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No. 4466 [Edit]
>Little lolis dribbling big basketballs

You guys should watch this show.
Expand all images
>> No. 4467 [Edit]
I will. I usually watch all the 'cute girls doing cute things' shows and everything even vaguely basketball related (although let's be serious here, there hasn't been a worthwhile basketball anime since Slam Dunk and even that was very, very flawed). Can't wait.
>> No. 4468 [Edit]
That music makes me feel like it's 2005 all over again. Will watch.
>> No. 4469 [Edit]
>Big boobed lolis dribbling big basketballs

>> No. 4470 [Edit]
>> No. 4473 [Edit]
What's the first piece of information I look for when I hear about this kind of show? Checking the voice cast!

- Hikasa Youko (Mio from K-On!, Sera from Kore wa Zombie, Shino from Seitokai Yakuin)
- Hidaka Rina (Last Order from Index, Kohane from xxxHolic, Yoshino from Sengoku Otome)
- Iguchi Yuka (Kaede from Nyan Koi!, Chise from Mayoi Neko, Index from Railgun)
- Hanazwa Kana (female lead from every single show that airs this season)
- Ogura Yui (newcomers make me feel really old lately - I mean seriously, born in 1995; might want to keep an eye on her, though - she will also voice the female protagonist from Kamisama no Memochou, that show about NEET detective with Kishida Mel's designs)
>> No. 4474 [Edit]
Looks cute, I might give it a shot
>> No. 4475 [Edit]
>Big breasted loli
>meek to all hell
Hello Mio.
>> No. 4476 [Edit]

>I might give it a shot

>> No. 4477 [Edit]

Say no more. I'll definitely add this to the list.
>> No. 4490 [Edit]
I will not.
>> No. 4492 [Edit]
The scale of the balls to the girl's size bugs me to no end.
I can't help but think they'd easily get hurt.
with the balls being as big as they are to them, them being as short as they are, and having arms like twigs, that hoop must seem like a mile high to them.
Also, as others have pointed out, the idea of a big breasted little girl doesn't sit that well with me.
but what the heck, I'll check it out, hopefully basketballs moe will turn out to be as good as baseball moe.
>> No. 4493 [Edit]
It looks kind of serious going by that preview. I need humor with my moe or it won't work
>> No. 4494 [Edit]
Taishou Roukyuu Musume
>> No. 4504 [Edit]
>Basketball Girls: The Animation
Is there anything else about girls playing basketball?
My fetishes are just weird.
>> No. 4506 [Edit]

There's uh... Black Rock Shooter? Kanbaru from Bakemonogatari? Possibly an ep in Clannad as there was some b-ball in VN (haven't seen the anime so I don't know if that particular scene was adapted).

You won't find much I'm afraid. If you're desperate you will have to go read some manga.
>> No. 4507 [Edit]
In before no one will sub this.
>> No. 4509 [Edit]

You don't honestly believe that, do you?

Both Evetaku and Hayatsuki already announced they're subbing it and there are several other groups who still consider it.

Sorry but lack of subs is absolutely impossible for an anime about cute little girls.
>> No. 4515 [Edit]
There's a lot of basketball in the anime.
>> No. 4517 [Edit]

>Is there anything else about girls playing basketball?

And even if he didn't say girls 'a lot' is a vast overstatement. I doubt you'd go to double digits even if you counted all of them, even the shitty ones.
>> No. 4518 [Edit]
>Sorry but lack of subs is absolutely impossible for an anime about cute little girls.

You don't watch much Shoujo anime do you?
>> No. 4519 [Edit]

Ok, let's me fix that:

>Sorry but lack of subs is absolutely impossible for a SOL anime about cute little girls.
>> No. 4527 [Edit]
You didn't really understand my post, did you.
>> No. 4671 [Edit]
Honestly people, this show does not have enough cute girls doing cute things to back up the lack of story, personality and development that it obviously lacks. I mean, in the first day of training, the girls go stupid and miss the entire day of practice, clean the court when the actually didn't even use it and, just as the second day begins, a loli jumps out of nowhere and throw a hissy fiss about not being good enough.

