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4656 No. 4656 [Edit]
you know what I've never seen in anime? a wedding proposal.
That's something I'd like to see, just becuase I wonder how they go about it in japan, do they also buy overpriced rocks and make over elaborate events?

Post edited on 1st Jul 2011, 2:05pm
>> No. 4657 [Edit]
Characters who are fluent in both Japanese and English without having a horrible accent. It's especially funny in Ika Musume, where 3 characters are supposed to be American MIT grads

There's actually a chapter in the manga where Cindy teaches english, so I'm sure that will be a barrel of laughs if they animate it

Post edited on 1st Jul 2011, 2:14pm
>> No. 4658 [Edit]
I don't think you'll find that in real life either.
English is very hard for them and it requires a completely different form of thinking.
>> No. 4659 [Edit]
But in the Ika Musume example, the characters in question are native english speakers but they still sound engrishy.
>> No. 4660 [Edit]
I've never seen a non-cult church. (I think)

Toradora? TTGL? though neither offer normal circumstances so not traditionally japanesey.
>> No. 4661 [Edit]
>non-cult church
Such things exist?
>> No. 4666 [Edit]
I'm not sure if I've seen anything that shows people from the Japanese government/rulers/leaders, based on them or not, it's always a president, or leaders from other lands.

For that matter, I can't recall the last time, if ever, that I saw the Japanese flag in a anime.
>> No. 4667 [Edit]
Mori, the previous prime minister!
>> No. 4668 [Edit]

I'm pretty sure I saw some. Not to say a whole lot, but it happened two or three times.


I can't exactly name any examples but I think you'd find at least one character of this sort. It would much, much easier to find vocalists who are fluent in both.


As in Christian one? Saw them too, quite a few to be honest. I don't think I ever saw a mass in progress, though. Then again it's hardly strange as there aren't that many Christians in Japan.
>> No. 4674 [Edit]
The guy that voiced TK in Angel Beats is fluent in both Japanese and English, but I'm not sure if he's voiced any characters in Japanese. It'd be really tough to find one character that spoke both English and Japanese fluently without an accent.

There's also Seira Kagami, that did the Kaiba OP and Chaos;Head's ED, who is also fluent in both English and Japanese (with no accent), but she's a singer.
>> No. 4675 [Edit]
  I can't believe it: have you all forgot about Clannad AS??? it was mind-blowing!!! (cried buckets)

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