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File 130977254792.jpg - (588.97KB , 1400x1050 , 130977139631.jpg )
4703 No. 4703 [Edit]
Is anyone else afraid of cars/streets in anime?

Not kidding here, I get really worried and somewhat panicky whenever I see someone crossing a street in a anime.

It seems that 1 in every 3 series has a character that gets hit by a car or has someone that has been before, or feature a character who they make a point of how horrible a driver they are.

If I lived over there, I'd never want to go anywhere near a street!
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>> No. 4704 [Edit]
File 130977330077.jpg - (90.73KB , 1024x576 , shot0013.jpg )
>> No. 4734 [Edit]
File 130987106610.jpg - (9.51KB , 316x240 , 12351_2226.jpg )
No, not really!

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