What I mean is that this cant back up the actual lack of quality the show has with moe or what not, and I say this with deep regret as a general moe blob fan.
>> No. 4673 [Edit]

>I mean, in the first day of training, the girls go stupid and miss the entire day of practice, clean the court when the actually didn't even use it and, just as the second day begins, a loli jumps out of nowhere and throw a hissy fiss about not being good enough.

>> No. 4676 [Edit]
Sounds like this is the kind of show where the best move is to just wait for doujins rather than watch it
>> No. 4803 [Edit]
File 131011759150.jpg - (113.47KB , 1280x720 , [Doki] Ro-Kyu-Bu! - 01 (1280x720 h264 AAC) [457A91.jpg )
Slightly boring but this little pink haired dwarf is really cute. If it's no more than 12 episodes I'll watch it.
>> No. 4804 [Edit]
File 131011768466.jpg - (171.28KB , 1280x720 , [Doki] Ro-Kyu-Bu! - 01 (1280x720 h264 AAC) [457A91.jpg )
>> No. 4809 [Edit]
I could barely stand how completely adorable she was.
>> No. 4821 [Edit]
Oh god she's so tiny.
>> No. 4822 [Edit]
File 131016134180.png - (2.65MB , 1280x720 , shot0001.png )
His sister(?) looks like Konata and acts like Haruhi.
>> No. 4823 [Edit]
The other girl there is just big.
>> No. 4829 [Edit]
File 131021055444.png - (1.65MB , 1366x768 , Airin.png )
>> No. 4833 [Edit]
File 131023836960.jpg - (434.89KB , 1280x720 , Konata edit.jpg )
I don't see the resemblance.
>> No. 4836 [Edit]
File 131025560269.png - (630.72KB , 1280x720 , delete-me.png )
That stance is pure haruhi
>> No. 4838 [Edit]
File 131026516959.jpg - (420.84KB , 1280x720 , [Leopard-Raws] Rou Kyuu Bu! - 01 RAW (ATX 1280x720.jpg )

I will never be able to unsee this.
>> No. 4839 [Edit]
File 131026560922.jpg - (422.96KB , 1280x720 , [Shikkaku]_Rou_Kyuu_Bu!_01[1280x720][AAC][105BA74D.jpg )
Oh dear.

I hope he doesn't get in "trouble" in the future.
>> No. 4843 [Edit]
Oh god this show really is adorable
>> No. 4858 [Edit]
File 131032633076.jpg - (183.13KB , 1280x720 , rokyubu.jpg )
I love these parts
>> No. 4869 [Edit]
File 131037476997.jpg - (430.75KB , 1440x900 , annoyed.jpg )
Now I see the resemblance.
>> No. 4875 [Edit]
File 131044380646.jpg - (391.80KB , 1280x720 , [Shikkaku]_Rou_Kyuu_Bu!_02[1280x720][AAC][E36CD801.jpg )
This show...
>> No. 4895 [Edit]
File 131066200534.jpg - (1.35MB , 2313x4970 , RouKyuuBu2.jpg )
>> No. 4922 [Edit]
File 131079416838.jpg - (144.42KB , 1280x720 , [Shikkaku]_Rou_Kyuu_Bu!_03[1280x720][AAC][87E4ABD3.jpg )
Subaru, you lolicon!
>> No. 4925 [Edit]
File 131081834651.png - (2.65MB , 1280x720 , shot0001.png )
Hinata is so cute my brain ceases to function normally.
>> No. 4926 [Edit]
File 131083407645.jpg - (354.08KB , 1280x720 , [Shikkaku]_Rou_Kyuu_Bu!_03[1280x720][AAC][87E4ABD3.jpg )

Between this and Usagi Drop, it feels like Japan is trying to kill me.
>> No. 4936 [Edit]
File 131085492733.jpg - (128.95KB , 800x657 , ro-kyu-bu-3-bathing-anime-image-gallery-072.jpg )
>> No. 4940 [Edit]
File 131088293984.png - (2.65MB , 1280x720 , shot0005.png )
It's even got sexual tension!

