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File 131049406570.png - (2.65MB , 1280x720 , shot0001.png )
4879 No. 4879 [Edit]
You cannot unsee Reimu and Marisa.
Expand all images
>> No. 4883 [Edit]
Oh, I forgot I planned to watch that. Thanks for reminding me.

We kinda have a thread already but I think it's okay to start a new one.
>> No. 4884 [Edit]
File 13105238224.jpg - (543.80KB , 1280x720 , [FFFpeeps] Nekogami Yaoyorozu 01 [720p][19109C79]_.jpg )
I don't get why people keep comparing this to touhou.
>> No. 4889 [Edit]
File 131057194960.jpg - (117.38KB , 1280x720 , [Leopard-Raws] Nekogami Yaoyorozu - 01 RAW (ATX 12.jpg )
I like Shamo.
>> No. 4891 [Edit]
How can anyone not like her?

how can anyone not like any of the characters?
>> No. 4894 [Edit]
File 131063060239.jpg - (498.66KB , 1280x720 , [FFFpeeps] Nekogami Yaoyorozu 01 [720p][19109C79]_.jpg )
Man, they aren't wasting any time pushing out the figs are they?
>> No. 4901 [Edit]
File 131068605418.jpg - (447.12KB , 1280x720 , [FFFpeeps] Nekogami Yaoyorozu 01 [720p][19109C79]_.jpg )
She's so awesome.
>> No. 4902 [Edit]

I wonder if the producers are SEGA fans?
>> No. 4908 [Edit]
Just 8/16 bit I think, if the op was anything to go by.
Second cartage in the air is from a nes.
>> No. 4914 [Edit]
This was a lot more entertaining then expected.
>> No. 4924 [Edit]

There's also a Saturn controller just above the box. Strange that they would use the US/EU NES cartridge rather than a Famicom cart.
>> No. 4989 [Edit]
File 131103098471.png - (2.65MB , 1280x720 , shot0001.png )
Meiko is literally Marisa.
>> No. 4990 [Edit]
I was going to not watch this because I wanted to cut back on the anime I follow this season (so I don't feel rushed) but it looks too cute to pass up.
>> No. 4998 [Edit]
I can't hold all these anime's on my hard disks. This is a pretty good season. I feel bad that this season being good is affecting me negatively. Might need to go out and buy another hard drive.
>> No. 4999 [Edit]
When I went into this I didn't expect it to be such a blatant Touhou ripoff. Then I found out it was based off a manga by Flipflops, which explains it. But . . .

You know for what would appear to be a Touhou knock off I'm actually enjoying this show a lot. Liked the humor, it was fast paced, wacky but not overdoing it. And it's incredibly cute. Definitely watching.
>> No. 5006 [Edit]
we've yet to have seen her steal anything or beat anyone up.
>> No. 5008 [Edit]

>When I went into this I didn't expect it to be such a blatant Touhou ripoff.

I don't understand where people get this from. ZUN didn't invent shinto, you know. Since both are based on it they are bound to be similar in many aspect but again, I can hardly see how it's a Touhou clone.
>> No. 5010 [Edit]
She's trying to 'steal' Mayu from Sasana and tries to 'beat her up' to do it.
>> No. 5013 [Edit]
I dont see any touhou connection with the character designs nor personalities.

Post edited on 20th Jul 2011, 1:00pm
>> No. 5023 [Edit]

The show revolves around a bunch of cute girls with magical powers doing slice-of-life things in a word where "incidents" occasionally spring up and the destitute Red White has to get off her lazy ass to save the day.

I think that description could apply equally to Touhou as well as Nekogami. Though obviously there are many, many major differences between the two series it's not surprising people see the similarities. The entire show has the feel of a Touhou doujinshi, probably due to the fact that before doing the Nekogami manga Flipflops was primarily known for doing Touhou doujinshi.

While I am enjoying Nekogami, I still think it's rather obvious where the creators are getting their inspiration.
>> No. 5024 [Edit]
This show might be a lot like touhou, but I hardly think it's right to call it a ripoff, at least not in a negative light.
80% of all anime is a ripoff/clone of some other anime, it's nothing new for anime in general.
But this is a ripoff/clone of something that's not (officially) a anime (yet), that alone should place it far beyond any other watered down copy of a copy of a copy shows.

