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File 130994277581.jpg - (44.42KB , 225x350 , 28178[1].jpg )
4753 No. 4753 [Edit]
Anyone else watched the first episode of the new Kaitou Tenshi anime? Was pretty dull, but still really damn cute.
Expand all images
>> No. 4758 [Edit]
File 130996423459.jpg - (142.70KB , 1255x720 , salomesama.jpg )
It was pretty good, though I liked the villain more than the main characters.
>> No. 4761 [Edit]

Me too. If her master plan involves turning cute girls into cuter catgirls, I'm definitely not gonna be volunteering to head over there and fix things.
>> No. 4806 [Edit]
first episode was crap.

I demand the pink one!
>> No. 4841 [Edit]
Yes, where the fuck is kugyuu?
>> No. 4844 [Edit]
File 131028264295.jpg - (358.52KB , 1280x720 , [Chiki-Subs]_Kaitou_Tenshi_Twin_Angel_Kyun_Kyun_To.jpg )
The whole time I was watching this, I kept thinking "are they serious?"

It feels like they were at least 13-15 years too late for this show's release... and it still would have been pretty generic.

The action scenes were pretty nice though. I have a feeling that will be the strong point of this series, since the protagonists aren't that interesting.
>> No. 4870 [Edit]
They haven't even introduced the main girl yet.
>> No. 4952 [Edit]
File 131093572195.jpg - (390.05KB , 1280x720 , [Chiki-Subs]_Kaitou_Tenshi_Twin_Angel_-_Kyun_Kyun_.jpg )
I hope she gets what she wants at least once in this series. The heroines have it WAY too easy. They're too overpowered... and now they have a third ally, on top of Tuxedo Mask shenanigans.

Back when I was 12 and under, shows like this were awesome. I wonder what happened.
>> No. 5241 [Edit]
File 131190600361.jpg - (328.21KB , 1280x720 , [Chiki-Subs]_Kaitou_Tenshi_Twin_Angel_-_Kyun_Kyun_.jpg )
She's pretty cute, though she hasn't been that useful yet. Neither has Aoi for that matter. The show's called Twin Angel, but there are actually three of them and Haruka fights pretty much everything by herself.
>> No. 5242 [Edit]
File 131190612241.jpg - (471.09KB , 1280x720 , [Chiki-Subs]_Kaitou_Tenshi_Twin_Angel_-_Kyun_Kyun_.jpg )
Again with fucking Tuxedo Mask.
Ugh, Salome would succeed pretty much every time if it wasn't for him.
>> No. 5244 [Edit]
File 131191359443.jpg - (442.92KB , 1280x720 , [Chiki-Subs]_Kaitou_Tenshi_Twin_Angel_-_Kyun_Kyun_.jpg )
This show is actually kind of funny.
>> No. 5245 [Edit]
File 131191363537.jpg - (532.61KB , 1280x720 , [Chiki-Subs]_Kaitou_Tenshi_Twin_Angel_-_Kyun_Kyun_.jpg )
>> No. 5246 [Edit]
File 131191367399.jpg - (424.86KB , 1280x720 , [Chiki-Subs]_Kaitou_Tenshi_Twin_Angel_-_Kyun_Kyun_.jpg )
>> No. 5247 [Edit]
File 131191370177.jpg - (383.66KB , 1280x720 , [Chiki-Subs]_Kaitou_Tenshi_Twin_Angel_-_Kyun_Kyun_.jpg )
>> No. 5248 [Edit]
File 131191374373.jpg - (404.16KB , 1280x720 , [Chiki-Subs]_Kaitou_Tenshi_Twin_Angel_-_Kyun_Kyun_.jpg )
>> No. 5249 [Edit]
File 131191382239.jpg - (424.54KB , 1280x720 , [Chiki-Subs]_Kaitou_Tenshi_Twin_Angel_-_Kyun_Kyun_.jpg )
>> No. 5250 [Edit]
File 131191386951.jpg - (445.43KB , 1280x720 , [Chiki-Subs]_Kaitou_Tenshi_Twin_Angel_-_Kyun_Kyun_.jpg )
>> No. 5251 [Edit]
File 131191404640.jpg - (463.99KB , 1280x720 , [Chiki-Subs]_Kaitou_Tenshi_Twin_Angel_-_Kyun_Kyun_.jpg )
>> No. 5252 [Edit]
File 131191409723.jpg - (455.04KB , 1280x720 , [Chiki-Subs]_Kaitou_Tenshi_Twin_Angel_-_Kyun_Kyun_.jpg )
>> No. 5253 [Edit]
File 131191414871.jpg - (506.67KB , 1280x720 , [Chiki-Subs]_Kaitou_Tenshi_Twin_Angel_-_Kyun_Kyun_.jpg )
>> No. 5254 [Edit]
File 131191420483.jpg - (541.77KB , 1280x720 , [Chiki-Subs]_Kaitou_Tenshi_Twin_Angel_-_Kyun_Kyun_.jpg )
As the only one watching this series, I'm enjoying it way more than I should be.
>> No. 5255 [Edit]
I'd be watching but I never saw the original series...
>> No. 5256 [Edit]
File 131191496521.jpg - (328.69KB , 1280x720 , [Chiki-Subs]_Kaitou_Tenshi_Twin_Angel_-_Kyun_Kyun_.jpg )
I wasn't even aware of an original. Though, I'm pretty sure you don't have to see it to enjoy this... for what it's worth.

