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File 130859292484.jpg - (337.65KB , 1604x932 , hirohashi ryou.jpg )
4478 No. 4478 [Edit]
Dear Japan,

Please employ her more.


Do any of you have a favorite seiyuu? I've always loved Ryou Hirohashi's voice, and the characters she's voiced. It greatly pleases my nutbladder.
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>> No. 4480 [Edit]
Top 5 (not including male ones)

1. Omigawa Chiaki - please make my ears bleed more
2. Kobayashi Yuu
3. Matsuki Miyu
4. Tamura Yukari
5. Takahashi Mikako

Honorary mentions: Tanaka Rie, Shintani Ryoko, Kitamura Eri, Ikezawa Haruna, Asumi Kana and all the others I managed to forget and will feel bad about it later.

I've got rather vanilla tastes when it comes to seiyuu.
>> No. 4481 [Edit]
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I've never really payed attention to the seiyuu scene. I never particularly cared for who was voicing who. I guess I'm just not otaku enough, ORZ.

If I had to say, I think I would pick Itou Kanae. I know everyone's gonna give me shit, saying things like "babbys first seiyuu," or whatever, but I really like her voice. She's young, talented, and really cute. I can't help it.

I also like Sugiyama Noriaki. He sounds so manly.
>> No. 4482 [Edit]
File 130860035277.png - (202.12KB , 300x450 , 619662-suigintou_large.png )
Tanaka Rie.

I also like Itou Miki and Kobayashi Yuu a lot. I don't know a whole lot about VAs, though.
>> No. 4483 [Edit]
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Your tastes are quite similar to mine, though my second favorite is Yukari Fukui for personal reasons.
>> No. 4484 [Edit]
Ai Nonaka
Eri Kitamura
Yukari Tamura
>> No. 4485 [Edit]
My favourite by far is Mizuki Nana, I've yet to hear one of her roles where her voice just didn't work. I've recently started liking Tamura Yukari, after disliking her for only using her diabetic-slayer voice, I had a huge change of heart when I heard her in Stein's;Gate. I don't know as much about seiyuus as I'd like, but those two are up there.

I also very much like Tomatsu Haruka (her singing is incredible on top of her voice work, same goes for Mizuki Nana of course), and Nakajima Megumi... the same applies to her, I guess. I find myself really liking seiyuu that can sing as well as act.

On top of those I actually particularly like Hanazawa Kana (for reasons I don't think I need to elaborate on) and the somewhat controversial but actually very good Kugimiya Rie.

Kobayashi Yuu gets special mention for being batshit insane and a glorious seiyuu, and person, for it. I admit I've actually yet to hear a VA I actively dislike, but as far as female seiyuus those are the ones I notice to be good.

As for male ones, Ono Daisuke, Miyano Mamoru, Fukuyama Jun, Wakamato Norio, of course, and Tomokazu Sugita. I can't help but think I've forgotten some, but there aren't many in the way of notably bad male seiyuus... there are always the top few that everyone knows and likes.

Post edited on 20th Jun 2011, 1:25pm
>> No. 4486 [Edit]
Kamiya Hiroshi was pretty popular a little while back when he was in EVERY SINGLE SHOW AIRING.
>> No. 4489 [Edit]
Ah, beat me to it. I like him, he's got a good vocal range and can voice anyone from level headed characters to Zetsubou Senseis. And Sakaguchi Daisuke deserves some attention, too.

As for Sugita I don't like him that much. His voice acting skills are good... up until the point where he's supposed to laugh. Must be the most artificial, unconvincing laugh in the business.


This makes me happy. Of course I like Ryou Hirohashi, too. Who wouldn't?

By the way, you were probably right about Ueda Kana in that Layton trailer. Now that I've listened to it after few weeks I'm rather convinced it's her and quite ashamed I didn't recognize her.

She's another seiyuu that I probably should've mentioned but didn't do so. Katou Emiri is another seiyuu that should've been mentioned earlier. Impressive vocal range. Speaking of vocal range, Sakamoto Maaya isn't that high on my favorites list but she's got a nice repertoire, too.