Anyone can name off tons of harem, mecha, slice of life, high school romance ect anime, how many 'touhou like' anime can you name?
>> No. 5027 [Edit]
File 131122847861.jpg - (164.95KB , 720x400 , [HorribleSubs] Nekogami Yaoyorozu - 01_(XviD_Anime.jpg )

-Formal engagements
-Shinto overtones
-Everyone has an ability of some sort
-Red and white/Black and white (the personalities are nothing alike)

I'm not jumping on the bandwagon, but I could see how someone might think this was Touhou-like. It has some of it's qualities, but that's about it really.
>> No. 5029 [Edit]
If you keep a summary too general of course it will apply to a variety of things. Someone having a color sceme and having incidents occur is about as general as it gets. I'd see kannagi closer to touhou even. (but I dont read touhou doujinshi)
And I cannot see anyone else but byakuren in the girl in op picture.

Post edited on 21st Jul 2011, 1:02am
>> No. 5032 [Edit]

>Formal engagements

That's going quite far but okay, I'll give you that one.

>Shinto overtones
>Everyone has an ability of some sort

Pretty much one and the same thing and yeah, there's no denying it.

>Red and white/Black and white (the personalities are nothing alike)

That's just rich. Using this kind of logic you could find something that reminds you of Touhou in every show, including those which aired long before Touhou was conceived. I mean hell, the founder of Black Red White must be an avid Touhou fan, right?

On top of that red hakama/white haori is a standard combination for miko. If we'll keep moving at this pace every in 5 years time show with a shrine/miko will be dubbed Touhou ripoff.

By the way >>5027, please take no offence, I understand that you don't see it as a ripoff and just name things that might remind people of Touhou.

And yeah, again, I obviously see the similarities since both are based on shinto. But as far as I can see that's about it, the rest is just plain different, the alleged similarities are so minor that you could find some with any other show out there ('the show revolves around a bunch of cute girls with magical powers doing slice-of-life things in a word where "incidents" occasionally spring up).


>I'd see kannagi closer to touhou even. (but I dont read touhou doujinshi)

w, I began writing this before you replied and I wanted to mention Kannagi all the time. Seriously, if you go down this route Kannagi will turn out to be a massive Touhou ripoff!
>> No. 5033 [Edit]
File 131123841556.jpg - (13.90KB , 300x300 , 6378_cirno_5F00_w.jpg )
SoL centered around cute gods and spirits and demons ect who are almost all female, and who often times fight each other for little or no good reason.

As it was pointed out, this plays out very much like the average touhou doujinshi, and feels very much like it, so no, it's technically not like touhou as in the games, more like touhou doujinshi, but you have to remember, touhou is nothing without doujinshi, really, it's the fandom that keeps touhou going, the games alone have next to no content to go off of.
if the games are the heart, doujinshi is the body.

Here, try reading this, it's good stuff.

oh and this

Post edited on 21st Jul 2011, 1:58am
>> No. 5034 [Edit]

>who often times fight each other for little or no good reason.

Unless my memory is even worse than I thought the only characters who 'fought' (and actually didn't really fight as they were stopped) are Meiko and Sasana. On top of that, they have a perfectly legitimate reason - actually, you'd have to really try hard to name something that's worth fighting for more than love.
>> No. 5042 [Edit]
File 13112471785.jpg - (132.72KB , 514x609 , 73bc815ab653ace1b59ecb1dbea9c948.jpg )
>it's the fandom that keeps touhou going, the games alone have next to no content to go off of.
if the games are the heart, doujinshi is the body.

No. The only people who publish Touhou Doujinshi are the talentless hacks to need the name on the cover to sell their shit story.