I more or less watch it for Salome and Kurumi, though the latest episode surpised me with it's randomness.
>> No. 5258 [Edit]
What the hell, why not?
>> No. 5263 [Edit]
File 131193357942.jpg - (400.38KB , 1280x720 , [Chiki-Subs]_Kaitou_Tenshi_Twin_Angel_-_Kyun_Kyun_.jpg )

Well, I suppose that makes two of us then.
>> No. 5264 [Edit]

I don't know man.
The only thing I've seen, related to the original, was a short trailer with Aoi/Haruka... no one else was in it.

So, if anything, this is an improved version of the original (rather than a sequel).
>> No. 5271 [Edit]
Oh yeah, kugyuu!
>> No. 5288 [Edit]
What the hell? Does anybody know what happened to my posts from last night?


I don't know why it would have been baleeted...
>> No. 5291 [Edit]

Because we're supposed to be discussing anime and not griping about how each other posts.
>> No. 5292 [Edit]
People here can be very sensitive to anything reminiscent of you-know-where. Just ignore the minor bumps and continue the discussion.
>> No. 5293 [Edit]
Just saw the first ep, Aoi really does seem kind of useless as people say..
not the best show I've ever seen but it's got it's amusing bits to it..

It would seem it was because of "greentext stores" as someone put it, and there seemed to be a bit of arguing here in regards to it, with something about reactionfaces, and all related posts were deleted.
>> No. 5295 [Edit]
I have a feeling this will be one of those series that improves with each episode. It has nowhere to go but up after all.
>> No. 5310 [Edit]

Don't know what you're referencing there. Care reminding me?


So... What? Are greentext stories and reaction images not allowed on Tohno-chan? I don't get it.

But, anyways, does anybody know anything about the previous OVAs being translated?
>> No. 5313 [Edit]

We kind of consider ourselves above "greentext stories". You know, being intelligent and articulate enough to actually express our thoughts, experiences or stories in coherent form.

Same goes for reaction images, those are are just a stale 4chan meme people need to get over.

Imageboard does not mean 4chan clone, so don't bring the lame culture of their board over here.
>> No. 5314 [Edit]
>Are greentext stories and reaction images not allowed on Tohno-chan?
Correct. Read the rules.
>> No. 5318 [Edit]
File 131200675394.png - (228.97KB , 384x1254 , touhouCO_LS02.png )

These posts remind me of this comic.
You guys are totally right, I just found it kind of funny.
>> No. 5319 [Edit]
posting funny comics is against the rules
>> No. 5321 [Edit]
You just made that up!
>> No. 5322 [Edit]
>> No. 5323 [Edit]
Good thing because its not funny.
>> No. 5324 [Edit]
that's why it wasnt deleted, just warning him incase he decides to post a funny one
>> No. 5400 [Edit]
I thought that first episode was really mediocre, with a few amusing bits, I found myself easy distracted and paying little attention.
but the second one was a lot better, kind of makes me look forward to more of the show where as the first had me wondering why I was watching it.

