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File 131027462367.jpg - (405.44KB , 1280x720 , [EveTaku] Kamisama no Memo-chou - 01v2 (1280x720 x.jpg )
4842 No. 4842 [Edit]
Interesting move on their part, having the first ep be double length.
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>> No. 4849 [Edit]
Anyone else get a bit confused at first about who was who?
3 of the girls I thought looked a lot alike, each having the same hair and similar eyes.
>> No. 4850 [Edit]

All Japs look the same to me.
>> No. 4851 [Edit]
This is the real reason why characters in anime have different color hair.
>> No. 4855 [Edit]
The normal looking cast is one of the things I really like about this show.
>> No. 4867 [Edit]
File 131036551275.jpg - (112.34KB , 1280x720 , Spoiler Picture.jpg )
just posting...
>> No. 4868 [Edit]
That scene was so god damn cliche...
If I had a dollar for every tome that same exact scene/scenario happened in a anime, I could fund my own anime.

This I'd say is the much more annoying version of the tired old cliche.
Usually a retard walks into a room without knocking, and to his surprise sees some girls changing, then he stands there acting like the retard he is as they toss whatever is in reach at him then kick him out.
Here we have a guy already in a room, which girls walk into and start changing in front of him, then start tossing things at him before kicking him out, calling him a pervert, hentai, lolicon ect.
Putting aside they're the ones at fault for doing that in front of him, he could have just left once they started.
unless of course he actually wanted to see the show, in which he had no right to complain about getting hit with that can.

It might have been amusing the first time, but it's getting old japan.
>> No. 4948 [Edit]
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I haven't read this scenario in any tomes as of late, though I suppose a moe connoisseur expressing their opinion in a lengthy text would be kind of interesting. Hell, someone needs to do this.

But yeah, you're right.
Next time this happens, a bunch of random people should storm the room and begin partying.

Fiesta out of fucking nowhere.
Re-defining accidental moe.
>> No. 4956 [Edit]
It was a typo bro, i and o are next to each other in case you haven't noticed.
>> No. 4957 [Edit]
File 131095540358.png - (164.12KB , 788x329 , NEET.png )
I really dislike their approach on what it means to be a 'NEET'.
Characters in this show announce it as if it's something to be proud of, the main character repeatedly corrects people by saying "I'm not a detective, I'm a NEET detective" as if it's some sort of badge of honor.
They even use it as part of their moto "it's the only NEET thing to do"
Implying there's some sort of code of conduct/ethics that comes with being a NEET?
It's like a bad joke, in a show that tries to employ moderately serious themes in their detective work they do.
such as with the guy keeping the body of his dead girlfriend who killed herself after whoring herself out, on ice in his bathtub.
It's like every time they say the word NEET it kills any and all drama/story/tone that has been built up, and makes it all look dumb and silly (then again, the brains of the detective operation here is a loli)
Dont get me wrong here, I'm no moe hater, I love shows centered around cute girls, but there's a time and a place...
in all seriousness (I say that because I know someone would reply saying otherwise half jokingly) Not eveything works with cute little girl protagonist.

Annnnd of course, they just had to do this >>4868 again in the second episode.
Do they really find it that funny to do the same basic thing in two back to back episodes?
>> No. 4958 [Edit]

I agree with everything, but it's not something annoying enough to make me drop this show.
The two cases presented so far are interesting, and if they manage to keep it that level I'm going to enjoy this very much.
>> No. 4969 [Edit]

Is that so?
Well, excuse me good sir... it seems I misunderstood you.
>> No. 4970 [Edit]

I just take it as J.C. Staff being J.C. Staff.
Ever since their Index shenanigans, I watch everything they make with VERY low expectations.
>> No. 4975 [Edit]
I feel like every time I watch a episode of something made by J.C. Staff, my iq drops a point.
>> No. 4978 [Edit]
They're the definition of average, I don't really understand. They've had a few blunders, but I really like most of their stuff. As for just the recent content that >>4970 is speaking of, Milky holmes, Potemayo, Toradora and railgun were also solid shows that aired after Index.