They can't even be the body, as the doujinshi contradicts so many things that happened in the game and few official manga, in which yes, there is a story, read the text files that come with the games. What you're saying is the equivalent of fan-fiction writers being the body of a series.
>> No. 5043 [Edit]
the great thing about touhou is that we can enjoy doujinshi in spite of that

I wish there were more background to go along with the games though
>> No. 5044 [Edit]
At the very least, doujin artists are a lot more respected than fanfiction writers.
>> No. 5047 [Edit]
If it wasn't for the fandom, chances are you and most people never would have heard of touhou.
and nice job defending the official content while using fanart.
>> No. 5050 [Edit]
Fanart doesn't interfere with the story that in fact is there, which doujinshi artists seem to always want to change.
Many people would have heard of Touhou if they were actually interested in the games and the characters. All fanon does is twist the story and characters to either suit someone's fetishes, or pander to people who never play the games and spend all day beating your dicks to the characters or chatting up about how great the latest Yukari X Youmu scat H manga was.

What pisses me off the most is how all these fan works influence people into actually believing this is how the characters are, and essentially destroying the initial point of them.
There is a thread in /foe/ discussing that actually.

Doujinshi artists are fanfiction writers, it can be good or bad, but it is what it is.
>> No. 5051 [Edit]
Is this thread really going to get derailed by Touhou and the normal /jp/-like argument of "Secondaries"?
>> No. 5052 [Edit]
The thread started on the wrong path right off the bat. Could just remake it.
>> No. 5053 [Edit]
No, it already has.
>> No. 5055 [Edit]
I didn't say they weren't the same, I said they're more respected.
>> No. 5058 [Edit]
File 131129003696.jpg - (591.24KB , 1031x1500 , MarisaSAB.jpg )

She's not gar enough to be the Marisa.
>> No. 5059 [Edit]
File 131129057014.jpg - (347.63KB , 1280x720 , [FFFpeeps] Nekogami Yaoyorozu 02 [720p][A267AF2E]_.jpg )

>The only people who publish Touhou Doujinshi are the talentless hacks to need the name on the cover to sell their shit story.

That's a rather pessimistic way to look at it all. I hope you don't seriously believe this.

Did you ever think that maybe some just really enjoy the Touhouverse, merely wishing to express that through their doujinshi?
>> No. 5060 [Edit]
File 131129070482.jpg - (37.11KB , 401x430 , Marisa_get out.jpg )

Only secondaries would call this a Touhou ripoff.
>> No. 5061 [Edit]
Just saying that they look like Marisa and Reimu isn't reason to derail the thread 100%.
Hell, my little post here was just joking: >>5010
I didn't make the thread anyways, but the OP would be better off at this point.

Only idiots would think it's a ripoff.
Similarities and possible comparisons? Sure.
>> No. 5062 [Edit]
Only idiots would call other people idiots .
>> No. 5063 [Edit]
Childishness at its finest.
>> No. 5069 [Edit]
File 131131892082.jpg - (62.55KB , 720x364 , BakaOuji.jpg )

Surtic's a secondary!
Na na na na na~!
Change your name to Surtic the Secondary™.
>> No. 5070 [Edit]
I know you are but what am I?
>> No. 5071 [Edit]

Let's not turn this into /jp/
>> No. 5072 [Edit]
Funny, but I thought that only applied to people who don't play the games.
>> No. 5073 [Edit]

Maybe it does.
Maybe it doesn't.
Maybe the world is made of pudding~!
>> No. 5078 [Edit]
File 131134450917.jpg - (33.76KB , 431x272 , touhouCO4.jpg )

The only "pure" is ZUN. Everyone else is a secondary, and only ZUN's pure-blooded offspring can carry on the Touhou legacy.
>> No. 5079 [Edit]
File 131134651111.jpg - (62.90KB , 622x521 , 1311278266049.jpg )
Tertiaries, all of you!
>> No. 5080 [Edit]
I've seen that image so often now, but what is it from?
>> No. 5081 [Edit]
>Maybe the world is made of pudding~!

Oh Haruhi not that again.
>> No. 5089 [Edit]

Wish I could tell you but I'm not sure either.
Try asking poosh.
They know everything.
>> No. 5091 [Edit]
What's wrong with the greatest thesis film of all time?
>> No. 5140 [Edit]
File 13116252615.jpg - (325.96KB , 1280x720 , [WhyNot] Nekogami Yaoyorozu - 03 [C5FE53FF]_mkv_00.jpg )
>> No. 5156 [Edit]
File 13116282185.jpg - (458.87KB , 1280x720 , [WhyNot] Nekogami Yaoyorozu - 03 [C5FE53FF]_mkv_00.jpg )
This show is hip and what's happening.

