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4767 No. 4767 [Edit]
List the shows that you haven't seen that are "classics" or "must see" type of shows. I will open with Air; I saw Haruhi and Kanon and dropped Clannad because I kind of got the idea that the KyoAni harem shows were all the same and I don't need to see another one.

Also, please nobody get butthurt in this thread, we should be able express our opinions and preferences without getting angry about people not agreeing with us. I'm actually posting this thread because I'm hoping it will remind me to watch something old thats good and I haven't seen yet. I'm just finishing up GTO, which I had ignored for a long time because the animation was ugly and it turns out that my superficial instincts were incorrect.
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>> No. 4769 [Edit]
Beserk,Visions o' Escaflowne, Azumangadioh, and Solty Rei. All of em got dropped because of either pacing or animation Berserk was for both.
>> No. 4771 [Edit]
Evagiolan <-- I don't even know how to spell it.

GTO is awesome, probably my favorite show, great dub too, so now you can watch it again. Also "ugly animation" wat!?
>> No. 4773 [Edit]
Haruhi. It was getting big just as I was getting into anime, and I wasn't at all used to moe yet so I didn't really "get" it.
Fullmetal Alchemist.
Anything by Studio Ghibli / Miyazaki (except for Howl's Moving Castle).
Cromarite High School -- watched a couple episodes on two occasions and just didn't find it funny.
I dropped Monster about halfway through, and I feel a little bad about that one -- I liked it, but it just seemed daunting to keep watching, I wanted it to end sooner.

Tons of stuff, really. Anything from before ~2000, except for the few I have seen: Bebop, Trigun, and Evangelion.
>> No. 4774 [Edit]
Never saw Haruhi. I wasn't around when the bandwagon for it started, so to this day I am still a big puzzled by it. Same with Lucky Star, K-On!, etc.
>> No. 4775 [Edit]
I haven't seen Lucky Star or K-on! either. I loved Haruhi though, and I'm sure I'd like those too, but for some reason I just never get around to watching them
>> No. 4776 [Edit]
I don't know about Lucky Star or K-On!. They seem to be shows that are less about being good than selling products.
>> No. 4778 [Edit]
I never watched Evangelion.

I saw the first two of the remake-movies, 1.11 and 2.22 and loved them, although I'm aware some things have been changed (like Asuka's last name).

I wonder if these movies are so different that me liking them doesn't necessarily mean I'll like the original series...
>> No. 4779 [Edit]
I'm the opposite of you. Saw the series very late (2010) and haven't really been motivated to watch any of the films. I liked the TV ending enough to leave it there.
>> No. 4780 [Edit]
After Story, Cowboy Bebop, Gintama, GTO, Kaiji Lain, LotGH, Rurouni Kenshin, Trigun. I want to see all of these, but I never have time.
>I wonder if these movies are so different that me liking them doesn't necessarily mean I'll like the original series...
probably yeah

Post edited on 6th Jul 2011, 5:40pm
>> No. 4781 [Edit]
Well they aren't. Not any more than Haruhi, anyway.
>> No. 4786 [Edit]
I dropped Cowboy Bebop on episode 5. It just wasn't interesting for me, I was falling asleep.
>> No. 4788 [Edit]
I missed Code Geass when it was a fad. Come to think of it I've skipped out on most post-2005 anime.
>> No. 4790 [Edit]
I never saw Code Geass, because /a/ kind of ruined it for me, I feel like I've already seen the whole thing without actually watching it.

Never seen sailor moon or dragon ball, I wasn't big on anime back then, and don't have much interest on checking em out now.

Tried watching fist of the north star, but the batch I had was all sorts of messed up, stopped 2 ep in because there were two different episode 3s.

Kind of dropped love hina, found most of the characters annoying and the violence (always on the male lead) based humor rather crude and tasteless.

Never seen Nagami because it seems a lot like love hina.

I've got a number of classics downloaded I do intend to watch, someday.
>> No. 4792 [Edit]
I've never seen any of the GitS movies, but I've watched both seasons of the show
>> No. 4793 [Edit]
I've tried to watch TTGL like three different times since 2008 but always dropped it within the first four episodes.
>> No. 4794 [Edit]
I've never watched a Magical Girl anime. Ever.

I vow to watch some this season though.
>> No. 4795 [Edit]
Code Gease, TTGL, Eva, Gundam.

I'm not a fan of the mecha genre.

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