Gonzo is much worse off than them. They have what, two good series? Their animation isn't exactly something I'd call quality either. I don't want to come off like a douche, but since no one else is trying to be polite.
>> No. 4979 [Edit]
What's wrong with JC Staff? They're just average, I don't see why people complain against them. Everything they make is average, yet some of it is entertaining. People expect too much from animation studios these days.
>> No. 4981 [Edit]
It's more the content of the shows, the animation quality is fine/good in their stuff, but a lot of their stuff employs idiotic story's.
but maybe you're right, sure, raildex was a cluster fuck of retarded plot lines in which nothing made sense with random violence and even more random big words they didn't know the meaning to and a lot of people I imagine view raildex as their flagship anime, so it's no wonder many people as such think jc staff is filled with morons, it also doesn't help that they recolored and redid same the well known tsundere character (Shana, Louise and tagia)
but still, you're right, they're not half bad at all, They've made a lot of shows I really loved, some really good stuff, I guess it's just easy to forget that since they've kind of fallen into a rut in more recent years with shows primarily centered around tusunderes and fanservice, and the art styles all seem so similar now.. at least the shows that stand out which people talk the most about anyway.
They used to have such good variety in their shows, but I dunno, that seems to be slowly drifting away a bit, replaced by a sea of lolis.

Post edited on 18th Jul 2011, 2:19pm
>> No. 4983 [Edit]
File 131102222635.jpg - (228.01KB , 768x1024 , MilkyHolmes133.jpg )

Well... I agree with you about Milky Holmes at least.

Best thing they've done in a while. Ironic that they went with an original story line, thus not having anything to bastardize.
>> No. 4984 [Edit]
File 131102245018.jpg - (219.42KB , 600x600 , Louise2.jpg )

From my understanding, they're notorious for completely changing the main plot/characterizations in nearly every show they touch.

Pic related.
I never experienced the "greatness" of the original work, but many believe that J.C. Staff completely ruined ZnT... mainly anything after the first season.
>> No. 4986 [Edit]
File 131102423771.jpg - (33.43KB , 600x450 , DesertPunk.jpg )

I've actually enjoyed more Gonzo series than J.C. Staff, so in my opinion they were better. Desert Punk, Last Exile, Kiddy Grade, Gankutsuou, the list goes on. They've made a few solid series. Hell, Desert Punk is among my favorites.

Compare Gonzo's track record to J.C. Staff -- a sea of mediocrity... BUT far more pandering in nature, thus better sales. J.C. Staff series also tend to have very memorable openings.
>> No. 5009 [Edit]
I don't think the writers understand what the acronym NEET stands for. As Alice and her friends are detectives, they are employed, and not NEET's.

Anyhow, I really like this MC. I'm not a NEET myself, just an underachieving loser, but two of my close friends have been unemployed high school drop outs for the last two years. Kinda surreal. The MC being hassled by a girl trying to make friends was something too, but luckily in real life no one is so persistent and leave you alone if you ignore them for a while. I'm also pretty spineless and would not have gone against what I was ordered to do, so the MC seems more real to me with the stuff he went through there. I'm sure I am not the only one who can relate this well.
>> No. 5012 [Edit]
I don't disagree with what you said, but this MC is a dime a dozen clone.
He's the same MC in hundreds of other anime, even looks like most of them.
I had kind of forgotten he was there, he could have been invisible all the same, it's like he blends into the background.
I'm so accustomed to seeing protagonists like him in anime I'm starting to not notice them.
>> No. 5076 [Edit]
Bland and generic. Makes a mockery of the term NEET.

Since when is being a inept reject in society something to idolize and aspire too?