I'm really enjoying this show, it surpassed my expectations for some reason.
>> No. 4955 [Edit]
File 131095080319.jpg - (116.21KB , 1280x720 , [Shikkaku]_Rou_Kyuu_Bu!_03[1280x720][AAC][87E4ABD3.jpg )
>> No. 5003 [Edit]
This show is gonna kill me
>> No. 5092 [Edit]
File 131140403571.jpg - (116.17KB , 1280x720 , [Aho-Taku] Ro-Kyu-Bu! - 04[720p][A0137B05]_mkv_sna.jpg )
No it doesn't.
Not at all.
My poor nutbladder.
>> No. 5093 [Edit]
File 131140455438.jpg - (197.53KB , 1280x720 , [Aho-Taku] Ro-Kyu-Bu! - 04[720p][A0137B05]_mkv_sna.jpg )
>Welcome back, dear!
>> No. 5094 [Edit]
I kind of want to try this because I loved Slam Dunk, but I know that this is obviously nothing like it ;_;
>> No. 5095 [Edit]
This is as much about basketball as saki was about mahjong.

This show was very obviously made for lolicons.
>> No. 5100 [Edit]
File 131143924640.jpg - (665.28KB , 600x4767 , 1311184762463.jpg )
>> No. 5102 [Edit]
Every time Hinata says "Onii-chan" my heart skips a few beats.
>> No. 5138 [Edit]
File 131162500636.jpg - (256.77KB , 1280x720 , [Shikkaku]_Rou_Kyuu_Bu!_04[1280x720][AAC][CD72E3D4.jpg )
Although I like all the characters, there's just something about Tomoka... wait.

Hold the phone... is that meat loaf wrapped in BACON?
>> No. 5160 [Edit]
File 131163108376.jpg - (420.34KB , 1280x720 , [Shikkaku]_Rou_Kyuu_Bu!_04[1280x720][AAC][CD72E3D4.jpg )
Such perfect form.
>> No. 5161 [Edit]
She's pretty good at throwing basketballs, too
>> No. 5163 [Edit]
File 131163148396.jpg - (368.88KB , 1280x720 , [Shikkaku]_Rou_Kyuu_Bu!_04[1280x720][AAC][CD72E3D4.jpg )

You sir... are witty.
Though, I feel like I've said this before.
>> No. 5164 [Edit]
Don't worry I get it a lot.
>> No. 5167 [Edit]
File 131163899398.gif - (116.04KB , 400x225 , 750716779_1603438.gif )
Damn right bitch, her shits motherfucking perfect fool, best remember dat!
strait out the hood en shown how it done to all the sucka ass punks.
>> No. 5168 [Edit]
The snoop dogg gif makes me laugh whenever I see it for some reason
>> No. 5172 [Edit]
so, do they not have public basketball courts in japan?
>> No. 5176 [Edit]
I can live with a girl from elementary school who makes 50 FTs in a row (let's be serious here, it's anime, I didn't expect it to be realistic) but does she have to jump while taking them? It ticks me off.
>> No. 5177 [Edit]
File 13117009121.jpg - (236.16KB , 1280x720 , [Shikkaku]_Rou_Kyuu_Bu!_04[1280x720][AAC][CD72E3D4.jpg )

You're just mad cause she's stylin all over you with her fundamentals.

Pic related.
It's you.
>> No. 5179 [Edit]
>> No. 5180 [Edit]
they probably did it because it looks cool.
besides, they're what, like 3 feet tall? they need that extra little boost.
>> No. 5187 [Edit]

Well I wonder about those fundamentals of her - come on, she can't even make a proper FT, that's even worse than Sakuragi!


