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File 131010592197.jpg - (65.64KB , 610x862 , Usagi-Drop-anime.jpg )
4800 No. 4800 [Edit]
This looks interesting (read: irresistible)... But, althought I haven't read the manga just yet, apparently is not what it seems -a realistic lolicon- but a story about parenting.
The art and soundtrack reminded me a bit of Koi kaze's; if this series turns out to be half as good, it'd still be excelent.

Post edited on 7th Jul 2011, 11:22pm
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>> No. 4801 [Edit]
File 131010666537.jpg - (114.98KB , 1277x718 , rin.jpg )
What were you thinking you sick bastard!
>> No. 4802 [Edit]
File 131010817027.jpg - (48.85KB , 848x480 , [HorribleSubs] Usagi Drop - 01 [480p]_mkv_snapshot.jpg )
So much hnghhh. This is going to be solid 11 episodes of warm light-hearted delight.
>> No. 4805 [Edit]
Sorry to say, but it will be a somewhat realistic story about parenting. Soon, you shall meet the mother of all milfs. Your nuttbladder probably won't last until then though. I wonder if they'll only focus on her pre-teen years, as the manga is now already focusing on her highschool days. Also, Daikichi kind of handles things like a BOSS

Post edited on 8th Jul 2011, 3:16am
>> No. 4807 [Edit]
That was the first 10/10 ep 1 I've seen in... a very long time.

I feel satisfied even with just that.
>> No. 4815 [Edit]
File 131015407960.jpg - (160.08KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Usagi Drop - 01 [720p]_mkv_snapshot.jpg )
The intro's water color art style looked marvelous. I love the OP and ED.

Considering there will only be 11 episodes, I don't think they will cover the post timeskip arc. So don't worry, there won't be any incest end
>> No. 4820 [Edit]
This show had art in the OP end ED.
>> No. 4824 [Edit]

Wow I forgot to imply the show had great art.
>> No. 4825 [Edit]
I love how he got all pissed off when his uncle (?) suggested putting Rin in government care. I can tell Daikichi is going to be awesome
>> No. 4827 [Edit]
Translations aren't complete are they? how can everyone be so sure that there is an incest end? That doesn't actually bother me at all really. >whyboner.jpg
>> No. 4828 [Edit]
It's been widely rumored on 4chan, since 3 months ago when spoilers came out. It's on Futaba too, or so we're informed. You could say that it was an elaborate trolling effort. I'm still having skepticism, but much of it was challenged by the development in recent chapters.
Apparently the last 5 chapters are being scanned and translated. Soon we will have our answer.
>> No. 4834 [Edit]
File 13102439319.jpg - (83.36KB , 400x300 , Spoiler Picture.jpg )
Apart of me hopes not because I need a nice clean anime that makes me happy. But then agian...
>> No. 4866 [Edit]
File 131035997752.jpg - (80.89KB , 1280x720 , [Commie] Usagi Drop - 01 [654EB35F]_mkv_snapshot_2.jpg )
I love when you don't expect much from an adaption and it amazes the hell out of you.
I'm loving it so far, even the unique art style.
>> No. 4874 [Edit]
Just quickly read through the last 2 chapters of the final volume. They do get together, though I don't see why so many people doubted it considering it's Japan and all. I actually do have a huge hard-on for consensual father x daughter out of all the different types of incest so I actually don't mind this end.
>> No. 4876 [Edit]
bu-but it's not father-daughter! It's aunt-nephew! Aunt-nephew is superior to father-daughter in my opinion!!
>> No. 4896 [Edit]
File 131067160650.png - (155.74KB , 598x335 , dat face.png )
Oh, don't go that on me...
>> No. 4897 [Edit]
File 13106717182.png - (204.37KB , 597x337 , Spoiler Picture.png )
Considering all he's done up to now, this shouldn't be that hard...
>> No. 4900 [Edit]
File 131067976928.jpg - (52.11KB , 848x480 , Spoiler Picture.jpg )
>> No. 4927 [Edit]
File 131083464221.jpg - (533.23KB , 1280x720 , [Commie] Usagi Drop - 02 [C929F4A4]_mkv_000197489.jpg )
This show is fucking cute.
Makes me feel like I could raise a kid... once I get past the HUGE responsibility barrier.
>> No. 4930 [Edit]
You'd probably end up with a Reika.
>> No. 4939 [Edit]
File 131088121151.jpg - (152.79KB , 803x790 , 20254365.jpg )
Reika isn't so bad.
>> No. 4945 [Edit]
File 131092280166.jpg - (379.71KB , 1280x720 , [Commie] Usagi Drop - 02 [C929F4A4]_mkv_000610860.jpg )