Okay art in this show, but the story is lame. I think I'll drop it, there are better things this season anyway.
>> No. 5605 [Edit]
I just seen last episode, and for some reason, I really hated it. It's just so average, and boring. I still like the mystery more than Gosick and Dantalian no Shoka which are just mockeries of the mystery genre, and I do like their cases more because they're more realistic. But what the fuck is up with calling themselves NEET?
>> No. 5818 [Edit]
Just finished watching episode 7. This series is pretty enthralling for me, as the whole NEET thing was something I got over on the second episode. Interesting, as I was really expecting this to be a 1st episode drop. Enjoying this more than Yuri Yuri, twin angel, and nekogami this season. All which I have yet to catch up on actually.

>Since when is being a inept reject in society something to idolize and aspire too?

I don't watch anime to see someone I aspire to be. I've grown to despise "student council president top of the class super über athlete"
it makes me feel like shit, and it's a horrible character type to begin with. If anime is made in a somewhat realistic modern world setting, at least make the characters somewhat normal people. Them being NEET's isn't so far-fetched given the world economic situation anyhow.

Post edited on 21st Aug 2011, 9:46pm
>> No. 5821 [Edit]
Well you should anyway. With a few exceptions anime (like any other media) these days is formulated and pandering.

Post edited on 21st Aug 2011, 10:53pm
>> No. 5822 [Edit]
>at least make the characters somewhat normal people.

It's about a loli super Hacker in a room with $10,000 worth of computer equipment who survives off soup and soda, that runs a detective agency employed by NEETs

This show is terrible, but I am by no means surprised by it's popularity.
>> No. 5824 [Edit]
She's practically a side character. The rest of the cast is entertaining and normal on their own.
>> No. 5832 [Edit]
>practically a side character.
hahahahaha, nice one.

If this show had realistic "normal" NEETs, it might be interesting, if it had sad pathetic men with a motivation to pay their debt to a society they've leached off of, by solving crimes assisting as many people as they can, then this might be a interesting show.
But that wouldn't sell well, because then they wouldn't be able to have a retarded high school kid walking in on a half naked little girl, over and over and over.
without some tsundere loli moe, there wont be any figures to sell, who's gonna buy anything with, not a cute girl on it, but a depressed old man?
who wants a pillow cover feathering a dirty ugly true to life NEET on a bed of trash, when they can have one of a character like alice, naked and hiding her naughty bits with her stuffed animals?
What we have here are five rather unrealistic people playing a game of detectives in their super cool NEET club.
I might be able to buy the format boxer living on the streets, if only he looks like one, and not like some teenager without a scratch still in school.
clean cut male prostitute that has hook ups with every woman in the city? what possible reason does he have to be there?
I might believe the military otaku NEET, if he was twice as fat, and wasn't a collage student who looks like a 13 year old.
the beyond avorage protagonest that looks and acts like a clone from countless other anime, can't think of a show with a character like him, toss a frecking rock, preferably at the protag since he, like so many other average high school going male anime protagonist with the same exact personally, seems to love getting the crap beat out of him, especially for people they hardly know, often times as they spews moralfaggoty.
and of course the token bossy tsundere loli, who seems to have every major character in the show serving her, she who also is the soul reason why at least half this show's audience is watching it.
She also has the local gang leader eating out of the palm of her hand for who knows what reason.

Forth as it were, after seeing him with the fabric shop owner, I truly thought the guy was homosexual, but then I soon noticed, the shop keeper isn't actually a guy, and once the shop owner complained about their stomach pain, it became painfully obvious she was the woman that got stabbed, and this was them putting her into hiding.
but we have to wait till the next episode for them to tell us what we already know.
The show is just so bland predictable and easy to read.

I've seen how many peers/seeds this show has, I know it's wildly popular.
but to say the characters here are normal or realistic? who are you trying to fool here?
the characters in this program are only 'normal' in reguards to other anime, becuase it's just the same characters we've seen time and time again, given random names and placed into slightly different situations, it's all the same shit, them calling themselves NEETs doesn't change anything, it only makes a mockery of the word.