Before watching it I wanted to say that it'll probably make me rage hard as some women shoot using both hands (not so much in the WNBA but some Europeans tend to do so) which makes my eyes bleed. Luckily, they have at least that much covered.

... Oh yeah, that reminds me - did I mention the show is cute?
>> No. 5196 [Edit]
The idea of tiny little girls tried to play basketball, and I do mean trying, kind of bugged me a bit first.
mostly becuase I worry about them getting hurt somehow
I can't understand why Hinata is there (other then the moe, I mean on the team) she's slow and tiny and as adorable as she is, completely useless on the team, and Saki doesn't seem to do much other then just pass.
After seeing how much the boys who are supposed to be former champs of some sort that are all serious about basketball, lose to a bunch of little girls who didn't know what basketball was a week before, it made me understand that this show isn't really about basketball, it's just a facade to cover for the loli.
Basketball certainly is a big part of the anime and ever present, but it's clear this show prioritises moe/loli over the game itself.
and I think it's a safe bet most people watching this don't care about Basketball, let alone if they get things right.
>> No. 5197 [Edit]
File 131179302977.png - (75.06KB , 211x207 , wha.png )
>it's just a facade to cover for the loli

No way!
>> No. 5198 [Edit]

>this show isn't really about basketball, it's just a facade to cover for the loli.

>> No. 5199 [Edit]
>this show isn't really about basketball, it's just a facade to cover for the loli.
>I think it's a safe bet most people watching this don't care about Basketball

Holy shit I want some of what your smoking, next you'll tell me that K-ON isn't about music!
>> No. 5201 [Edit]
File 13118054952.gif - (11.53KB , 150x150 , Cartman_ScrewYouGuys.gif )
screw you guys, I'm staying home.
>> No. 5215 [Edit]
File 131182961659.jpg - (488.88KB , 1280x720 , [Leopard-Raws] Rou Kyuu Bu! - 01 RAW (ATX 1280x720.jpg )

Can't you just let them have the victory?
They worked pretty hard for it after all.

I mean, they barely won... mostly thanks to Airi and Tomoka. Not to mention, the strength between boys and girls isn't that different around their age.
>> No. 5217 [Edit]
who said anything about strength? the boys had been training for a very long time and have done well against other schools as they said, and just as the boys said, the girls, some of them anyway, aren't serious and are just playing around.
Besides, who's trying to take their victory here? the boys sucked in that match.
The way I see it, the boys are idiots, the girls are a joke and Tomoka was the only person on that court with any skill.
All I was trying to say before I was made fun of for stating the obvious, was that there's no point to looking to much into the sport side of the show or even trying to take it seriously.
..or are we gonna need another 50 free throws in a row?
>> No. 5219 [Edit]
File 131183088867.jpg - (422.11KB , 1280x720 , [Shikkaku]_Rou_Kyuu_Bu!_04[1280x720][AAC][CD72E3D4.jpg )
>..or are we gonna need another 50 free throws in a row?

Awwwww Yeah!
>> No. 5228 [Edit]

>there's no point to looking to much into the sport side of the show or even trying to take it seriously.

Slam Dunk sure was a lot more realistic, right?
>> No. 5229 [Edit]

Good thing I'm not watching it for the sports side then.
>> No. 5328 [Edit]
File 131205651643.jpg - (370.70KB , 1280x720 , [Shikkaku]_Rou_Kyuu_Bu!_05[1280x720][AAC][F9364479.jpg )
>> No. 5329 [Edit]
File 131205655822.jpg - (438.34KB , 1280x720 , [Shikkaku]_Rou_Kyuu_Bu!_05[1280x720][AAC][F9364479.jpg )
>> No. 5330 [Edit]
File 131205660976.jpg - (409.96KB , 1280x720 , [Shikkaku]_Rou_Kyuu_Bu!_05[1280x720][AAC][F9364479.jpg )
>> No. 5331 [Edit]
File 131205673547.jpg - (349.64KB , 1280x720 , [Shikkaku]_Rou_Kyuu_Bu!_05[1280x720][AAC][F9364479.jpg )
So he was mad because Maho is a genius that surpasses him in everything?

