thing.

Oh, who am I kidding? I just want more Hideyoshi goodness. But as long as this season brings more doujins, I guess I'm not complaining.
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>> No. 5591 [Edit]
I really enjoyed the summon/grade system they had established in S1. Is there any of that in S2 yet?
>> No. 5594 [Edit]
They messed with the summon beings a little for the last couple episodes, but not much and mostly for comic relief. S2's been more slice of life oriented so far.

I'm hoping they're just saving the summon battling for closer to the end like they did with most of S1.
>> No. 5596 [Edit]
SoL is nice and all... it's just that there is so much of it out there. It would be nice to see something a bit different for a change. The summon/grade/advance system is what I had in mind.

The jokes/comedy they use would still work under that scenario, and we would get to see something a bit more "creative" as well.
>> No. 5602 [Edit]
File 131293072322.jpg - (546.60KB , 756x1051 , 565846 - aqua_eyes ass baka_to_test_to_shoukanjuu .jpg )
Thinking back to S1, they really only used the summon battles seriously around the beginning to introduce the concept and around the end for a closing story arc. More or less everything in between was Slice of Life. Yeah, I'd like to see the Summon Battles integrated more evenly with the SoL hijinks, but it's only been 5 episodes of S2, so I'd rather reserve judgment on that til it's over.

tl;dr, Summon battling is to Baka to Test what music is to K-ON!
>> No. 5669 [Edit]
I've been thinking about watching it because Hideyoshi looks cute as hell, but I don't want to follow an anime just to see one character.
>> No. 5670 [Edit]
File 131320639546.jpg - (470.93KB , 1280x720 , [Commie] Baka to Test to Shokanju Ni - 01 [3084A5A.jpg )
Pretty much every male in the main cast is pretty funny. Aside from Yoshii's big sister Akira, (she just seems perfect to me I guess) none of the female characters are very interesting. Yep... go ahead and call me biased. She's the best female character.

I would at least give the first couple eps a try to see if you like it.

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