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File 131196700663.jpg - (124.87KB , 675x855 , Genshiken+CH+59+Madarame.jpg )
5282 No. 5282 [Edit]
Hey you, you know that anime you've had sitting on your HD forever, but never got around to watching? Well, what is it?
I'm holding a gig and a half of Colorful unwatched for over six months now.
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>> No. 5283 [Edit]
The only ones I actually have are Clannad: AS and the final couple of episodes from a few other shows, but I have an enormous backlog of things I haven't even had a chance to download.
>> No. 5284 [Edit]
One Outs, grabbed it during a freeleech on animebyt.es and forgot all about it.
>> No. 5286 [Edit]
Wait, Colorful's been out for 6 months!? Fuck, so that's how long it's been sitting in my HD for...
>> No. 5289 [Edit]
I've got tons of shows downloaded I haven't gotten to.
I'd say at least 30+ shows.
I'll get around to em, someday...
>> No. 5290 [Edit]
I only get like that with hentai shows. I have 8 series I've been meaning to watch but I don't want to watch them with my parents home
>> No. 5296 [Edit]
File 131197045949.jpg - (153.62KB , 637x900 , 2f450c5083ed4a50320947d47d1cb7e1.jpg )
Asobi ni Ikuyo! and Higurashi No Naku Koro Ni.

I will probably never watch Higurashi though. I also have episodes 19-26 of K-ON!! lying around somewhere that I need to finish.

So lazy~
>> No. 5298 [Edit]

Watch it someday, it's great.

I have tenths of them. Some I downloaded over 2 years ago I reckon. Kimikiss is possibly the oldest one.

Post edited on 30th Jul 2011, 5:06am
>> No. 5300 [Edit]
Higurashi should take precedence over Asobi ni Ikuyo!.
>> No. 5305 [Edit]
You should take another good look at Elis' boobs and see if maybe you don't change your mind.
>> No. 5306 [Edit]
I'm leaving out stuff I tried an ep or two of and have no intention of finishing (I should probably delete that stuff, shouldn't I?).

Angel Cop
Aoi Bungaku
Binbou Shimai Monogatari
Geijutsuka Art Design Class
Haibane Renmei
Kara no Kyoukai
Nanoha s2 and s3
Maria Holic
Nadia - Secret of the Blue Water
Planetes (1/2 done)
Zetsubou Sensei s3
Sora no Woto
Yumekui Merry
>> No. 5307 [Edit]
You should take another good look at Rika's cuteness and see if maybe you don't change your mind.
>> No. 5309 [Edit]
I liked the 1st half of Planetes when it was episodic, but found the long story arc at the end tiresome and predictable. Noir and R.O.D. were similar.
>> No. 5326 [Edit]

Me again. I just counted and I have like 50 of them (32 TV series, 5 OVAs, lots of movies). The oldest one seems to be Kimikiss (like I already said), the second oldest is probably School Rumble. I don't think I'll ever watch them to be honest, I don't like high school romance anime.


Out of these I'd recommend Haibane Renmei (really, on of the best anime out there) and Maria Holic (my favorite SHAFT show and I've seen almost all of them).
>> No. 5345 [Edit]
File 131215188390.gif - (17.47KB , 300x300 , Mugen.gif )
A Channel
Yondemasu-yo Azazel San
Infinite Stratos
Lotte no Omocha
Letter Bee
Mazinkaizer SKL
Seikimatsu Occult Gakuin
Sengoku Otome
Trigun the Movie
Kaibutsu Oujo OVA
Legend of Legendary Heroes

Now for the really old stuff.

Dennou Coil
Jyu Ou Sei
Kino's Journey
Kuuchu Buranko (Trapeze)
Kyouran Kazoku Nikki
Pandora Hearts
Seitokai no Ichizon
Senkou no Night Raid
Welcome to the NHK
>> No. 5350 [Edit]
File 131215304576.jpg - (159.75KB , 848x931 , matsurika01.jpg )

You liked Maria Holic more than Natsu no Arashi, Pani Poni Dash, SZS and Moon Phase?

You really into traps or something?
Matsurika was pretty much the only reason I watched most of season 1.
>> No. 5352 [Edit]

You really should watch Welcome to the NHK.
>> No. 5356 [Edit]
>Matsurika was pretty much the only reason I watched most of season 1

How simplistic.
I loved season 1, entirely.
>> No. 5363 [Edit]
File 131220834299.png - (754.01KB , 1171x686 , practicing 3 point shots.png )
The show was great, Matsurika just made it all the better.
>> No. 5364 [Edit]

Dennou Coil, Kino no Tabi, Trapeze and Simoun are worth watching. Oh, and NHK maybe, if you are willing to look past Satou being a hikki who goes out to smoke, talks with strangers, goes to neighbors to complain about noise...


Yup, that's what I said! SZS S1 was pretty close to it, though. I could call it a tie.

I didn't like S2 that much though. Actually, it was pretty stale. And no, I tend to dislike traps to be honest (although I love all things yuri to balance it out).
>> No. 5392 [Edit]

Yeah, I really should get to finishing some of these series. I actually made it pretty far into Welcome to the NHK before I put it on hiatus. The main character's pathetic antics were getting a bit hard to watch. Then there was that girl. I don't know what was in it for her but she was not trustworthy. I couldn't tell if she looked at him as a guinea pig or if she sincerely wanted to help him, but that's enough ranting.

I actually started watching Trapeze a little after I made that post. Why did I wait so long to watch this?

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