I guess her easily quitting the things he invests so much time into is somewhat frustrating. I'm glad he got over it though.

I kind of hope he joins the team. They could sure use his help.
>> No. 5344 [Edit]
>annoying Index voice

Oh give me more.
>> No. 5346 [Edit]
Maho is nowhere NEAR as annoying as Index though.
>> No. 5354 [Edit]

They seem pretty serious to me.
The most laid back would probably be Hinata, but even she's willing to sacrifice in the name of FRIENDSHIP.
>> No. 5543 [Edit]
The latest episode was sure something
>> No. 5544 [Edit]

Wow, just wow. When I saw 'The latest episode was sure something' on front page I thought 'bet he's talking about Ro Kyu Bu'.

But yeah, they went full pedo this time.
>> No. 5545 [Edit]
I expect to see Subaru in handcuffs by the end of the show.
>> No. 5546 [Edit]

S2 will be one of those realistic dramas. Set after Subaru gets released from prison, the series will follow his struggles in life after being ostracized by society for being a pedophile. He will search for his place on Earth but after finally being able to find some peace and acceptance in remote village his dark past will haunt him - the first ep will end in cliffhanger after he gets an anonymous note saying 'I know your secret'.
>> No. 5549 [Edit]
File 131284269138.jpg - (118.55KB , 1280x720 , tomoka bed.jpg )
>> No. 5550 [Edit]
>All this talk about pedophilia
Isn't the guy only like 16-17 while the girls are 11-13?
Really, there's not enough of a difference for anything special to happen by the end.
>> No. 5551 [Edit]
If it were america he would be dragged behind a truck by his neck for even trying to become a little girl basketball coach
>> No. 5552 [Edit]
File 13128435525.jpg - (253.02KB , 1280x720 , [Shikkaku]_Rou_Kyuu_Bu!_06[1280x720][AAC][9D023DEF.jpg )
He doesn't even hide it anymore.
>> No. 5553 [Edit]
File 131284381531.jpg - (502.00KB , 1280x720 , [Shikkaku]_Rou_Kyuu_Bu!_06[1280x720][AAC][9D023DEF.jpg )

>dragged behind a truck by his neck

That only happens in the uncivilized south eastern part of America. It's because they don't know how to use their words to convey any sort of meaning.
>> No. 5554 [Edit]
Yeah in the north his life would just be systematically destroyed by the people until he kills himself.
>> No. 5555 [Edit]
File 131284427514.jpg - (102.01KB , 1280x720 , lolis in space.jpg )
>> No. 5556 [Edit]
File 131284441340.jpg - (215.34KB , 1280x720 , [Doki] Ro-Kyu-Bu! - 06 (1280x720 h264 AAC) [81BE44.jpg )
An anime about basketball you say?
>> No. 5557 [Edit]
File 131284681822.jpg - (292.62KB , 1280x720 , [Shikkaku]_Rou_Kyuu_Bu!_05[1280x720][AAC][F9364479.jpg )

He wouldn't even be able to leave his house. His family would pretty much disown him... providing the bare essentials and nothing more.

Subaru's still cool though.
Hell, in ten years the age difference wouldn't even matter.
>> No. 5559 [Edit]

She puts her name on her underwear.
How cute.
>> No. 5560 [Edit]
>in ten years the age difference wouldn't even matter
I love how people use this all the time to make pedophilia seem okay.
it might be okay if they were each ten years older, but they're not, and that's the point.
>> No. 5561 [Edit]
File 131284751416.jpg - (405.50KB , 1280x720 , [Shikkaku]_Rou_Kyuu_Bu!_06[1280x720][AAC][9D023DEF.jpg )

Do people use that all the time?
I don't speak with lolicons too often.

