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File 131279935668.jpg - (2.15MB , 1502x2826 , neregate-com-fall-2011-anime-v2.jpg )
5520 No. 5520 [Edit]
What you guys thinking? This season looks very intresting compared to summer and spring.

Myself I plan to watch:
Tamayura - Hitotose
Ika Musume s2
Working! s2
Kimi to Boku
Shana s3
Expand all images
>> No. 5521 [Edit]
im thinking fate/zero
>> No. 5522 [Edit]
Ika Musume
Mirai Niki
Persona 4
Coppelion (Holy shit when did this get announced?)

Looks like a great season, I am just blown away at how many shows actually look worthwhile this season.
>> No. 5523 [Edit]

>Coppelion (Holy shit when did this get announced?)

It's on /ap/, which hasn't been updated since may.
So I guess a long time ago.
>> No. 5528 [Edit]

Yeah, it's been a while.

For the time being it looks a little lackluster but I expected as much after two great seasons. Well, Working and Ika Musume is more than enough for me so I am happy with just those two. Other than that I don't have interest in anything for the time being.

But man noitaminA shows somehow don't appeal to me lately. I've seen everything that aired on it since Higashi no Eden (up until Kuragehime) but I haven't seen a single show this year yet and it looks like the year will be over before I'll pick up any of them.
>> No. 5529 [Edit]
I really hope the Persona 4 anime doesn't disappoint me like that Trinity Soul crapcake did a few years ago. But this looks like a straight adaptation, so it should be fine as long as they don't cut out the best scenes.
>> No. 5532 [Edit]
Oh man, I know this season is going to be taxing when I'm interested in everything just on the first row.

I'm especially excited for Shana 3 just because Mami Kawada is 100% sure to be doing either the OP or ED and the fact I get to see how it ends finally.
This season has more stuff to watch then Spring did, and I already had a good 13 shows from it.
>> No. 5533 [Edit]
Just Ika 2 so far. Then again I always go into anime seasons only planning for one series then end up watching like 5
>> No. 5535 [Edit]
From its beginning, I always found noitamina to be full of average or above-average anime (with the exception of 2-3 shows). So nothing out of the ordinary for me.

Here's more information for Un-go: http://www.asahi.com/english/TKY201107270455.html

I would think that the name should technically be romanized as Ango because it's probably a pun with the Japanese word for code/password, but I assume the creators have a deliberate reason for spelling it in English as "Un-go."

Character designs are not catching my interest, but since it's by BONES, I might watch a few episodes here and there if it's well-animated.

Post edited on 8th Aug 2011, 10:56am
>> No. 5540 [Edit]
I'll only for sure be watching Persona 4 because I don't have time for anything else. I'll check out Mirai Nikki, but I already know they're going to screw it up.
>> No. 5547 [Edit]
Mirai Nikki
Persona 4 (maybe)
Working'!! (maybe)
Coppellion (maybe)

And whatever /tc/ posts about with great fervor I'll at least give a chance.
>> No. 5565 [Edit]
I'll probably just end up watching all but a few like always.
>> No. 5566 [Edit]
I'm thinking it needs more moe...

still, I'll probably be checking out
Ika Musume
Mirai Niki
and Shana
>> No. 5578 [Edit]
Fate/Zero. Also Shana III if I'm bored.

The name is a play on the name of Sakaguchi Ango (Un-Go, if pronounced as English, sounds just like Ango).
>> No. 5580 [Edit]
File 13128666035.jpg - (2.48MB , 1502x3332 , neregate_com-Fall-2011-Anime-v3.jpg )
Not the OP, but here's an updated version of that chart.

Coppelion has since been cancelled probably due to Fukushima and hurr radioactivity.

I'm only really looking forward to Fate/Zero and Tamayura.
>> No. 5581 [Edit]
isn't that was Coppelion is based off?
>> No. 5582 [Edit]
Uhh, no? Coppelian is originally a manga that started in 2008, 3 years before the fukushima incident.
>> No. 5583 [Edit]
I see, so it's just a coincidence then?
why cancel it this late?
>> No. 5584 [Edit]
I believe it was planned before the tsunami. They just won't do anything related to nuclear accidents for the next few years, I think.
>> No. 5589 [Edit]

I was surprised when I heard about the adaptation so soon after the accident. I think it's not surprising that they canceled it.
>> No. 5603 [Edit]
Ah that sucks, was looking forward to it.
>> No. 5604 [Edit]
>> No. 5608 [Edit]
File 131294685367.jpg - (2.58MB , 1502x3332 , neregate_com-Fall-2011-Anime-v4.jpg )
Another new version of the chart.
>> No. 5609 [Edit]
Scryed movie, cool.
it'll only be like what, 2 years till it gets riped and subbed?
>> No. 5626 [Edit]
Apparently we know a little bit more about Un-Go than the image tells us, its based on a book called Meiji Kaika Ango Torimono-chō which is a collection of detective stories.
>> No. 5637 [Edit]

>collection of detective stories

Well I thought that much is more or less obvious based on the pic.
>> No. 5888 [Edit]
Does anyone know if FFFpeeps will be doing S2 of Ika? I assume so, but I want to be sure.
>> No. 5889 [Edit]
Yes, and also Working S2. Although I hear they are stretched for translators, so don't quote me on that.

This site helps, I try to keep it updated.
>> No. 6071 [Edit]
File 131542871397.jpg - (3.40MB , 1502x4276 , 131294685367.jpg )
New chart.

'Chibi Devil' looks interesting, although it is the type of series that will get no fucking subs or will end up being a 4 minute short or something.

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