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File 131184124356.jpg - (172.65KB , 500x750 , 1249510594028.jpg )
5220 No. 5220 [Edit]
I'm wondering if any of you have a favorite show that the subbers never finished.
Mister Ajikko is probably at the top of my list. Yakitate! Japan is one of my all time favorites and the folks who subbed Yakitate! Japan dropped Mister Ajikko after ep 3 (of 99 episodes). Apparently Mister Ajikko was a somewhat influential show which inspired the creation of the Iron Chef franchise as well as a number of fine animes.

Nagato unrelated
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>> No. 5221 [Edit]
File 131184235351.jpg - (128.18KB , 700x513 , 0898a5125f865a5be4562939f19e2a76b62091dd.jpg )
Anyamal Tantei Kiruminzoo
Just love the show.
LSS-WSRN was/is the only group subbing it, but they've been going at a pace of around 1 ep a month lately, they put out like 5 ep in the last 3 months or so, which was pretty cool since they didn't do a ep for like 4 months before that.
last one they put out was ep 39 out of 50
It feels like the show ended a year ago..
>> No. 5231 [Edit]
yes! precure. as in the series, not me responding by saying yes. aesir are getting there, but there's not been a release in a few months. same with fresh precure, curecom are speedier but they already have their hands full with suite.

nobody even started on yes! precure gogo
>> No. 5424 [Edit]
File 13124738864.jpg - (43.23KB , 470x264 , yesprecure5.jpg )
yes pretty cure 5 is getting done by PCSS:

BTW: Pic related
PS: Curecom did 1-8 of gogo(and they are slow)
>> No. 5429 [Edit]
File 131249562177.jpg - (24.49KB , 564x612 , george日本人版.jpg )
>> No. 5432 [Edit]
>> No. 5434 [Edit]
>> No. 5435 [Edit]

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