I don't know... I kind of just turn off my "moral/prejudice" meter and just enjoy the show. It's not like he's done anything dangerous (or with ill intentions)... and he means well. No one is "perfect" after all.
>> No. 5562 [Edit]
You mean you don't?!
>> No. 5563 [Edit]
You're a funny guy.
I mean it.
>> No. 5592 [Edit]
What hellhole part of America do you live in?

A five year age difference isn't pedo.
>> No. 5593 [Edit]

Pedo isn't really about age difference, though.
>> No. 5599 [Edit]
I honestly don't understand why this is even a problem. Did some PTA members or some church group stumble upon Tohno-chan or something?
>> No. 5600 [Edit]

It's not a problem as long as you don't think of it as one. What we're saying is that the anime is pretty much straight pedo at this point. I'm more than fine with it, that's exactly what I expected.
>> No. 5601 [Edit]
pretty much, I don't think anyone was surprised this was made with lolicons in mind.
>> No. 5616 [Edit]
I can't wait what the next episode is all about. A 3-5 year age difference is considered to be pedo?

I love these scenes.
>> No. 5618 [Edit]
No one cares about real age, since 90% of the time a character's real age in anime is completely laughable.
lolis that are in their 30s, grown women that are 3 years old, a endless sea of little girls that are 17.
How can anyone take those numbers seriously?

What we have here are girls that look 8 - 13 and a guy that looks 17 - 19
Sure, the age divide isin't as bad as shows like KnJ, but it's enough.
Note that one one cares about the kid from the boys basketball team, since he looks to be around the same age as the girls, even though he tried to steal those panties.
>> No. 5667 [Edit]
episode 7 doesn't air this week? why?
>> No. 5891 [Edit]
File 131421757949.jpg - (125.92KB , 1280x720 , subaru attack.jpg )
This guy...
>> No. 5893 [Edit]
File 13142180033.jpg - (487.07KB , 1280x720 , [Doki] Ro-Kyu-Bu! - 07 (1280x720 h264 AAC) [DC26D1.jpg )
He sure is something...
>> No. 5895 [Edit]
I was looking forward to seeing the fallout from him getting caught watching them change, but it's never even brought up. Then again there were swimsuits everywhere this episode so I can't be mad
>> No. 5927 [Edit]
File 131446586011.png - (754.38KB , 1280x720 , airin.png )
so cute
>> No. 5928 [Edit]
File 131450264476.jpg - (151.99KB , 803x790 , 6242 - moetron tagme.jpg )
I started watching this because of that pic. She may be the most adorable thing I have ever seen.

Misawa Maho reminds me so much of Moetron.
>> No. 5933 [Edit]
I swear this show makes less sense with every passing week.
>> No. 5936 [Edit]
That's just the power of moe lolis melting your brain
>> No. 5944 [Edit]

Hinata is the new Rika.
>> No. 5953 [Edit]
File 131458511168.jpg - (409.73KB , 1280x720 , [Shikkaku]_Rou_Kyuu_Bu!_08[1280x720][AAC][388BB318.jpg )
She's in the way.

I hope they don't plan to keep her around... because it's going to hurt the show a bit.
>> No. 5954 [Edit]
File 131458651183.jpg - (424.55KB , 1280x720 , [Shikkaku]_Rou_Kyuu_Bu!_08[1280x720][AAC][388BB318.jpg )

I take it back... she's alright.
She has to stop with the violence though. I mean, he doesn't even deserve that.
>> No. 5973 [Edit]
File 131472913136.jpg - (154.27KB , 1280x720 , airin aoi.jpg )
This episode was even better than the last one
>> No. 6021 [Edit]
File 131508078594.jpg - (290.98KB , 1280x720 , [Shikkaku]_Rou_Kyuu_Bu!_09[1280x720][AAC][FAB963EC.jpg )
Best school-nurse ever.
>> No. 6023 [Edit]
I find her very irritating, to say the least.
>> No. 6027 [Edit]
File 131517041887.jpg - (153.54KB , 1280x720 , [Aho-Taku] Ro-Kyu-Bu! - 09[720p][7DCEEA41]_mkv_sna.jpg )
>> No. 6028 [Edit]
Wait, another swimsuit episode?! I mean I like lolis in swimsuits as much as anyone, but I like seeing them do other cute things too!
>> No. 6039 [Edit]

You say it like its a bad thing.

