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File 129107269388.jpg - (301.25KB , 700x974 , Aisaka-Taiga-toradora-5171014-700-974.jpg )
471 No. 471
I'm not sure if this belong in /vg/ or /vn/ but
has anyone heard any news on the Toradora psp game
any plans to licence it?
any group translating it?
seriously its been like a year im thinking of just learning moon
>> No. 472
When it comes to those vn type games for handhelds, you're probably better off learning moon.
VN translations are stretched out, few and far between as is.
It's not to say none of the vns on the psp have been translated, I just wouldn't hold my breath is all.
and unless the game is an rpg or shooter or something, there's little hope of an official English version.
>> No. 473
Nippon Ichi Software America picked up the Toradora license for an American release, but that was for the anime. If that does well, maybe they'll bring over the game, too, but I kind of doubt it. Namco Bandai published the PSP game in Japan, so I'd imagine they have the license for that. No idea if NIS America could grab that from them for a western release.
>> No. 474
Something like that would never be brought over officially, the market is simply too small
>> No. 475
This goes in /vn/ yeah.

Well, there's a close to 0 chance you'll ever play it without learning moon. That's your best option.
>> No. 476
AGTH+Atlas(+Translator Aggregator)?
>> No. 478
pretty sure they don't work on psp.
>> No. 479
Yeah, it doesn't.

Well the hook doesn't. You could always run atlas on you computer and then copy the text by hand. Of course that requires extensive knowledge of moon runes in the first place.

Well, or you could look up each moonrune as you go.
>> No. 480
i see. just letting go my imagination... but maybe if we get the game decoded for some PC-emulator (wich i have no idea how is done or what would it do to the moon text), we could probably use AGTH on it with the normal shortcut method... (of course this is ridiculous; but learning moon ain't easy either).
>> No. 481
You could use it as a motivation for you to learn moon~

Taiga is pretty adorable, but is she adorable enough to make you learn a new language? ~~
>> No. 502
It will never get licensed.
It will never get translated.

Welcome to the club.
>> No. 506
Last I heard of anyone attempting to translate it was some person at hongfire
Made a thread asking for help in creating a group to translate the game
That was a while ago so I don’t know if anything came out of that
>> No. 508
Have any translation projects that started on Hongfire ever been finished? I'm curious.
>> No. 521
heck I don't know
I came across that thread by chance
The only thing I really use hongfire for is to download Vn's eroges H ovas and stuff like that, im not sure if members of that site are actively involved in translation projects.
thread is right here if you want to see for yourself
>> No. 522
This seems like it's still ongoing, at least from skimming the thread. Probably ages before it'll ever see release, though, if it even does.

Also, yeah, I only use Hongfire for VN and HCG downloads, so I have no idea what the community is actually like.
>> No. 523
yeah its funny I've been going there for such a long time and I've never really spoken to anyone there or made a single post,
its kind of like how I've lived in the same neighborhood most of my life, but I have never spoken to any of my neighbors.

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