and another thing, where in the hell are these 'NEETs' as they so proudly bost, getting their funding? all that computer equipment, camuras they place around, even the bills for the fancy cellphones they keep showing off, that crap isn't free.
>> No. 5882 [Edit]
>all that computer equipment, camuras they place around, even the bills for the fancy cellphones they keep showing off, that crap isn't free.
This is what bothers me the most.
If they all dressed, looked and used cheap equipment like a NEET I would probably like this show a whole lot more but now the NEET part just comes of as a cheap gimmick.
A gimmick that the makers don't know anything about. It's like they just heard a random English acronym on the news and thought it sounded cool.
>> No. 5935 [Edit]
Looks like anime isn't your thing then, go watch CSI or something and stop whining for fucks sake. Clearly this is all just childish shit for mature gentlemen such as yourself.
>> No. 5970 [Edit]
Bitches and whores, the anime.

Am I supposed to feel something for these stories? The people who Alice helps pretty much deserve what they got.

It's like a backwards world. Where people get what they deserve, and a small group of people make sure to change it for the opposite.
>> No. 5971 [Edit]

I'm not the guy you're responding to. But he has a point.

This show sucks and makes a mockery of the term NEET. It's clearly been designed by a bunch of guys in suits, sitting around a board room shitting out ideas on how to sell the anime, then forcing the artists and directors to go along with it, or they can go find a new studio to pay them. NEETs and cute loli girls = $$$$$$$$$$. End of story. The show was made to sell, and has all the hallmarks of a generic show to do so.

Forgive the guy for actually wanting to watch a serious anime for once. I for one am also sick of every other show being about cute little girls (not that I despise cute little girls). I just miss the shows that have good writing, complex plots and background, and characters whom you could almost consider real. Maybe you guys are all just <18 years old, but I look at the 1990s to when anime was violent and often very deep stuff, but also lighthearted at times.
>> No. 5972 [Edit]
Or maybe you can try to realize, not all anime is good by default, just becuase it's anime.
I swear, no matter how mediocre or just crappy something is, there's always, always tons of people out there that love it.
Are you new to anime or a casual viewer? that's the only way I can see anyone liking this.
You say I should stop watching anime?
well I say you should watch more and try to develop a taste and the ability to evaluate anime without automatically calling everything good, because believe it or not, not all anime is perfect.
There is simply no credibility to the opinion of someone that gives two thumbs up or five stars to every single movie they see, or in this case, anime.

cheating whore kills herself.
Guy mixed in with the mod, gets in trouble with the mob.
Slut gets stabbed by jealous wife and gang members fight over her.
You're right, The only exception to this would be the episode about the owner of the ramen shop who was being visited by her dad and having her underwear stolen.
>> No. 5974 [Edit]
>if it had sad pathetic men with a motivation to pay their debt to a society they've leached off of
>without some tsundere loli moe
These two aren't mutually exclusive.
You could have a show where a tsundere loli and a 30 year old NEET team up to solve crime.
>> No. 5978 [Edit]
>tsundere loli and a 30 year old NEET team up
Oh, there will be crimes all right, that's for damn sure, but they wont be the ones solving them, if you get my drift.

>> No. 6015 [Edit]
Why the fuck are you guys angry about a fucking cartoon not having Nobel prize worthy plots?

I love anime as well, but you guys are kidding yourselves if you're looking for deep intricate plots in animation meant for children.
>> No. 6016 [Edit]
Who said anything about a cartoon?
I think there's a /co/ style thread on /ot/ somewhere.

Oh and news flash bro, most anime is not made for kids.
But then that is the stereotypical western world mindset isn't it? that everything animated is for kids.
Yeah I'm sure kids really dig stuff like a mentally unstable girl who whore herself out on the streets then slit hers wrists in a bathtub, who then gets preserved there in ice by her crazy boyfriend.

well, I will give you some credit, this show is as stupid as a kids show.

Post edited on 3rd Sep 2011, 12:19pm
>> No. 6017 [Edit]

Haruhi are we really getting into this argument?
>> No. 6018 [Edit]
Not even Tohno-chan is safe from the "Japanese cartoons are only for children" debate.
>> No. 6020 [Edit]
>> No. 6022 [Edit]
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>> No. 6149 [Edit]
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