I imagine they're trying to poke fun at cliches in anime here?
like, with that girl that shows up just to fall down, or that op was really annoying, I'm no stranger to high pitched voices in anime, but god damn that op made me thankful my tv isn't made of glass, or they'd have cracked it.
I dunno, I just really get the vibe they're purposely trying to make it corny.
>> No. 5402 [Edit]
After listening to the Mouse OP I can listen to anything. I still skip this OP though.
>> No. 5422 [Edit]
File 131244959910.jpg - (288.79KB , 1280x720 , [Chiki-Subs]_Kaitou_Tenshi_Twin_Angel_-_Kyun_Kyun_.jpg )
I'm a bit confused here.
Is Haruka bisexual or something?
In the first ep she was clearly nuts for Kisaragi, but then in the second ep we had stuff like this scene, which was just.. daaaamn...
yet Aoi seemed kind of interested in the same guy as he left naked with his mask on.
They also seem to like hanging out in the same bathroom stall..
There was even that bit at the end of ep 3 with Hazuki watching a sleeping Haruka.
I don't know what to make of it!!
>> No. 5425 [Edit]

Didn't you know? Everyone is bisexual in japan.
>> No. 5426 [Edit]
Does that mean if you go to Japan you become bisexual?
>> No. 5427 [Edit]

Probably, I never tried.
>> No. 5428 [Edit]
Well if you ever go to Japan and feel the sudden urge to butt fuck some guys let us know, Science is on the line!
>> No. 5436 [Edit]
It's true.
>> No. 5454 [Edit]
File 131259485249.jpg - (391.49KB , 1280x720 , [Chiki-Subs]_Kaitou_Tenshi_Twin_Angel_-_Kyun_Kyun_.jpg )
...Is she who I think she is?
>> No. 5455 [Edit]
Suenaga Mirai?
>> No. 5460 [Edit]
No, you are not alone. Danny Choo is in the credits as well.
>> No. 5463 [Edit]
Huh... it makes sense now.

Wasn't familiar with her character before this, but I figured she was really "defined" for a generic background character. I mean, she looks better than the protagonists in every way possible.
>> No. 5464 [Edit]
The question is, why?
I get why she was made into a figma, danny being a big ass kissing suck up friend of one of the guys in charge over there.
but this? I've heard the guy doesn't even really like anime.

I'm still not 100% sure on who danny is to tell the truth, all I know is that she's his site's mascot.
and after visiting the site, it looks like another version of sankaku complex, but with more flash crap.

I really don't get it.

I was thinking the same about the uniform (military) guy, I think he looked kind of familiar and waaaay more detailed then any other character in the show so far.
>> No. 5465 [Edit]
File 131260084313.jpg - (419.88KB , 1280x720 , [Chiki-Subs]_Kaitou_Tenshi_Twin_Angel_-_Kyun_Kyun_.jpg )

Yeah, this guy pretty much made episode 4. Looks and acts like he is from a completely different series.
>> No. 5467 [Edit]
My thoughts exactly.
>> No. 5663 [Edit]
File 131318765384.jpg - (41.30KB , 640x480 , Fuck+damn+shit+cunts_13f6c9_517993.jpg )
>Chiki-subs is now dead!

so, how are WhatevaSubs ?
>> No. 5671 [Edit]
File 131320673369.jpg - (430.76KB , 1280x720 , [WhatevaSubs] Kaitou Tenshi Twin Angel - 06 (1280x.jpg )
They're okay.
Chiki-subs may be dead but, look on the bright side, at least we don't have to wait for HorribleSubs™.