Like hell I would!
>> No. 4946 [Edit]
File 131092315546.jpg - (437.75KB , 1280x720 , [Commie] Usagi Drop - 02 [C929F4A4]_mkv_000823322.jpg )
I can tell she's going to be the responsible one, once she gets a bit older.
>> No. 4959 [Edit]
>going to be the responsible one, once she gets a bit older
Let us not talk of these troubling things.
>> No. 5068 [Edit]
File 131130307287.jpg - (214.61KB , 957x538 , usagi drop 3.jpg )
Sometimes... well, most of the times, I can't nearly stand how lovely this girl is; neither I can't help re-watching some of her shots, over and over again. Also: the beanbags reminded me of Todo Kana...

I am a sickfuck alright. I did started hoping for a lolicon and/or some (actually proper) incest in the plot, at some point in the future; but right now I'm ok with things as they're going: it's only ep.3, but this show is developing really, really good.
>> No. 5074 [Edit]

I agree.

And, even without any wincest themes, the show is just great. Most shows just make a joke out of the concept of incest or otherwise do a poor job with it, besides a few like Koi Kaze.
>> No. 5084 [Edit]
File 131136610680.jpg - (341.61KB , 1280x720 , [Commie] Usagi Drop - 03 [C2C6D8D4]_mkv_001244242.jpg )
If Daikichi was my dad things would've been different.
>> No. 5085 [Edit]
File 131136642938.jpg - (444.74KB , 1280x720 , [Commie] Usagi Drop - 03 [C2C6D8D4]_mkv_000773731.jpg )

Well... at least you are honest.
You get points for that.

I know what you mean though.
She is way too cute... seriously, and she's a good kid on top of that. Can't wait to see how she grows up.

Although I'm not particularly fond of sad ends, I wouldn't mind as long as it doesn't feel forced (like Ano Hana).
>> No. 5086 [Edit]
but were you yourself an adorable loli? (was that actually the problem?...)
>> No. 5087 [Edit]
File 131137809190.jpg - (288.38KB , 1280x720 , [Commie] Usagi Drop - 03 [C2C6D8D4]_mkv_001111526.jpg )

My father wasn't as awesome as Daikichi... can we just leave it at that?

I was half joking anyway.
>> No. 5109 [Edit]
i love the first bit in episode 3, where he picks her up and bangs her head on the roof! cute
>> No. 5232 [Edit]
File 131189500966.png - (203.54KB , 595x316 , usagi drop 7.png )
u barstad...
>> No. 5233 [Edit]
File 131189505761.png - (315.72KB , 762x407 , usagi drop 6.png )
Uh... yeah (I love you).
>> No. 5317 [Edit]
File 131200654779.jpg - (330.15KB , 1280x720 , [Commie] Usagi Drop - 04 [A8083F5D]_mkv_000579120.jpg )
I just about lose it anytime I hear Rin say "un."
>> No. 5327 [Edit]
I initially dropped this but I recently watched the first and second episode because of boredom and I must say, this thing is so damn heart warming. I feel so nice and fuzzy inside everytime I watch an episode. I love the relationship of father the protagonist has with Rin, that is actually a complete stranger if you think about it, and that gives me a feel of hope for people to be more like them.
>> No. 5333 [Edit]
>a feel of hope for people

Take it easy.
>> No. 5340 [Edit]
>a feel of hope for people to be more like them.

You will never know what it's like to be a single, middle aged loser who suddenly has to sacrifice everything in his life to take care of an innocent child.

Feels bad man.
>> No. 5348 [Edit]
File 131215235378.jpg - (331.39KB , 1280x720 , [Commie] Usagi Drop - 03 [C2C6D8D4]_mkv_001206163.jpg )
Why is Daikichi a loser?