As of right now we've had two pool episodes and one beach episode
>> No. 6043 [Edit]
File 131527693980.gif - (4.28MB , 416x300 , rokyubu leap.gif )
>> No. 6048 [Edit]

I was waiting for someone to make that.
>> No. 6056 [Edit]
File 131535785871.jpg - (486.61KB , 1280x720 , [Shikkaku]_Rou_Kyuu_Bu!_07[1280x720][AAC][D87575E0.jpg )

Airi's so huge.
Only Subaru can make this look natural.
>> No. 6067 [Edit]
File 131542271040.jpg - (153.40KB , 1280x720 , tomo slip.jpg )
>> No. 6075 [Edit]
Subaru briefly experienced heaven right there.
>> No. 6135 [Edit]
File 131585179557.jpg - (330.47KB , 1280x1777 , tomo sit.jpg )
oh geez
>> No. 6140 [Edit]
I like her outfit.
Look at all those frills.
>> No. 6143 [Edit]
File 131593762382.jpg - (80.07KB , 1280x720 , taillights.jpg )
Ro-Kyu-Bu: Vice City
>> No. 6173 [Edit]
File 131622416021.jpg - (91.87KB , 699x704 , 4e715cc416c2f_96851b.jpg )
You know this show isn't good at all.

I can't stop watching it, though, as these are some of the cutest girls I have ever seen.

I am scared how much money I may lose to this. I already am thinking of getting this dakimakura cover. They start putting out Hinata merchandise I like and there goes my money.
>> No. 6174 [Edit]
I feel the same way. The show itself is dumb as shit but those lolis man...
>> No. 6175 [Edit]
yeah, really, we've had how many swimsuit eps in a row without a single basketball in sight now?
>> No. 6176 [Edit]

What about basketballs? I don't see how that has anything to do with this show.
>> No. 6179 [Edit]
Airin's breasts, they are as big as basketballs
>> No. 6186 [Edit]
File 131627734254.jpg - (300.00KB , 1280x720 , [Shikkaku]_Rou_Kyuu_Bu!_11[1280x720][AAC][26B41F18.jpg )

What's so bad about it?

Imo it does what it sets out to do... and does it just fine. I mean, there are FAR worse things out there than Rou Kyuu Bu.
>> No. 6187 [Edit]
>it does what it sets out to do
It really doesn't
>> No. 6188 [Edit]
I'd kill for a stitch of that scene. Preferably of the flashback version of it since there's not a ton of steam covering up her lower half
>> No. 6190 [Edit]
Sure, if what it set out to do was be a mindless loli fanservice show hidden behind a thin mask of basketball, which it abandons half way in toto the show only to go full pedo. lolicon.

but yeah, there's worse out there, and who didn't know this was that kind of show?
>> No. 6192 [Edit]
File 131630741451.jpg - (486.34KB , 1280x720 , [Shikkaku]_Rou_Kyuu_Bu!_07[1280x720][AAC][D87575E0.jpg )

Pretty sure the main point of the show was about a coach teaching a basketball club full of elementary school girls. That's what it was about. How did it not fulfill its goal?

The characters were introduced wearing maid outfits in the first episode. Didn't really seem like it was going to be serious business from the start if you ask me.

