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File 129124355738.jpg - (277.24KB , 1600x1133 , d52e17cf0633c434555fb3350bf06074.jpg )
504 No. 504
How about a Strike Witches thread.

Have you watched any of the seasons? I recently finished S1 myself, will probably start with S2 next week.

For all the shit it gets I must say that it was quite enjoyable to watch. Light-hearted, sometimes a bit sad, sometimes funny... and pantsu everywhere. What's not to like. Quality of animation is very high as well.

Also, it took me half an hour to find an image for this thread, so I'll just go with this.
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>> No. 505
File 129124364528.gif - (2.53MB , 640x360 , 142e41182ee4f2969d5c2206b5c5975c.gif )
>> No. 509
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>> No. 510
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>> No. 511
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>> No. 512
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>> No. 513
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>> No. 514
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>> No. 516
Episode 6 of both seasons are the best episodes IMO.
>> No. 517
I watched like the first four episodes or so; it was pretty much the worst show I've ever seen.

I think the community surrounding it only became so godawful because—at the time—people used it as sort of a counter Code Geass cult. Negative elitism formed, and the cultish, circlejerking behavior set the precedent for all general threads to come. That's why I think it had a negative impact on the anime board.

I also believe that the success of shows like these negatively effect the quality of the anime industry, because they exacerbate the level of which studios are willing to pander to driveling plebs. It's like when you're watching television, and you suddenly come across a tactlessly over-sexualized commercial. It leaves a bad taste in your mouth, and you wonder what business it has existing.
>> No. 518
I've only watched the first 3 episodes of season 1 before I dropped it because I just plain found it uninteresting, which is a little odd considering how I normally like lolis and the concept sounded like it could be so stupid it's awesome.

But I think I can rationalize my dislike for the show on the fact that the show seemed to take itself too seriously despite having a stupid premise. With shows like Moetan or Milk Holmes (to take a recent example), I can enjoy it despite the stupid premise/plot and shameless fanservice because the creators acknowledge that the show is retarded and poke fun at it in a very tongue-in-cheek way. With Strike Witches, I saw none of that. Of course, Strike Witches is not meant to be a comedy unlike the two loli anime I used as examples. But in that case, I personally don't find the action exciting, nor the drama interesting (partly because I still can't get over the whole premise) so I just feel like I'm watching a series of pointless pantyshot after another.

In any case, I hope my views haven't offended any Strike Witches fans here and if I did, take my criticism with a grain of salt since I did only watch 3 episodes.
>> No. 519
Everyone is entitled to an opinion. Tohno-chan is hosted in a free country.
>> No. 529
File 129133585627.jpg - (1.38MB , 3411x2633 , strikewitches_characterguide.jpg )
I don't give two fucks about the community. I watch something because it's enjoyable to me, not because other people like it.

I agree however it's not the greatest show ever produced, plot wise it's very weak. I also dislike the animal features witches get when they use magic which wasn't explained (yet). What I like about SW are the single characters and the light mood that reigns in their fortress even though they are at war. The dogfights are really enjoyable, especially near the end and the premise of the Neuroi and the implications of humans with them kept me captivated. Then there is the historical aspect to it, with the guns, the warships and the historical figures.

Overall it's just a nice little show with moe characters and pantyshots.

>I've only watched the first 3 episodes of season 1 before I dropped it because I just plain found it uninteresting.

I guess that would be the problem, the three or four first episodes are generally considered very average, while it takes nearly eight episodes for the story to pick up and become interesting. And then it just ends. I don't know what to expect for season 2 but I heard there was some kind of twist.

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