IIRC he was one of the best at his job before he requested a demotion.
>> No. 5361 [Edit]
He wasn't a loser although Daikichi himself said that the job thing was mostly luck.
He's also not middle aged, he's 30 at the start of the show.
>> No. 5362 [Edit]
File 131220729993.png - (298.37KB , 648x364 , 4905954.png )
>He's also not middle aged, he's 30
You mean he's too old, or you're just as kind as Rin?
>> No. 5369 [Edit]
>You mean he's too old,
He's too young to be middle aged at the start of the story.

>or you're just as kind as Rin?
I like to believe so.
>> No. 5390 [Edit]

>He wasn't a loser although Daikichi himself said that the job thing was mostly luck.

I think that was him mostly being humble. It is customary to not openly take compliments in Japan.
>> No. 5437 [Edit]
File 131250987636.jpg - (114.25KB , 597x335 , ubermensch.jpg )
Seriously: is Daikichi the übermensch, or I simply forgot how not to be a sickfuck?

Post edited on 4th Aug 2011, 7:12pm
>> No. 5438 [Edit]
File 131251000395.png - (164.44KB , 599x335 , ahhh.png )
This hurt really good...
It would've been the highlight if it wasn't for the brilliant epilogue.
>> No. 5440 [Edit]
File 131251013485.png - (191.25KB , 599x328 , mom.png )
Stupid and sexy irresponsable mangaka mother.
>> No. 5442 [Edit]
OST already available. btw:
>> No. 5450 [Edit]
File 131257348231.png - (289.09KB , 596x314 , fuckmesideways.png )
>> No. 5514 [Edit]
This show has potential to be awesome If they take out the ending
>> No. 5615 [Edit]
She wants his babies.
>> No. 5703 [Edit]
File 131335265021.png - (1.29MB , 1280x720 , vlcsnap-2011-08-11-21h44m26s100.png )

I haven't read the manga; but I just realized: it was very strange indeed that a good looking spoiled young woman, and an old man without any malice (or sexual potence), had actually got laid together and breed. So: Kaga grandfather isn't really Rin's father, is he? he just tried to adopt her -and her mother- just like Daikichi did...

I'm I slow or what?
>> No. 5769 [Edit]
File 131371015945.jpg - (107.30KB , 598x336 , usagi drop 8.jpg )
If we mean to live, we all grow old alright...
At least I'm not (idiotically) married or a woman, in any case.
>> No. 6090 [Edit]
File 131561881865.jpg - (66.73KB , 848x480 , [HorribleSubs] Usagi Drop - 10 [480p]_mkv_snapshot.jpg )
How could you say no to a face like this, when she wants your babies?
>> No. 6091 [Edit]
I... I... *passes out*

BTW, from the 9th episode: was I actually wrong in >>5703? are they blod related or not?... I just hope they wouldn't stop it next episode, as many guys are saying; mainly cause the art in the anime is far superior (just saw one chapter of the manga; I'm still avoiding major spoilers).

Anyway: is anybody planing to see the live action movie, at some point?
>> No. 6092 [Edit]
If you really want to know, No, they're not blood related. And I'm not going to bother with the live-action since there's no way a 3d Rin will be as cute as her 2d counterpart.
>> No. 6093 [Edit]
File 131562723383.png - (269.09KB , 617x346 , Spoiler Picture.png )
Shocking indeed.
>> No. 6161 [Edit]
File 131617011545.png - (253.44KB , 585x317 , Kouki and colds.png )
<---- Lol

Well, apparently, it's over. We may get another "special/extra" episode, but this one pretty much settled everything down as a sweet little story about turning into a parent, ending exactly at chapter 24 of the manga. I don't think they'll push it any forward with more complicated stuff, so I guess I might start reading now, from there and on...

Not as amazing as expected, but VERY good and thematically unique series, regardless (like Madonna said: Something to remember.
>> No. 6185 [Edit]
Well I didn't expect it to end this way, but it still was really nice up until the end.

I'll definitely give it a 9/10. I felt like I could relate to Daikichi and his life. I think in the end he is really happy.

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