>> No. 6004 [Edit]
File 131486528566.jpg - (406.25KB , 1280x720 , are they dead or what.jpg )
They... aren't coming back, are they?
>> No. 6006 [Edit]
I thought the same thing.
>> No. 6073 [Edit]
File 131543332638.jpg - (915.04KB , 2112x720 , really guys.jpg )
They seriously didn't know their identity?
Are they dumb or is this supposed to be a joke?

How is anyone able to recognize them when they're wearing those maid outfits? or any other outfits for that mater?
When they do their transformation, the only thing that changes is their outfit from the neck down.
The hair, the face, it all stays the same.

I gotta say, this show really went down hill once the first villains left.
The first episode was really dull and so unbelievably cliche.
The second episode on the other hand took the show in a bit more of a silly direccion and it made me question weather or not the show was purposely being cliche and trying to be ironic.
Then you got ep3 with even more off the wall silly humor, this I'd say was the peek of the show so far, and I think it'll most likely stay that way to the end.
ep 4 was a bit more serious and turn a complete turn with the tone of the show, but you can't fault them for wanting go into more detail about one of the characters as they make their transions into a villion, seemed like their might have been a bit more substance and meaning here to the villans with that, but this didin't really turn out to be the case, instead, she just acts silly, but not in all that funny of a way, although in her defence, she seems to be doing a better job of stealing those items, but that's only because that masked guy didn't help the twin angels in the fights at all once she showed up.
Then we get some new villains in ep 6 or 7, and they seem at first like they might be interesting, but they're even more boring then the teacher.
This show looked like it could have been really good, but it's almost as if they gave up the idea of going for silly after ep3, and wanted to go back to being more of a dull and traditional magical girl anime.
There are some humorous scenes past ep3, but that's just comic relief moments and not what the show is about anymore, they even stopped pointing out the fact that there's three girls to the twins.
I'm extremely curious to know what possessed them to cut off the villains from the start.
There's been next to no mention of them at all, and it doesn't seem like we'll even see them in so much as a cameo.
Those two with their over the top interaction was a essential element in what was making this show good.
>> No. 6074 [Edit]
It's a yolk
>> No. 6078 [Edit]
File 131544756930.jpg - (299.28KB , 1280x720 , [Chiki-Subs]_Kaitou_Tenshi_Twin_Angel_-_Kyun_Kyun_.jpg )

I just take it as J.C. Staff being J.C. Staff... but yeah, Salome and ep 4 have been the only good things about this show, and now both of those things are gone. I thought Kurumi would save the show but she hasn't really done much.

I think one of the main problems is that the protagonists lack any kind of character. Considering how late we are into the series, I'm not really expecting any sort of development either. Though, I could be pleasantly surprised.

I will be happy if at least one of the girls gets some kind of development before the end. I mean, c'mon the teacher has gotten more development than the main characters.

>> No. 6159 [Edit]
File 131614359385.jpg - (549.74KB , 1280x720 , [WhatevaSubs] Kaitou Tenshi Twin Angel - 10 (1280x.jpg )
hooray! they've returned!(all be it 7 ep late.)
>> No. 6234 [Edit]
File 131648675330.jpg - (452.92KB , 1280x720 , [WhatevaSubs] Kaitou Tenshi Twin Angel - 11(1280x7.jpg )
Good lord...

I-I don't ev...
>> No. 6280 [Edit]
File 131692161436.jpg - (20.75KB , 250x333 , Rolento.jpg )

>I was thinking the same about the uniform (military) guy, I think he looked kind of familiar and waaaay more detailed then any other character in the show so far.


He looks like Rolento from SF... who is inspired by Colonel from Hokuto no Ken.
>> No. 6281 [Edit]
wow, that's like totality uncanny.
still strange though, for that one ep and only that one ep to have both those cameo appearances, and the rest of the show didn't.

Also, I wish they exposed who dear head guy was, I had a sneaking suspicion he was the twin's long lost father, but they sort of.. just.. left that out there...
>> No. 6347 [Edit]

Did this show ever get any better after episode 7?
>> No. 6417 [Edit]
not really, although the last ep wasn't that bad.

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