Then there's Yuuko Goto who's problematic, as she turned into new Kugimiya over time. There's no denying that she's good at her job but she's constantly hired to voice samey characters which makes me sad. Same thing will happen to Hanazwa Kana very soon if this keeps up.

I'm not exactly a fan of Yuuki Aoi (although she is talented, too) but she's an example of how things should be done. I don't think I heard her reusing a voice for any of her characters. That's mighty impressive.
>> No. 4496 [Edit]
Only seiyuu I can recognize right away is Rie.
There are some that sound familiar and I remember them once I check, but I don't really pay attention.

>Hirohashi Ryou.jpg
>> No. 4497 [Edit]

She voiced her in the drama cd and video game according to wikipedia.
>> No. 4500 [Edit]
File 綾波レイのモノローグ.ogg - (3.05MB )
Hayashibara Megumi, but only when she speaks with the calm voice she used for Ayanami Rei and Takashiro Chizuna.

Also Katou Emily.

As far as males go, Kaneto Shiozawa was awesome, but died 11 years ago. He played e.g. Dusanyu in Banner of the Stars and the Cyborg Ninja in Metal Gear Solid.
And the usual Fukuyama, Nakata, Wakamoto etc.
>> No. 4501 [Edit]
File 130866091272.jpg - (22.94KB , 500x375 , nadja.jpg )
hearing the voice of Ami Koshimizu gives me a funny feeling in my stomach
>> No. 4537 [Edit]
Hanazawa Kana,Yuuki Aoi , Tamura Yukari, Kugimiya Rie , and Kitamura Eri are my top 5 in that order.

So as one might have guessed, I'm very happy with how much Hanazwa Kana I'm getting this season and next season as well.

Yuuki Aoi is a great up and coming seiyuu with a very diverse voice, I expect great things from her.

Post edited on 23rd Jun 2011, 4:45pm
>> No. 5035 [Edit]
Lately I can't seem to tell MAKO and Takahashi Mikako apart. Is it just me or do they really sound alike? I got them mixed up twice already.
>> No. 5159 [Edit]
File 13116295936.jpg - (19.29KB , 200x300 , The Hanazawa.jpg )
Kana Hanazawa.

A generally under-appreciated seiyuu that doesn't get nearly enough work. Japan should open up to the greatness... that is Hanazawa.
>> No. 5162 [Edit]
File 131163139344.jpg - (93.03KB , 1280x720 , Date.jpg )
Nakai Kazuya followed closely by Wakamoto.

>> No. 5165 [Edit]
File 131163575959.jpg - (107.53KB , 799x528 , 97096455646.jpg )
ok, I guess. thought 1/3 of Konata jokes wouldn't make any sense if her default seiyuu wasn't Aya Hirano.
>> No. 5170 [Edit]
I had thought half of Takahashi Mikako's roles were Asumi Kana until I looked it up recently.
>> No. 5189 [Edit]

I can tell those two apart just fine but MAKO and Mikako not so much. Usually when I get the 'oh I know that voice' feeling and confuse the seiyuu when I try to figure it out I have some doubts at least but in those two times I was sure it has to bee Mikako.

Honestly though, is it really just me?
>> No. 5194 [Edit]
>A generally under-appreciated seiyuu that doesn't get nearly enough work.
You're kidding, right?
>> No. 5195 [Edit]
he was joking. people need to learn that sarcasm doesnt really work over the internet
>> No. 5214 [Edit]

It does if you have faith... in yourself.
>> No. 5693 [Edit]
I just discovered something amazing! I'm rewatching Nodame Cantabile and in the 10th ep of first season Omigawa Chiaki voices one of the unnamed background characters. She has a single line around 7:20 mark (probably later in some releases, sponsor screens were removed in mine). This itself wouldn't be exactly a huge deal (someone obviously has to voice the background chars) but Nodame aired in 2007 and Chiaki supposedly debuted in 2008 (Soul Eater).

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