If there is anything to complain about, it would be the development between Subaru and Tomoka (which I thought was fine)... or the lack of development with Saki, who didn't even get her own episode.
>> No. 6195 [Edit]
Because they drifted away from basketball and never took it seriously to begin with.
But a show about a guy being turned into a lolicon by a harem of little girls, that's what this has always been and will continue to be, really, who watching this cares about basketball?
Watching this show for the basketball is like watching nascar for the racing.
>> No. 6196 [Edit]

What were you guys expecting from the series?
>> No. 6197 [Edit]
I wasn't expecting them to be that blatant about the lolicon stuff, but it was still more or less what I expected.
>> No. 6198 [Edit]

I agree.
>> No. 6199 [Edit]
Nothing, which is why I'm not watching it.
>> No. 6200 [Edit]
File 131632633799.jpg - (42.87KB , 604x453 , coolface6.jpg )

Then why are you...
You know what?
>> No. 6201 [Edit]
File 131633072113.jpg - (137.41KB , 1920x1080 , ro-kyu-bu-episode-7-013.jpg )
You guys attention on this made me finally marathon it today: damned good, honestly, no complains at all.

Now, if you excuse us...
>> No. 6204 [Edit]
File 131636076970.jpg - (456.81KB , 1280x720 , [Shikkaku]_Rou_Kyuu_Bu!_10[1280x720][AAC][AD5781F4.jpg )
I lost.
>> No. 6253 [Edit]
>>Watching this show for the basketball is like watching nascar for the racing

lol wat? what do people watch NASCAR for, other than crashes and social purposes?
>> No. 6254 [Edit]
That's the point.

Nascar is about racing, but people watch it for the car crashes, just as this is about basket ball, but people watch it for the loli.

Post edited on 21st Sep 2011, 1:50pm
>> No. 6266 [Edit]
It's a harem show that contains het. I only watch yuri/asexual these days, so I'm afraid I can't take you up on this recommendation.
>> No. 6267 [Edit]
File 131689795214.jpg - (440.76KB , 1280x720 , [Shikkaku]_Rou_Kyuu_Bu!_12[1280x720][AAC][7B4E7B02.jpg )
Guess it's over.

Not sure about everyone else, but I rather enjoyed this series. I hope it sells well in moon land. I wouldn't mind another season.
>> No. 6268 [Edit]
I'm the same, oddly enough.
>> No. 6270 [Edit]
We can only hope.

Was it that great? Not plot wise, but it had the best lolis ever. They are all so damn cute it is hard to believe. Even poor Ari who had the "misfortune" of going through early puberty was cute.

I want to see more of Saki. Glasses are adorable.

Okay, Hinata was the most adorable, but the other girls need some love too.
>> No. 6274 [Edit]
File 131691084346.jpg - (422.03KB , 1280x720 , [Shikkaku]_Rou_Kyuu_Bu!_07[1280x720][AAC][D87575E0.jpg )
At this stage of anime-watching, plot doesn't even concern me anymore. It had like-able characters, which is good enough for me.

If I wanted a decent plot, I would read a book.
>> No. 6277 [Edit]
Oh god, that hand...
>> No. 6278 [Edit]
Now I can't unsee it as a over sized arm.
>> No. 6282 [Edit]
File 131695019840.jpg - (118.38KB , 540x751 , datArm炉利.jpg )
maybe they're cousins or something?
>> No. 6283 [Edit]

Giant hand protruding out of her shoulder.
>> No. 6285 [Edit]
File 13169792107.jpg - (438.90KB , 1280x720 , [Doki] Ro-Kyu-Bu! - 11 (1280x720 h264 AAC) [420F1F.jpg )
I'm not that crazy about the basketball side of it, but good lord, this kills me!
>> No. 6306 [Edit]
File 131708692412.jpg - (164.48KB , 1280x720 , ro kyu bu.jpg )
Well, so long RKB. You weren't the best show, but damn if you weren't always cute.
>> No. 6307 [Edit]
how can anyone possibly walk in on that and misunderstand the situation?
clearly he fell.

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