No. 5832
>practically a side character.
hahahahaha, nice one.
If this show had realistic "normal" NEETs, it might be interesting, if it had sad pathetic men with a motivation to pay their debt to a society they've leached off of, by solving crimes assisting as many people as they can, then this might be a interesting show.
But that wouldn't sell well, because then they wouldn't be able to have a retarded high school kid walking in on a half naked little girl, over and over and over.
without some tsundere loli moe, there wont be any figures to sell, who's gonna buy anything with, not a cute girl on it, but a depressed old man?
who wants a pillow cover feathering a dirty ugly true to life NEET on a bed of trash, when they can have one of a character like alice, naked and hiding her naughty bits with her stuffed animals?
What we have here are five rather unrealistic people playing a game of detectives in their super cool NEET club.
I might be able to buy the format boxer living on the streets, if only he looks like one, and not like some teenager without a scratch still in school.
clean cut male prostitute that has hook ups with every woman in the city? what possible reason does he have to be there?
I might believe the military otaku NEET, if he was twice as fat, and wasn't a collage student who looks like a 13 year old.
the beyond avorage protagonest that looks and acts like a clone from countless other anime, can't think of a show with a character like him, toss a frecking rock, preferably at the protag since he, like so many other average high school going male anime protagonist with the same exact personally, seems to love getting the crap beat out of him, especially for people they hardly know, often times as they spews moralfaggoty.
and of course the token bossy tsundere loli, who seems to have every major character in the show serving her, she who also is the soul reason why at least half this show's audience is watching it.
She also has the local gang leader eating out of the palm of her hand for who knows what reason.
Forth as it were, after seeing him with the fabric shop owner, I truly thought the guy was homosexual, but then I soon noticed, the shop keeper isn't actually a guy, and once the shop owner complained about their stomach pain, it became painfully obvious she was the woman that got stabbed, and this was them putting her into hiding.
but we have to wait till the next episode for them to tell us what we already know.
The show is just so bland predictable and easy to read.
I've seen how many peers/seeds this show has, I know it's wildly popular.
but to say the characters here are normal or realistic? who are you trying to fool here?
the characters in this program are only 'normal' in reguards to other anime, becuase it's just the same characters we've seen time and time again, given random names and placed into slightly different situations, it's all the same shit, them calling themselves NEETs doesn't change anything, it only makes a mockery of the word.
and another thing, where in the hell are these 'NEETs' as they so proudly bost, getting their funding? all that computer equipment, camuras they place around, even the bills for the fancy cellphones they keep showing off, that crap isn't free.