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File 131216111563.jpg - (262.33KB , 1920x1080 , [FBI] Baby Princess 3D Paradise Love 01v0 [BD][108.jpg )
5357 No. 5357 [Edit]
This was actually pretty good
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>> No. 5358 [Edit]
Is that Mokou?
>> No. 5359 [Edit]
File 13121680871.png - (183.80KB , 305x512 , ZUN Mokou.png )
Mokou's hair is cut at her cheeks brah

She reminds me more of Keine.

Post edited on 31st Jul 2011, 8:36pm
>> No. 5360 [Edit]
Clearly her sister.
>> No. 5451 [Edit]
I don't like it.
>> No. 6484 [Edit]
I don't know what they were thinking having that many characters in that short of time.

It's completely imposable to flush out and get to know any of the characters without tossing other characters into the background only to get little or no screen time or lines.
It makes it almost pointless having the characters there if that's all you're going to do with them.

But I guess if you take it for what it is, it's not so bad, that being a mindless harem anime with no plot or substance at all.
If all you're looking for is to turn your brain off for half an hour as you watch random girls in swimsuits dance around on screen, then you might love this.

I'm not sure if they're trying to ride a gimmick, poke fun at other harem anime or maybe both.
It seems true enough, more girls means more possibility for someone to pick of a favorite/waifu and buy into the product.
Which when you get right down to it, is what this and most other anime is of this Genre, just selling a pretty face to anyone willing to buy the merchandise.
But I think there's more to it then that, to hold a fan's interest you have to give the character a personality, a story, details, anything, which is more then what most of the characters here get.
After watching this, who's going to remember any of the characters? or the ova for that matter?
>> No. 7265 [Edit]
12 sisters not enough for you?

*koff*Sister Princess*koff*

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