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File 129158603277.jpg - (66.87KB , 500x500 , 1289565891670.jpg )
551 No. 551
I'm tired of serious, grimdark or moe blob anime. I need to watch something to laugh a bit or else I'm going to kill myself. What are some funny anime you would recommend?

Something like Cromartie, GTO or Azumanga Daioh.
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>> No. 552
File 129158660981.jpg - (200.49KB , 900x551 , 77efed05dbec7b89e0b1e6814dedbfb469031a30.jpg )
Astro Fighter Sunred or Ichigo Marshmallow.
>> No. 553
Milky Holmes
>> No. 554
Ika Musume is pretty funny. That might be too "moe" for you though
>> No. 555
I thought both seasons Genshiken had many funny moments.
>> No. 556
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Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei.
>> No. 557
File 129159013932.jpg - (103.25KB , 850x1012 , MANLY.jpg )
Seto no Hanayome
>> No. 558
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A couple series I can think of;

Battle Programmer Shirase
Cromartie High School
>> No. 559
I don't understand.

Moe shows are often hilarious slice of life comedies.
>> No. 560
Watch Potemayo. The main character is literally a moe blob, but fuck it, fuck the system, just watch it! It could be your cup of tea.
>> No. 572
Tetai Senshi Sunred. Seriously.
Also Detroit Metal City.
And since you liked Cromartie you might want to try Dai Mahou Touge. And while you're at it, Dokuro-chan.

Do shows like Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei/Hayate no Gotoku/Gintama count?
>> No. 578
Some people don't like how random it is, but I found Excel Saga to be pretty funny.
>> No. 579
+1 to Excel Saga and Zetsubou Sensei.

Also, I honestly found Minami-ke to have a lot of laugh-out-loud moments.
>> No. 620
File 129176554272.jpg - (59.05KB , 475x360 , Oaxaca.jpg )
B Gata H Kei
Green Green
Hatsu Inu
Seitokai Yakuindomo
>> No. 622
File 129177515194.jpg - (64.70KB , 524x358 , mexican saber.jpg )
I dont have any suggestions I just wanted to post this
>> No. 623
Wait, aren't those hentai shows?
>> No. 624
Depends on your definition of "hentai"
I'd call them encchi
>> No. 625
Hentai can still be funny.
>> No. 626
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>> No. 628
Wow, I'm surprised someone actually subbed all of this. Wish someone would do the same for Marie and Gali...
>> No. 639
Marie and Gali subs are up to ep 24 last I checked.

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