I like those belt accessories they wear on their ears. Catgirl fashion... don't see that very often.
>> No. 5266 [Edit]
File 13119429803.png - (1.35MB , 1366x768 , Armpit.png )
Delicious armpit.
>> No. 5278 [Edit]
File 13119599599.jpg - (236.34KB , 1280x720 , [WhyNot] Nekogami Yaoyorozu - 03 [C5FE53FF]_mkv_00.jpg )
I like her way of thinking... except for her morals regarding her shikigami. She needs to keep them on a tight leash. Though, I'm not sure I would use them for minor things like she does. Then I can somewhat understand their protest.
>> No. 5495 [Edit]
what would you use them for?
>> No. 5498 [Edit]
File 131267889672.jpg - (140.91KB , 951x1295 , touhouCO_Kourin.jpg )
Cleaving and smiting evil... youkai.
>> No. 5509 [Edit]
File 131276411426.jpg - (153.37KB , 1280x720 , Nekogami_Yaoyorozu - classic_coins.jpg )
You will never own a bunch of chests overflowing with ungodly amounts of those huge old Japanese coins. ;_;
>> No. 5813 [Edit]
File 131398534084.jpg - (374.94KB , 1280x720 , [FFFpeeps] Nekogami Yaoyorozu 05 [720p][75B9BF1A]_.jpg )
Anyone else think the manga artist is kind of out of place in this show?
>> No. 5815 [Edit]
It is the creator trying to write himself in to the imaginary world he created, but he/she still doesn't fit in.

>> No. 5817 [Edit]
A self insert was what I had guessed, but did not believe the author to look anything like that.
I guess it's true, everyone does want to be a little girl after all.

I kind of like the character, but yeah, she sticks out like the kool-aid guy at a funeral.
The first time she showed up, I thought I missed a episode.
Shamo was supposed to be new in town or something, yet went right up to the manga artist apartment, and when there right away they acted as if they were old friends.
which now seems to be the case with the whole cast.
The character interaction is like that of a show with a last minute addition to the cast.
It feels very unnatural and almost awkward.
It's funny and sad at the same time, the author being of the work being it's own third wheel.
>> No. 5956 [Edit]
File 131460521213.jpg - (83.31KB , 600x900 , Shiddo1312458050_jpeg.jpg )
When/where exactly can we get these figures they keep taunting us with?
>> No. 6630 [Edit]
File 13185778933.jpg - (389.96KB , 1000x1000 , d0584b24d93a0a8a1776559c8ddb7382.jpg )
Why did people hate this show?

Apparently this was one of the the worst selling show of the season.
selling so bad that it didn't even rank for japan's Weekly DVD & CD Rankings for Oct 3 - 9

FFFpeeps, the only guys subbing this (unless you count horriblesubs), lost interest in subbing it, and although they didn't drop it, clearly didn't care enough to have it half subbed even now that it's ended.

I think I remember hearing someone say they deserve it, but why's that?
Is it because it was trying to leach off the popularity of touhou?
Did people decide to hate it becuase of this, or was it really that bad, and that went right over my head?
>> No. 6634 [Edit]
I thought it was cute when it wasn't trying to be serious. The few episodes of drama were quite boring though.

From FFFpeeps' blog
>Nekogami 08 – 12 – The typesetter who was supposed to work on this has gone missing. If he isn’t back by the time /I/ finish my exams, I’ll typeset everything.

Although I wouldn't hold my breath about them finishing it anytime soon. Their Sofutenni has been stalled at episode 6 for nearly two seasons.
>> No. 6688 [Edit]
File 13187268644.jpg - (313.20KB , 1280x720 , [WhyNot] Nekogami Yaoyorozu - 03 [C5FE53FF]_mkv_00.jpg )

I remember falling asleep on... episode 3 I think?

The one about bringing spring back to Gensokyo... or whatever their town is called.

It was SO boring.
Not sure why Twin Angel did better than it though. In my eyes, both were just as boring... though Nekogami has more potential.

I'll probably finish it one day... when I have caught up with everything else.

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